Chapter 14 - Couples Rivalry

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*At Christian's House*
Christian-I have ice cream in the freezer if you get all depressed.
Dylan-I won't but thanks for letting me know.
Christian-I've never seen you so pissed.
Dylan-Whatever, I have gotten mad at Chris plenty of times in high school.
Christian-Duh, but you never acted like that.
Dylan-I guess not. I'm tired. Can I sleep here tonight?
Christian-You don't even have to ask.(smiling)
Dylan-We aren't officially dating. SO, I'm NOT sleeping with you..don't get any ideas.
Christian-Dang it! What if we did date?
Dylan-That would be fine.
Christian-Dylan Johnson, will you be my girlfriend?
Dylan-On one condition..will you try your hardest not to hurt me?
Christian-Baby, why would I try to hurt you?? That's a stupid question.

*The Next Day*
Chris-Ready to get dominated?
Christian-In your dreams.
Sami-Baby, do I have to play?
Chris-Yes, you do.
Dylan-I take out all of my frustrations when I play games.(looking at Chris in the eye)
Sami-Ugh, I don't wanna play it.
Christian-Let's do couple vs couple. Me and Dyl against you and Sami.
Dylan-Fine with me.

*Dylan's P.O.V*
And then we started playing. Me and Christian ran but right beside each other and then we had each other's backs. "Get down.",Christian told me. I ducked. When Sami shot at me. I fired at her. Then, I missed. 'Shoot',I thought.
Christian-Are you alright?
Dylan-Yeah. Shoot behind you now!
-15 mins later-

He shot behind me. Three times. There are five teams left. Me and Christian eliminated the other teams almost immediately.
Sami-Chris! Behind you.
Chris shot right at me. I slid back and dodged his shot. Christian got him right after that, and I got Sami.
I rushed and got the flag.
"WE WON!", I said as I hugged and kissed Christian.
"Good Job, Babe.", Christian said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You guys ready to leave?",I asked Sami and Chris.
"Sure.", Sami said as she and Chris rushed out of the arena.

-At Nikki's house-
*Dylan's P.O.V*
Nikki-How was the match?
Dylan-We won.
Nikki-Is everything alright between you guys?
Dylan-For the most part.
Sami-..I don't know.
Sami-Ask her.(pointing at Dylan)
Dylan-No,Nikki. Don't ask me. Sam, if something is wrong tell us.
Sami-Admit it. You are so jealous of me being with Chris.
Chris-D***. Just tell me straight up you are over me.
Dylan-Uh, yeah.
Christian-Its okay. Be honest with him.
Dylan-I don't love him.
I don't do I?
Nikki-Are you sure?
Dylan-Positive. I'm with Christian now.
Sami-Okay, so I guess you don't mind me taking care of the baby?
Dylan-I didn't say that. Don't jump to conclusions.
Sami-If you don't let me do that, then you still love Chris.
Dylan-Don't try to blackmail me.
Chris-Ladies, don't fight over me.
Dylan-Idiot, we aren't fighting over you! Its over the baby you idiot.
Nikki-Well, you and Christian could have a baby.
Dylan-Can I talk to you? Alone?
Nikki-Yeah.(pulling Dylan upstairs)
Nikki-It is a possibility.
Dylan-No, you aren't getting it. I cannot become pregnant ever again, and I don't wanna tell Christian.
Nikki-I am sure he will understand. Wait. Why can't you?
Dylan-I don't know and as of right this second I don't care why.
Nikki-Are you mad at Sam?
Dylan-Yeah, a little bit...why is she doing this?
Nikki-I don't know, but just sleep at Christian's for the night to calm down ,and just crash there for a couple of days. I doubt he will care. He's an incredible guy, you just have to trust him.

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