Chapter 16 - Family Feud.. Maybe?

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Chris-Who is it?
Dylan-Dyl. Open up.
Chris-(opening the door)Hey. Where are your things?
Dylan-I forgot them. I'll get them tomorrow.
Sami-Hi Dylan. What are you doing here so early?
Did she really come out here to barely speak? My cue to go.
Dylan-(looking at Chris and Sam)I'm gonna go.... (walking out)
Chris-Wait.(whispering) I don't know what's wrong with her. Stay.
Chris-Dylan, get comfortable. We'll be back.

Chris-Samantha, SERIOUSLY?
Sami-Are you serious right now? You are mad at me. Fine, go to your little...puppy.
Chris-You are this jealous of Dylan?
Chris-She is tr- Whatever. I'm going in there.

Dylan-Hey. Am I causing a problem?
Sami-Yeah. A little.
Chris-You aren't leaving. Sami, if you don't like it you can leave. You don't live here.
She looked like she was so mad..I felt bad. She literally stomped out of the house.
Dylan-I could've just left, you know.
Chris-No, I want her to relax sometimes.
Dylan-Wow. Someone's controlling, aren't they?(smiling)
Chris-I am not!
Dylan-Whatever will get you through the day sweetheart.
Chris-Whatever, I know it's pretty early. What do you want to do?
Dylan-I don't know. I'm a little tired.
Chris-Go to sleep.
Dylan-I don't know. Wait, isn't your party tonight?
Chris-Shoot, I forgot..Help me set up stuff, please?
Dylan-Yeah. What are we eating?
Dylan-Sure. Drinks?
Chris-Go to the store and just grab stuff!
Dylan-I'll be back!(walking out)
I grabbed a ton of food. Chips, drinks, pizza, everything!
Dylan-Hey.(opening the door)Help get groceries. The place looks nice, I like it!
Chris-Thanks. Okay.
Dylan-All right.
Chris had done the place up. The strobe lights, the furniture was moved. I was impressed. I was only gone for a hour.
Incoming Call: Sami
Dylan-What's up?

Sami-Chris is still having his party right?
Dylan-Yeah. He is. Are you gonna be here?
Sami-Yes. I will be there.
Dylan-I gotta go.
Sami-I'm on my way. Bye.

Chris-Who was that?
Dylan-Your girlfriend.
Dylan-That was fast.
Sami-I was up the street. Hey babe.(kissing Chris)
Dylan-Ew. Hey Breezy, can Christian come?
Chris-Of course.
Dylan-(hugging him)Thank you.
Chris-It's no big deal.
Dylan-I know you don't like him.
Chris-Anything to see you happy.(looking into Dylan's eyes)
Sami-Enough hugging.(pushing them away)
Dylan-I'll be right back.

Calling: Christian<3
Christian-Hey beautiful.
Dylan-Hey baby. What are you doing tonight?
Christian-Nothing..unless you planned something.
Dylan-Chris is throwing a party tonight at his place. I'm going. He said you can come.
Christian-He did?
Dylan-He did.
Christian-Yeah. I'll be there. What time?
Dylan-Meet me at my place.
Christian-It's a date. See you there Dylan. I love you.
Dylan-I love you too. Bye.

Sami-Yeah, what did your boyfriend say?
Dylan-He'll be here.
Sami-Are you flirting with Chris?
Dylan-No. I have someone of my own.
Sami-Stop trying to make me look bad. Look, we can get along in front of Chris..but behind closed doors. I'm not your friend. Got it?
Dylan-Listen, I'm a good friend, but a better enemy. I gotta go meet Christian.
I walked out and got in my car. As I drove to my place, I thought of reasons why Samantha couldn't like me so much..I came up with two:
1) She was jealous of me and Chris' relationship.
2)I was tearing her apart from being with the person she claimed to love..Chris.

Either way it goes, I loved and knew Chris first.
I drove up to my house to see Christian leaning up against his car.

Christian-Hey beautiful.
Dylan-Hey sweetie. Let's go!
Christian-All right.

I quickly drove to Chris' house.

We both walked in.
Chris-Hey. What's up Christian?
Christian-Nothing much.
Dylan-You have everything set. It looks nice.
People literally started swarming into the house.
Samantha has said absolutely nothing to me...SUCH A SURPRISE!
Is this seriously a feud?

Dylan-Chris, can we talk?
Chris-Yeah, sure.(he pulled me to the side) What's up?
Dylan-I think Sam's mad at me.
Chris-Don't worry about her.
Dylan-It's kind of hard to when the only thing we have is you.
Chris-Come here.(he hugged me)I'm so sorry.
Dylan-For what? My royal b**chitude has been a royal pain.
Chris-For pushing you away for people who don't deserve my attention half as much as you do.
Dylan-It's okay. You know I love you right?
Chris-Forever and always.
Chris kissed my forehead...and then Samantha showed up.
Samantha-Are you kidding me? You're with her-
Dylan-Look Sam, I'm tired of this. Can't we just accept it? I'll accept that you're together..and I can't change that.
Only if, you'll accept our relationship as best friends. Listen, I love Chris more than anyone. He's the small piece of family that I have left. Don't do this to me or him. I'm not going to make him choose. (reaching out my hand) What do you say?
Samantha-I guess. (walking away)
Chris-At least you dissolved the feud. Thanks Dyl.
Sam-You know what, no. I don't accept. All right,now you get to know what I am tired of. Okay? I'm tired of you not being able to get over the guy that you're madly in love with. Stop trying to get him because you can't have him. Okay. YOU CANNOT HAVE CHRIS! He is going to be mine..forever. (flaunting her engagement ring)
*Dylan's POV*
People started walking made me nervous.
Dylan-You two are getting married..
Samantha-(pushing me away from Chris) Of course we are.(cuddling with him)
Chris-Dyl..I was going to tell you. I was just going to do it privately with just me and you..(his voice was almost a whisper by now)
Samantha-See? I told you I would win.(smirking)
Dylan-(smiling) I think you did. Congrats. You can keep your prize. You two deserve each other. Forever and always.(I looked dead at Chris)Oh, I'm sorry for pushing you away for people who don't deserve his attention half as much as you do, like me Samantha. I think I'm gonna go. Have a great party everyone.(smiling) Let's go Christian.

I walked out having the greatest confidence in my entire life.
I just got in my car and smiled.
Christian-Dylan? Are you okay?
Dylan-Actually, I have never been better. Baby?
Dylan-I'm so so sorry.
Christian- For what?
Dylan-For not having my priorities straight. You should have been my number one priority. I was so focused on Chris that I was neglecting you and taking you for granted. I love you more than anything, and I have been the worst girlfriend in the world. So, from now on, no more Chris. No more Samantha. No more drama, no more pain. I'm clearly focused on you and being the best girlfriend in the entire world.
Christian-(smiling) Thank you..but I don't want you choosing between me and your best friend.
Dylan-What best friend? Because if he was, he wouldn't hurt me so much. Now you, you haven't hurt me once. You? You're my best friend. So, I'm choosing you.(kissing him)
Christian-I'm so glad you said this.
Christian- We have been dating for a while now. It may not seem like it...but we have been together for 6 months, 2 weeks, and 14 days..not that I'm counting though.(laughing) But, I have been trying to figure out how to do this..(he pulled out a small box...OH MY GOD!)

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