Chapter 2 - King's Dominion

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At King's Dominion)
Chris-Do you know how long it's been since I've been here?
Dylan-You went with me like 7 years ago. But, I've been since.
Chris-Whatever. Hey who is that(checks girl out).
Sam-Are you serious? We just got here and you're already checking out women?
???-Hey Chris.
Chris-So, you know me?
???-Of course. I love your music. Then, you're the sexiest man alive. Oh and I'm Evelyn.
Chris-Hello Evelyn. You wanna join us?
Dylan-(whispering to Sam and Nicki) Are you serious.
Evelyn-I would lo-
Dylan-No. She can't. End of story.(pulling Chris)Let's go!
F.Y.I- All of the character's thoughts are in this font.

*Dylan's P.O.V.*
I cannot believe he just did that! Is he really that crazy?!?

Dylan-You look at a girl because of her body.
Chris-I wasn't...necessarily looking at her-
Nicki-Yes you were. Don't even try it.
Sam-OH MY GOD. Dylan look.(points her finger)
Dylan-Where? Oh my gosh...Is that?
Chris-I don't get it.
???-(walking over here) Dylan?
Dylan-Yep. Hi Derwin.
Chris-(whispering to Nicki)Who's Derwin?
Nicki-(whispering back)Her ex-boyfriend who was with her for 7 years. They were engaged until he left to pursue his football career.
Derwin-How are you?(arms out to hug her)Do you mind?
Dylan-(smiling)No, I don't mind.(Hugs Derwin)
Derwin-I admit it. I miss you.
Dylan-I missed you too.
Derwin-I'm really sorry.(leaning in to kiss Dylan, holding her by her hips)
Dylan-(moving back) I can't...(whispering)and you know why I can't.
Derwin-Oh...ok. I'll see you around.
Dylan-(smiling)Ok.(walking away)
Sam-What was that about? Why couldn't you?
Dylan-Don't worry about it.

(leaving King's Dominion)
Nicki-So, we rode like 15 rollercosters. I admit is was fun.

Dylan P.O.V.
I know Derwin loves me but, I can't love him back. I tried, but it's too hard. I loved him. He was sweet, kind, gentle...until I hit him and me and him start play-wrestling.
But he knew that I wasn't supposed to-

Incoming Call: 257-764-2558(made up number)
???-Hey It's Derwin.
Dylan-Oh, what's up?
Derwin-Nothing...I kinda wanna ask you something.
Dylan-Oh, ok. What's going on? Is everything okay?
Derwin-Yeah, um...why...why didn't you act like you loved me when I tried to kiss you.
Dylan-Because I can't act the same way. You know that I can't treat you the same way. You know what happened.

Derwin-Oh ok...
Dylan-I'm really sorry..I gotta go. Um, I'll call you sometime.
Derwin-I'd like that. Bye Dyl.

Chris's P.O.V.
Chris-Who was that?
Dylan-Just Derwin. No biggie.
Chris-Oh ok. I gue-

Incoming Call: 874-112-7780(made-up number)
???-Hey, It's Evelyn.
Chris-Oh hey. How'd you get my number?
Evelyn-You gave it to me.

Chris-I did? Oops, I forgot.
Evelyn-Where are you heading?
Chris-Over to Dylan's house.
Evelyn-Can I come with?
Chris-I would you get there?
Evelyn-Turn around.

(end of phone convo)
Chris-Hey Evelyn.
Evelyn-Let's go.
(in the car)
Nicki-Why's she here?
Dylan-That's what I'm wondering.
Evelyn-Does it matter why I'm here?
Sam-Considering you're in her car, h*** yeah it does.
Dylan-Agreed. So, I'm gonna repeat the question. Why is she here?
Evelyn-Because my boyfriend invited me.
Dylan-Your what?(gives Chris a death stare)
Chris-I guess we're dating now. Babe?
Chris-Why don't we take your car?
Evelyn-Ok. Bye b****es.
Nicki-Oh h*** no.(getting out of the car)
Sam-Nicki get in the car.
Nicki-You better be lucky I found Jesus.
(in the car)
Sam-Dyl? You ok?
Nicki-You jealous?
Dylan-No...I'm upset that he's dating someone that I cannot stand. AND I JUST MET HER.
(at Jessie's)

Text From: Chris!
Dyl, I'm reaallly sorry. I kno ur pissed off. U shud b.
Dylan-Who is it?
???-Chris & Evelyn.
Dylan-(opens door)Hi. What do you want?
Chris-We need to talk.
Dylan-Ok.(let's them come in)Let's go upstairs.

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