Chapter 4: Tryouts

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*A Week Later: Day Of Tryouts*

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I turned it off and checked my phone, I had gotten a next message from Beau that read, "Hey Em, text me your address I'll pick you up and we can go to school together xx" Beau and I have been texting non-stop and when we are not we are either together at school or together somewhere else. I quickly typed in the address and ran to the shower. After I got out I picked out my outfit. I chose a denim button-up shirt, galaxy leggings and black vans. I also took a spare bag and packed clothes for tryouts(tryouts had been moved because the captain had gotten sick), A neon pink sports bra, gym shorts, and sneakers, and I also packed a water bottle. I got back into the bathroom, blow dried my hair, curled it and then added a waterfall braid. I did my makeup like I always did but this time I sprayed some perfume so Beau doesn't think I smell bad. I heard a honk coming outside my window which happened to be Beau, so I checked myself in the mirror one more time, got my backpack, spare bag, phone and left. Beau had never driven me to school before so I didn't know what car he had. When I opened the door, I came face to face with a Lamborghini like mine excepted that it was silver. I walked up to the car as Beau rolled down the window. "It's a butterfly door so pull it up not out" He instructed me, probably because whenever someone new goes in his car they can never figure out how to open the door. I manged to open the door with ease, slid in pulling the door down with me and we drove off. Beau was blasting the music and we were both singing along. "SO I PUT MY HANDS UP THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG! THE BUTTERFLIES AWAY I'M NODDING MY HEAD LIKE 'YEAH' MOVING MY HIPS LIKE 'YEAH'" After the song ended we stopped singing. Beau took my hand in his. At first I flinched at the sudden and unexpected movement I had also realize how my hand was tingling while holding Beau's hand, but right after I relaxed in his hand. We finally arrived at school. We let go of each other hands even though it pained me too. I picked up my backpack and spare bag and got out of the car. Right as I stepped on to the sidewalk, Beau took my hand into to his once again. We walked into school together not letting go of each others hands. People were staring out us , I assumed that they all thought that Beau and I were best friends nothing more. I was getting sad looks from the guys and death glares from the girls. We finally made it to my locker. As I said bye to Beau as his locker was upstairs He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Sparks shot through my cheek and I could still feel the tingling after He left. I put my had on my cheek gently touching it in amazement. I squealed to myself and quickly got my stuff for first period. At lunch Beau and I sat together like we have been for the past week. We ate lunch and talked about a few things. I was telling him how nervous I was about the tryouts while he was reassuring me that I'll do perfectly fine when the bell rang. We both got up and walked together to our next class. We arrived at my math class and Beau left to go to his next class telling me he'll meet me here at the end of this period. After school ended it was time for tryouts. Beau said he would come and watched, which made me even more nervous since I didn't want to mess up in front of him. Beau went into the gym while I went and changed. I put my hair in a high ponytail, trying to keep the braid in. A girl with WAY to much makeup came in and gave everyone white bows saying if we wanted to be a cheerleader we needed to look like one. By the way she looked and talked, she must have been the captain. " Well, Well, Well, look who we have here. Miss Emily"she said when getting up to me "Its Emerson" I whispered "Ugh whatever, Just put this on and meet us in the gym" She sneered at me. I put on the bow when a girl came up to me "Ignore Amanda, She is just jealous that you have Beau and not her. She got stuck with this guy named Martin he is a total geek  but a total sweetheart at the same time! Oh I'm Alexandra but you can call me Lexi" The girl um Lexi said to me. She was quite tall but that wasn't really any issue since I was pretty tall too. She had long wavy brown hair, brown eyes with pale skin but she was quite pretty I must say. "I'm Emerson" I said introducing myself. "I know who you are silly! Who doesn't know who you are dating the hottest guy in school!" Oh I thought to myself great now everyone knows who I am and probably hates me. "Have you met your soul-mate yet" i asked her as we started to walk out of the gym. "No but I know who it is." "WHO?!" "Well you see my necklace" She said as she picked up her necklace "Well I am IN LOVE with this band One Direction and the member Niall has my other half and THEY ARE COMING TO NEW YORK IN TWO DAYS, but the problem is that I don't have any tickets" Her smile immediately dropped. Then i had remember that I had convince my dad to buy two  tickets and two backstage passes to see them when they come. I was trying to get Beau to go with me but he said no but now that I found Lexi I can take her. "I have an extra ticket and backstage pass if you wanna go with me?" She stood there for about a minute with her mouth wide open. "YES!! I love to go to with you! THANK YOU SO MUCH" She screamed and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Yo-Your We-Welcome" I said as I could not breathe. she let go and said sorry. Then we rushed to go meet up with the other cheerleaders. Amanda the team Captain first wanted to see our dance skills. She showed us a routine about three times and wanted us to show her how good we were. We did it about five time each time Amanda would kick off 2-3 girls. There was only 5 girls left with Lexi and me. Next was tumbling. First Amanda wanted to see the basic stuff then after we could do whatever we wanted to try and impress her. After about an hour of doing this tryouts were over and it was time to leave. Beau rushed form the bleachers and came over and gave me a hug not care that I was all sweaty. "You did amazing just like I said" He whispered in my ear. "Thanks now let me go change and we can go" I walked into the girls locker room and walked over to Lexi asking her for her number so I could text her the details about the concert. After that I went over to my locker and changed. I walked out of the locker room and ran into Beau's car wanting to go home quickly and take a shower. When we arrived at my house, Beau told me that He planned a date tonight and said to wear something fancy and that He would be picking me up. I ran in took a shower, washed my hair and got out. I started to get ready wondering what Beau had planned for me.


PIcture of Lexi on the side I know it looks like the girl has green eyes but she said in videos that she has brown eyes the picture is of andrea russet if you guys are wondering

The next chapter should be up tonight


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