Chapter 8: A little Surprise or Two Pt.1

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It's been about a week since the concert and Niall and Lexi relationship has been going good. Beau and I were going strong and life in general was good, but unfortunately tomorrow Niall and his band, One Direction was going to the next destination on their tour.

"WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!" Lexi was a wreck. She called me in the morning crying since Niall was leaving tomorrow, I told her to come over and she's been here all day, crying her pretty little eyes out. I tried comforting, but nothing worked. "It's OK Le-" I tried soothing her. "NO IT'S NOT OK! NIALL IS LEAVING FOR 5 MONTHS! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT HIM?" She cried hard. I felt bad and I knew I had to do something. "One sec I'll be right back" I said rushing out of the room not forgetting to grab my phone. I looked in all my contacts until I found the right one I was looking for.

"Hey Niall, I need your Help" I whispered not wanting Lexi to over hear our conversation.

"What do you need Darling?" Oh this is going to be fun.

I ran back into the room and looked over at Lexi. Her hair was a wreck, Her makeup was smudged, her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and Her nose was running. I has a lot of work ahead of me, I though to myself. "LEXI SWEETIE, I need you to get up and get ready I am taking you somewhere." I said excited for what was in store for Lexi. "Fine, but right after you're taking me home so I can finish crying my eyes out" I smirked to myself knowing she was in for a big surprise. Lexi got out of the shower and I gave her a robe to wear as I did her hair and makeup. I wanted to do something special so I decided to go somewhere fancy. I already asked my dad to set everything up when texting him while Lexi was in the shower. For her hair, I gave her a low side messy bun with hairs coming out at the front which I curled. For her makeup, I kept it light with white eye shadow and a winged out eyeliner, I gave her a baby pink lip and put concealer on her few blemishes. Now for her outfit. For her dress I gave her a high-low dress. On the top it was nude and on the bottom it was blue and it was simply gorgeous. I gave her a simple nude heel and stood back looking at my masterpiece. "OK, now you stay here and I have to go, I'll text you later telling you the address and when to come. Beau will come and pick you up. I have to go pick up something for my dad and then we'll be ready!" I said trying hard not to give anything away. I pulled my cheesiest smile hoping she believed me. "OK! See you then." Good, I can actually breathe now she doesn't know anything. I got my shoes and bag and hurried out the door.

I drove up to Niall's hotel and called him "Hey, I'm outside" "OK, see you in a bit." Niall accent is so adorable Lexi is one lucky lady. I saw Niall walk out of the hotel with some sunglasses trying not to look like an international superstar. He spotted my car and got in. He seemed fine at first, but then he got a text. After he was done reading it his smile dropped. "Niall, what's wrong?" I asked worried hoping nothing horrible had happened. "Oh, Our opening act can't make for the rest of the tour, the lead singer and drummer got in a skiing accident and broke a few bones, we don't know when they'll get better." He said sounding worried about the rest of the tour. "Oh bummer." We sat there for a couple minutes in complete silence. I decided to maybe lighten the mood with some music. I turned on the radio and went to my favorite station. The song Blurred Lines came on. It was one of my favorites so I sang along, hitting every high and low note perfectly I most say myself or at least in my mind I did, I wonder what Niall thought. After the song finished, I turned over at Niall who had said nothing during the whole song. He was looking at me in awe, but as soon as I turned he quickly picked up his phone and started typing frantically. "Everything Fine?" I asked I was slightly worried he was making fun of my singing to his band-mates. I felt my cheeks burn at the possibility. "Oh yeah everything is just dandy" He replied with a light smirk as if he was keeping a secret. My cheeks turned even redder hoping it had nothing to do with me. I calmed down and continued on driving humming to a song here and there. Finally we got to the restaurant and went in to decorate. The restaurant was pretty dim so we asked if they could turn the light on more since we basically had the whole place seeing that no one was really here. We went into the kitchen asking the chef to put a special note in one of the dishes and we were all set. I texted Lexi the details and went into my car to get my makeup. I went into the bathroom which thankfully was nice since I also had to change in it. I did my makeup and left my hair out it was since i curled it when Lexi was in the shower. I put on my dress. It was similar to Lexi except it was multicolor and it was strapless but it was still high-low. When I walked out of the restroom, I saw that Niall had put on a suit and Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn, also so all in suits, had arrived. I looked out the window and saw Beau's car coming. "Places everyone" I screamed making sure everyone and thing was in place Beau walked in with Lexi and ran up to him kissing on the cheek saying "Thank you" He said your welcome and hugging me good bye and left. I grabbed Lexi's hand and went to our seats. "Why is no one here?" She asked. "Well, I thought that you would want you privacy and since Niall couldn't make it, I thought I would be your date tonight?" I said hoping that she'll just go along with it. "OK, I guess this is a cute idea" The chef came out with two garden salads. I checked my phone and thought to myself right on time. "It's awfully quite maybe some music will help" I said a little louder then usual, cuing the boys to get ready. I called over the waiter giving him the signal to go and get the boys. He nodded knowingly and went to tell them. The lights dimmed down and A spotlight went down on Niall and his guitar. He started strumming and began singing

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