Chapter 9: A little Surprise or Two pt.2

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"Niall I-I" Lexi seemed very deep in thought anticipation was getting the best of all of us. I wanted to scream in her face telling her to hurry up and just say yes but I know that wouldn't end well. "I would but, what about school-" "It's already taken care of I asked your parents and they said you can be home schooled on tour since there is only like a month of school left" Niall interjected. "Oh well in that case, YES I would love to Niall!" You could hear everyone one in the room let out a large deep breathe. "But that's not the only surprise" Harry said breaking the silence. I turned to him with a puzzled face. "As you know Emerson, our opening act can't make it for the rest of the tour-" I stood there confused on what was going on and what Harry was talking about. "Well while you were in the car, Niall took a video of you sings." I shot a death glare at Niall and he gave a sheepish smile. "And we wanted to um... know if you could uh be our opening act?" Harry asked with hope in his voice. "Uh- I mean - Uh sure?" I responded uneasy on my decision. I mean what can happen. I can bring Beau with me, if he agrees, but he will I make him. Plus they needed me so what the heck. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt myself being attacked by five surprising strong lads. "YAY YAY YAY WE KNEW YOU WOULD SAY YES" they all screamed with joy. "Only under one condition" As the words came out of my mouth their faces dropped. "Only if BEAU COMES WITH ME" I ran up to him and hugged him whispering in his ear "Well what do you say?" He looked in my eyes while processing everything in his head. "WELL!" i was getting quite impatient. "Well we better get packing" Beau FINALLY responds with a grin upon his face. This is going to one heck of a tour. 

Sorr for the short chapter and the long wait but hope you enjoy -xx

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