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Chapter 1

His name, as announced by Mrs Harkins, was Calum Hood.

He had entered the classroom that morning with his hood up and a torn backpack slung across one shoulder; he wasn't one for appearances. He wore a scrappy pair of black vans on his feet and black jeans that clung tightly to his muscular legs. He'd been forced to transfer by his previous school, for malicious and aggressive behaviour – in fact he'd given up on school completely – so why was he there that morning then, you ask?

Well, his sister had pleaded him with such intense grief the night before that he just couldn't say no to going to school. He knew how much education meant to his sister, and his sister was all he had left from his broken home. After a series of circumstances, he was left orphaned on the road with his crying sister at the age of 10, holding two suitcases and sharing between them a bank account containing millions of dollars, contrary to belief that they had no money since they'd been orphaned. He wasn't your average teenage boy; that was for sure.

"Luke Hemmings? Could you escort Mr Hood for the day?"

Luke Hemmings, on the other hand, was the loveliest person one could know. He was extremely popular, with both boys and girls, and regularly performed during assemblies with his band, occasionally by himself. Anyone lucky enough to hear him play would pay heard-earned money to hear him again; he would quite literally deliver emotions to your mind, and make you feel like an angel, regardless of your mood that day; he had that power. He was also the class representative, and organised all the fun activities for everyone. For that reason, he was loved by all, and sought after by all. The class fell silent, eager for what was to come.

Calum's eyes scanned the room for this person, and landed on a lean guy with dirty blonde hair, and the bluest eyes he'd ever seen, with hints of stubble appearing on his chin. He looked like he was from a perfect family; pampered and fed well, with nothing to worry about. For a moment, his body began to shake a little, and worse; when the guy smiled, showing the perfect set of teeth, his legs stumbled and his weight shifted from foot to foot uncontrollably. The guy stood up and walked over, greeting Calum with a pat on the back, signalling with his hands Calum's seat.

By instinct, Calum jerked away, glaring into Luke's stupidly inviting eyes. Luke's smile faded immediately, and he returned to his seat in the middle of the classroom with a cute pout. The class were in tears from laughter. All Calum could do was hide his face and look at the floor. He didn't want to be this way.

"Here is your timetable Calum; I think you and Luke share most lessons but your teachers should be slightly lenient due to the fact that you're new here." She raised her glasses and took a breath. He went to his seat and sighed, eager to get this first day out of the way so he could go home, away from all the people and their judgemental thoughts.


His first lesson was English; he knew this because he had, for the first time, checked his timetable that was in fact now already utterly crumpled up. He was walking towards what he thought to be the English classrooms. Luke's friends huddled around Luke, almost like penguins, as Luke tried to talk to Calum.

"So Calum, where was your last school?" he asked warmly, having completely forgotten about the death stare from earlier. He knew that life wasn't long and could end any day, so he didn't hold grudges, instead forgiving them.

He swallowed, not daring to look up. "A couple miles away. Bridgton High." Luke smiled at the sound of his voice; it was slightly husky yet clean, perhaps a tinge of gruffness at the edge.

"Bridgton? Why would you transfer from Bridgton? That's like, the poshest school in the area!" Luke's possy agreed with nods and murmurs.

"They er, kicked me out."

The crowd went silent and slowly dissipated till it was just Calum and Luke walking. "Sorry to hear that. Is it too invasive if I ask why?"

Calum didn't want to talk about his past errors, he wanted a fresh start even if he wasn't planning on making an effort. "A little, yeah."

"Okay. Well we're here. You can sit next to me if you like."

"Don't you have any friends?"

"I do... I have loads. But I don't have any close friends. That's kinda the issue of being so popular I guess. All your friends form groups within themselves, and you're stuck hovering between them. Besides, my closest two friends are in other classes; one is even in the year above us. I'm glad I have this chance with you, because I think we can become good friends! Do you play any instruments by any chance?"

Calum was surprised; his previous thoughts of him being perfect began to contradict themselves as he tried to understand why he had no close friends. "No... not really."

At this point, they entered the classroom, which was already pretty full. Everyone looked so happy that Calum contrasted, perhaps a little too much. He hadn't slept much last night, well to be honest he never did. He was grateful with a couple hours of sleep; some nights he didn't sleep at all which as of late hadn't been an issue since he hadn't been at school in over four months.

"Whaddya mean, not really?" Luke asked briskly. From that first instance he knew Calum wasn't much of a speaker, but he couldn't exactly leave him hanging by saying 'not really'. What did that even mean? You either played an instrument or you didn't. There wasn't much room for doubt.

"Class is starting everyone, shh!" their English teacher, Mr Eccles hollered from the white board. Luke wasn't satisfied and wanted to continue asking, but his chance was gone, and Calum's eyes were firmly fixated on the teacher. Fine, he thought, be like that. I'll figure you out, you mark my words.


Thanks for reading! Hope this first chapter wasn't too awful haha :D Please leave behind a vote/comment so I know who you are and can do dedications!

Kimmy xx

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