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Chapter 26

The walk to school was full of laughter, and Calum found himself cracking a ton of jokes (some rather dirty minded ones were put in the mix as well). Luke loved seeing the brunette boy smile, because it made him smile too and showed that he was doing the right thing.

Michael met them at the gate with a wave, bounding over and putting himself between them. "Morning lovebirds," he sang whilst his arms made their way around their shoulders. "Looking rather fresh-faced today Luke!"

"Shut up Mikey."

Calum chuckled, making Michael stop in his tracks and causing both Luke and Calum to topple forwards. "Did you just... chuckle?! Oh my lord that was so fricking cute!" Luke could see that Calum's cheeks were beginning to redden, and pushed Michael off of them.

"Go to class already," Luke whined, wanting to be alone with Calum for a minute longer.

"Nuh-uh. I ain't leaving till you guys spill what you did last night. Actually – you don't need to, because you guys reek of BUM SEX woop woop!" he yelled, running through the school courtyard and into his building. Luke mouthed curse words at him whilst Calum shuffled about awkwardly.

"Hey, don't worry about him. He won't make our relationship public unless you want him to."

"You sure?"

Luke nodded reassuringly. "He may seem like a dick but on the inside he's a decent guy. He wouldn't hurt his friends."

They exchanged a smile and went up to their form room for attendance.


At lunch, Calum was approached by more girls, who simply wanted to eat with him. Luke watched from the side, as this was what usually happened to him – and it was now happening to Calum. He let it happen, knowing that if anything was to go wrong, he'd be near Calum to help.

They escaped to the music rooms eventually after getting sandwiches from the canteen. Michael, Ashton and Bryana were already in their main rehearsal spot, Bryana on her phone, Ashton angrily setting up the drumkit which had been misplaced by a younger year, and Michael sitting on a table playing random riffs.

"Hey guys," Luke greeted, picking up his guitar and quickly tuning it. "I was thinking, maybe Calum should try singing today?"

Calum hadn't been told about this, and immediately shook his head. "I'm good."

But the others seemed fine with it. "Yeah, you should!" Ashton exclaimed. "I haven't heard you sing yet!"

"I-I'm not really a singer," Calum mumbled in response, looking down and playing with his sleeves. Luke tsked.

"You're also a really bad liar! C'mon, just try one song. That's all. And then, you can sit down and watch or you can sing another. Please?" Luke looked at Calum adoringly with his eyebrows raised, waiting expectantly for an answer. Half-reluctantly, Calum nodded, walking over to the mic one of them had set up.

"What are we singing?" he asked.

Luke smiled, exchanging looks with the other two. "How about something relatively soft... Cinderblock Garden by All Time Low?" Calum nodded enthusiastically, because he knew all the lyrics. He loved that album to bits.

Michael and Ashton started on the guitars and drums, and brought Calum in. He began with a quiet voice, but when Luke joined in with harmonies, he raised it a little. Bryana was secretly recording this, the camera on her phone peeking out the hem of her skirt.

Inside, Luke was curling up in joy, and wanted to hug the brunette so bad. "Just, hold on for tomorrow, our dreams will follow, follow us back to when, when nothing was broken, the future was open, let's go back again..."

The song ended, with Michael giving it a spin with an adlib guitar solo. They all laughed at his fervour, the way he headbanged to his own guitar. Bryana showed them the recording and they discussed how cute Calum looked when he sang, to which he blushed – and at the end, Luke pressed a kiss on Calum's forehead.

"Thanks for singing, Cal." The others stared as if a car had just crashed. Luke looked at them with a cheeky smile. "What are you all looking at?"

"You just... kissed his forehead... and it was fucking cute!" Michael cried, jumping on Luke and nuzzling into his hair. Underneath him, Luke struggled and ended up falling onto the floor, dragging Calum down with him. Ashton and Bryana joined in, tickling the three bodies until their sides hurt from laughing. Accidentally-on-purpose, Luke leant closer to Calum so that every time they laughed, their lips touched.


After school, Luke had planned on going to Calum's to do work, but his mum called him home just as the bell rang.

"I'm really sorry Cal, she says it's urgent. I'll come over tomorrow, yeah?"

Calum squeezed Luke's hand with a stiff smile. "Yeah. Don't worry about it."

Feeling bad, Luke leant in and whispered, "Tomorrow, maybe I can try topping." Calum chuckled and pecked Luke's cheek swiftly. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Luke shouted, running back home.

Liz opened the door and immediately Luke could tell that something was up. She had bags under her eyes and her lips had a pale pink tint to them. "Luke... come in first."

She passed him an apple and took his bag from his back. "What's up?" he asked, taking a big bite out of the juicy red fruit. She sighed and sat down opposite him on the couch. "Did I fail in a class or something?"

"No, nothing like that... well, I don't know how to tell you this, but your father is back in town." Luke froze, waiting for more information. "Supposedly he's back to attend a court hearing next weekend... but what's important, is that he wants to meet you."

"I can't. He ruined us, mum, you know that."


"Please, don't make me see him! What if I end up hitting him or something?"

She shut her eyes and took a few moments to compose herself. "I've already notified the police in case he tries to do anything. We spoke on the phone, and truthfully he sounded like he genuinely just wanted to meet you."

"Does Jack know?"

"Yes. He agreed to meet him."

"What about Ben?"

"I couldn't get hold of him, but your dad knows where he is."

"What about you? Are you gonna meet him? What if he-"

"Don't think about 'what if' now," she interjected. "I'll meet him to let him know we're doing fine. He deserves to know that much, don't you think?"

Luke sighed, nibbling at his lip apprehensively. He sort of missed his dad, but what he did was unforgivable and he was unwilling to forgive him that easily.


Another chapter for you lovely cake shippers :))

So after this I'm expecting 10 more chapters? Maybe... Idk, I have one final idea before I want to wrap it up. I'll make it exciting, don't worry :D SORT OF SPOLIER: Luke's dad is v important!

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos leggings

Kimmy xx

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