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Something... BAD is going to happen... :D

Chapter 28

"You have to tell him."

Luke scrunched up his face in frustration as he sat on Ashton's bedroom floor. "I can't."

"You can, and you will. He needs to know... even if this means you guys have to split. But from my point of view, he likes you enough to stick by your side so just trust him."

Ashton shifted in his position on his bed, looking at the blonde with saddened eyes. "But... what if he hates me for it?"

"Then he's a dick! He's a dick for hating you despite everything you've done to help him."

Luke still couldn't come to terms with the whole situation. He pulled up his knees and put his chin on top, hugging them tightly, eyes filling up once again. He was due at Calum's in an hour, and he was supposed to be the strong one that was there for him during this awful time. Calum was the one who was meant to be in pain, not him.

"Thanks Ash. I'll see you on Monday."


Fifteen minutes later he was in front of Calum's apartment, his right foot tapping the floor apprehensively. Mali didn't seem to be at home, because when Calum opened the door he was shirtless.

"You came," he said weakly, breaking out into a smile and hugging the blonde. "Thank you," he whispered.

Luke shook gently and said, "No p-problem. Come on, let's go inside."

They went in and sat on the sofa in the cold. Calum had been playing a game which was now paused, and Luke told him to continue on his lap whilst he wrapped his arms around his warm skin. Every now and then he'd press a kiss into his upper back, but he'd have to bite back the tears when they felt like they were gonna flow. Calum eventually noticed that the blonde wasn't being himself, and stopped the game, setting the controller down and turning so he was straddling him.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. Why'd you stop?"

Calum searched for answers in the opposite blue eyes but found nothing. "I can hear you sniffing. And your eyes are red."

"I... there's something I need to tell you," Luke said with a sigh, taking Calum's hands in his. "I really hope I don't lose you over this..."

Calum could see that he was in a lot of pain and the thought of him cheating suddenly crossed his mind. Sure, Luke was a hot guy with plenty of people after him, but he didn't seem like the type to cheat... "Don't tell me you're..."

"What?" Luke replied quickly with worry.

"Are you cheating on me?"

Luke almost laughed but held it in. "No! I would never think of cheating on you! No, this isn't to do with me... well it kinda is, but-"

"Just tell me?"

"You're gonna hate me forever for this... but I met up with my dad today. And I found out that... oh God..." He paused and took a deep breath. "He's the one who... who killed your parents."

Calum's eyes grew impossibly wide and a hand went up to his mouth as he gasped. "No..."

"I know, I'm sorry. I really am, I can't tell you how much I've hated myself today after finding out," he apologised, choking back a sob as his vision deteriorated again. "I understand if you hate me and if you never want to see me again..."

Before he could say anything else, Calum leapt off Luke's lap and rushed to the toilet, locking the door behind him and fishing around in the cabinet under the sink for his pocket knife that Mali had hid weeks ago. He tucked it in his pocket and headed out again, not stopping even when Luke put himself in front of him. He grabbed a jacket from the coat pegs and slipped it on.

"W-where are you going? Calum, please calm down..."

He could see the red in Calum's eyes, and the anger etched into his furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips. "Tell me where he is."

"My dad? I don't know where he is-"

Calum rolled his eyes and grabbed Luke's phone, searching through the contacts till he found the number under 'Dad'. He sent a text telling him to meet somewhere, and left the apartment making sure Luke didn't follow.


Calum had sent directions to an abandoned warehouse that had been sealed off for demolition a few months ago. It was hidden away and not easily accessible; perfect for what he was about to do. At this point, the anger had completely consumed him; strangely, though, the anger wasn't towards Luke.

It was a mixture of anger and fear, fear that the man would reveal something at the hearing that wasn't meant to be revealed.

Stepping through the long grass and thistles, he reached the entrance to the warehouse – a large, rusty corrugated iron door that was half open and had been for as long as he could remember. He used to come here with his classmates and fight – those memories, however, were irrelevant now.

His eyes searched the place thoroughly for any sign of a human, but found none, until he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. His fingers clutched the knife in his pocket and he turned.

"Luke? Is that you?"

The darkness of the warehouse meant he couldn't see very well, but from the stature of the person standing in front of him he could tell it wasn't Luke. "So you're the guy. The guy who killed my parents."

"Calum? Okay wait – let's go somewhere we can see each other-"

"Tell me. Why did you do it?" Calum asked in a low voice, slowly approaching the older man, knife held out in front of him.

"I didn't kill them! I wasn't supposed to, anyway – can we find somewhere nicer to talk? I can't even see you in here."

"That's the point," Calum muttered under his breath. "Look. You say anything other than you killed them at the hearing, and I'll make sure you die."

"W-what? Why would you think otherwise?"

The guy had a point. Calum hesitated, not wanting his cover to be blown now. "J-just say you killed them."

"That's what I was planning, jeez! I deserve to go to jail – wait a second. You're telling me to do this for a reason."

Shit, Calum thought. His mind raged in frenzy and he lunged towards the man before he could say another word.

"Wait!!" someone yelled, jumping in front of Luke's dad just as the knife pierced into flesh.

Melting His Jet Black Heart [cake au] ✔Where stories live. Discover now