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Chapter 3

Meanwhile, Luke was raged by it all. He'd only known Calum one day, but he was already pissed off. He promised he would try and become good friends, but it was so fucking hard to get through to him. He'd reminded himself, so many times, that he could do it. But it was impossible. He was impossible.

He stormed off to the music room, where Michael was sat with his guitar, strumming some random chords and humming a tune. "You made it, huh?" Luke spat, clearly frustrated. He checked the clock, which read 12:38. Only 20 minutes of rehearsal left, which in his eyes, was not enough. It was ironic that he was getting mad at Michael being late when he himself was the late one.

Michael glanced over, sensing something. "What happened to you?" He put the guitar down on a stand and walked over. Luke simply shook his head and sighed, trying to clear his mind of Calum Hood. It didn't really work. "Is it that new guy in your class? Don't you have to look after him or something?"

"Uh, just don't talk about it. He's so hard to handle, apparently he was kicked out of Bridgton High or something." Luke sat down on a chair and picked up a different guitar. He noticed that when he brought the guitar onto his lap, something pressed down against his thigh. It was Calum's cigarette box. "Oh and he smokes. Big time. I basically watched him smoke four cigarettes before stopping him; I don't think he's okay Mikey, if I'm honest I'm a little scared. But I want to talk to him, I want to cheer him up."

A strong hand grasped Luke's shoulder. "You're such a douche, just leave him. This is so typical of you, to try make everyone happy, but you can't help everyone. Perhaps he's beyond help, if even Bridgton couldn't do anything about it. Listen mate, he'll be fine on his own, okay? Besides, what's he look like? Maybe you fancy him," Michael replied with a smirk. Luke couldn't help but blush a little. Perhaps he did fancy Calum a little bit. "See, you do!"

"W-whaaa, no I don't..."

"You're so easy to read," he chuckled, putting him into a head-lock. Luke's soft quiff brushed against Michael's stubbly cheeks, spreading a smell of shampoo he'd used last night in the air. "C'mon then, Ashton's gonna be late but we can do a bit of rehearsing. Mr Day has us booked for next Thursday's assembly. Says we should pick a song about teenagers."

"Why don't we do 'Teenagers' by MCR then? That would be so funny."

"Oh my god, yes we should! Hurry, get the chords up. Let's learn it. Oh, text Ashton too."

And just like that, all things to do with Calum disappeared from Luke's mind. It was amazing what Michael could do in a matter of minutes, and it was just a shame that they didn't share any classes together.


Calum's first day passed. He tried his hardest not to get into trouble, and only received two detentions throughout; a record. Home life was already much easier now that Mali wasn't having to look after Calum for those extra eight hours; she could now focus on her work and earn money for them to survive. Having said that, they did still live in a tiny studio apartment in a dodgy suburb of Sydney, will peeling paint and awful central heating. They hadn't sold their old house, but couldn't bear to go back to it; and understandably; they had seen their parents get murdered in front of them after all, in the kitchen they used to eat meals in. No one with a human heart would be able to go back.

And yes, they had the enormous amount of money their parents left behind, but they'd decided to deposit the money in a bank account for emergencies only, and for Calum's college tuition; that is, if he ever came to the conclusion to go. They didn't want to waste their parent's hard-earned money, that wouldn't be fair. But when was life ever?

"Home already Cal?" Mali asked, peeking her head through the living room doorway. Her hands were covered in flour and she was wearing the stripy blue and green apron their mum used to wear.


"I'm not used to this. You used to get home so late because of detention," she noted, hurrying over to give him a hug. She was slightly shorter than Calum, but still managed to get flour all over his dark clothes. "Oops. Sorry! Come on, I'm making cookies. You can help me knead the dough, I have literally no energy after work. As I was saying; I'm really glad you're making an effort Cal. Mum and dad, they'd be proud."

Calum gave his best shot at a smile, which happened to be a twitch of the upper lip, and dumped his heavy school bag on the sofa. On the table was a newspaper, which he casually began to flick through, before his eyes were laid upon a certain article with his parents' faces on them. He skimmed the article, picking out bits and gripping the page with such force that the creases began to rip.


Son of David and Joy Hood has recently been accused by local police of killing his parents... New evidence shows his fingerprints on the knives used to kill the successful business couple... The case that was closed over seven years ago may reopen... The whereabouts of son Calum and daughter Mali-Koa are currently unknown, but police are working on this new investigation...

"Cal, what are you doing?" Mali asked after hearing the ripping, walking over with a ball of dough in her small hands.

"Mali... I think I left something in the lobby. Be right back."

He left the apartment to Mali's harmonious calling of 'okay, hurry up', tears welling up and falling down his cheeks, as if they were racing each other. He hopped down the stairs in two, thanks to his long muscular legs. He ran out the front door, into the cold, and stopped at the massive bare maple tree, leaning his head on it.

"Fuck... mum, dad, why did you go? Why did you have to fucking go and die, and leave us with nothing? I need you both so much. And now they're saying I killed you guys. How fucking ridiculous. Just because some stupid idiots couldn't stand you guys doing so well." He kicked the tree trunk, feeling the ache tingle in his foot before slowly going away. Tears kept flooding out, and he wept till his throat hurt, till his chest clenched up in pain, till he couldn't see even if he wiped the tears away.

If only he could just leave it all behind, escape to somewhere new, forget about everything.

Was he going to stay strong?

Would he give in?

Would he live to see the next sunrise?

Those were the questions Luke asked as he watched from afar, clutching onto his dog's leash with trembling hands.


Wishing everyone a good day :) March eh? Time sure does pass quick! Got my provisional licence today, casually waiting for the number of car accidents in my area to increase.... 

Vote/comment for a dedication :) This chapter is dedicated to blackhoneyblossom for generally being a lovely person who loves cake and reads my stories!! 

Kimmy xx

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