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Chapter 11

Luke grabbed the brunette's shoulders and pulled him in for a tight, bone-crushing hug. "Calum... Oh my gosh Calum I'm so sorry... you must've been in so much pain all this time, and I completely looked past that..." he said whilst sobbing. "I mean, I knew you weren't just another depressed rich kid who'd come out of a private school but... Jesus Christ if I'd known..."

Meanwhile, Calum was unable to cry because he was so full of surprise. Did Luke like him that much? Yeah, he was grateful that someone actually liked him but wow, he totally did not see this coming. "D-don't be sorry, Luke."

Luke gasped. "You said my name!" he exclaimed. Calum felt the sides of his mouth rising, and the area around his eyes creasing a little. He was smiling again...

"Luke, thank you for making me smile."

As soon as he heard this, he pushed Calum away to have a good look at the smile he'd created. "It's absolutely beautiful Calum," he sobbed through his ugly crying face. "I'm so glad I got to see your smile."

A knock came and Liz entered, blushing at the sight of them hugging. Luke wiped a tear away. "Hi boys... you told me your name was Calum, right?" she asked, pointing at Calum. He nodded. "Is your surname by any chance Hood?" Luke sniffed and looked at them both, utterly confused at why his mother was interrogating Calum on his surname.

"Yes, that's right...?"

Liz raised her eyebrows and looked down. "O-oh... er..." she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to say this. "Well there are two police officers downstairs... they said they're looking for you."


"I swear to God. If you accuse me of killing them one more time-"

"Please, Mr Hood, may we ask you to calm down?" the constable ordered. His back was deadly straight as he jotted down notes in his tiny pad with an equally tiny pen, his colleague staring at Calum who was slouched on the sofa with rock hard eyes. "Now, we don't want to continue interrogating you here, because this isn't your home, so we're going to-"

"Officer, please don't feel the need to-" Liz began, trying to help, but failing.

He shot her a look. "Mrs Hemmings," he said sternly, "you don't need to worry. You said Mr Hood is the friend of your son's, isn't that right?" She swallowed and nodded. "Then rest assured, we won't do anything major. We're going to take him to the police station tonight and keep him under watch for a little bit. Can someone call his sister for me?"

Luke stepped forward. "I don't agree with what you guys are doing but I'll call her. Calum, can you tell me her number?" He was once again greeted with Calum's cold eyes. All signs of happiness had been drained from his face, which now showed no emotion but pure anger. "Please?"

"Give me your phone." He didn't even look at Luke as he said this, seething with rage.

Liz gasped internally at his tone, as she expected them to be pretty good friends if Luke brought him home. Luke almost never brought friends home except Michael and Ashton, and the odd girl every now and then. She watched as he typed in the digits, handing the phone back to him. "He's just a teen, officer, are you sure you're going to take him?"

He sighed. "Mr Hood has already committed several crimes and going to the station is a regular thing for him. Don't worry. He knows exactly what's going to happen now."

"But the death of his own parents?" Luke hollered, unable to hold it back anymore.

"Luke!" Liz shouted back, attempting to drag him back. Calum briefly looked up at the passionate blonde who was now inches away from the male officer.

"No 10 year old kid has the ability to kill their own parents! I don't know about his crimes but surely, they were committed after his parents' death? I wouldn't be surprised, after what he went through! Calum's not like that, please-"

"That's quite enough, Mr Hemmings. We're leaving now. Please contact his sister immediately and let her know we are at the station. This will be a familiar visit for her too. Goodbye, Mrs Hemmings, Mr Hemmings, and come along now Mr Hood."

Calum reluctantly stood up and clenched his fists. "Calum don't go with them-"

"Leave me alone."

Luke almost fell to the floor upon hearing those three words. How could he change emotion so quickly? Just minutes before they were upstairs hugging about Calum saying Luke's name for the first time, crying because they'd both been through so much shit. It was absolutely incredulous that Calum could just do that. Liz bent down and lifted her son up disapprovingly. The two officers took Calum away who didn't even look back once, closing the door quietly behind them and leaving Luke to cry.

"Oh Luke, how on earth did you end up becoming friends with a boy like him?"

Luke shook his head. "It's not what you think. There's no chance he killed his parents. He watched them get killed whilst hiding in their kitchen cupboard!! God they are such idiots! What evidence do they have anyway? Why are they bringing this up now, too?" He sobbed and closed his eyes, allowing his mother's soft hands to pat his back. Jack came creeping down the stairs having heard all the commotion.

"What's... going on guys?" he asked tentatively. Liz looked at him and he understood, helping Luke up and sitting him down on a chair. "Hey Luke, it's okay. They took your friend away right?" Luke nodded frantically. "Well, why don't you call up her sister and let her know first? She's probably really worried about him." With shaking hands he picked up his phone and looked at the number Calum had just inserted for him.

"O-okay. I'll call h-her."

Jack smiled and ruffled his hair, going back upstairs to finish off some university assignment. Liz let out a deep sigh and continued cooking, even humming a little to forget about what had just happened.

"H-hello? Is this Calum's sister?" Luke asked weakly.

On the receiving end, Mali replied, "Yes, this is Mali – can I ask who's speaking?"

"I'm Luke, Calum's classmate."

"Oh Luke! So you're the one Calum talks about in his sleep!"


She chuckled. "Don't worry. So what's up?"

"Calum... Calum's been taken to the police station, and I think you should go see what's happening."


What have i done...

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