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Already at Chapter 30... wow I don't know what to say :') Aiming for 5 more chapters...

Chapter 30

The next morning Calum was at the hospital as soon as they let him in – he hurried up to the third floor and searched for room 2519. Luckily, he had gotten there before Luke had woken up, and took his place by his bed, grasping his limp hands in his own.

"Luke... Luke, I'm awful at expressing myself in words, but I need to apologise," he began in a quiet voice. "This is all my fault and I know I can't ask for forgiveness, because that would be asking too much – but if you could stay on good terms with me, I'd be so grateful. See, these past few months have been amazing. You've helped me in more ways that you can imagine, and I can't believe I've let everything crumble because of one stupid action. I love you, a lot. And it's hard for someone like me to say that because every other person I've come across in life has either hated me or despised me. Thank you for being there for me, thank you for putting up with my shit and thank you for letting me experience love."

He brought Luke's hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently, a single tear rolling out of his eye and falling onto the pale skin. Despite knowing he would wake up, he couldn't help but feel a dark pit growing inside him.


At approximately eleven am, Luke finally roused and was rather confused when his hands felt warm. Upon opening his eyes, he saw a hooded figure and immediately recognised him to be Calum.

"C-Calum," he hoarsely whispered, trying to sit up but forced back down by a splitting pain. "Oh fuck..."

"Luke, don't move," Calum said fiercely, standing up and calling a doctor in. "You're fine, you're gonna be okay."

The doctor came in and checked the monitors and his notes, before saying, "I've left some painkillers with your friend, so if the pain gets too much ask him for some." He then turned to Calum. "Don't let him overdose though – two painkillers every few hours should do the job."

He then left them to talk in peace.

"How are you feeling?" Calum asked, his fingers interlocking with Luke's. He didn't want to talk about what happened, but Luke wasn't on the same thought train as him.

"My dad is going to jail anyway, so please don't say it was you," he whispered, struggling to get the words out without his wound hurting. "I can't lose you too. Besides, he did something so incredibly awful that he probably deserved to get stabbed. I shouldn't have defended him... but it was a reflex. I had to."

"Luke... there's something you should know."

Luke's face froze as he waited in anticipation. What more could Calum possibly say about the situation? "I'm listening," he uttered.

"My parents... they weren't killed by your dad."

Luke gasped. His eyes widened, growing to an impossible size. "What do you mean?"

"Your dad was told to beat them up. He didn't kill them."

"...So how did they die then? Or are they alive?"

Calum held his breath and swallowed. He contemplated whether or not he should just tell the truth... in the end, he decided that it was the right thing to do. Luke deserved to know.

"I killed them."

An eerie silence followed, where by Luke's eyes filled with tears. Surely not? Calum wasn't that kind of person... he couldn't possibly kill his own parents... he'd told himself numerous times that Calum was innocent, that everything was because of the turmoil from his childhood, that all his crimes were because of the disaster he saw.

He didn't expect Calum to be the cause of his own pain. No, that couldn't be possible.

All of a sudden, Luke felt scared. He was in the presence of a murderer – but that fear was overcome by his love for the dark-haired boy.

"I can't believe it... you actually killed them...? Even though I stood up for you? Even though I trusted you?" he croaked, slowly removing his hands from Calum's.

"It was a stupid mistake."

"Mistake or not... that's an awful thing to do... how... why?"

"When I got out of that kitchen cupboard, I walked over to my limp parents. They were on the floor with wounds all over, and had been knocked out. My dad said to me, 'kill me so it looks like they did it. Then they'll get the punishment they deserve for causing our family so much pain' – so I did. I grabbed the baseball bat, and with tears in my eyes I smashed it onto his head. When my mum woke up, she saw her dead husband and couldn't bear to stay alive especially since she was in so much pain, so she grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed herself. I finished her off."

Luke was speechless; nothing would come out of his mouth. He knew Calum wasn't evil, or a murderer, but these events suggested otherwise.

"I get it if you hate me forever. I'm willing to hand myself in."

"No. Wait." Luke took his hands again, looking into his dark brown eyes. "My request remains the same. My dad is still going to prison. Don't make things complicated by bringing this up, okay?"

"Why are you helping me?"

Luke couldn't help but smile a bit, letting out a shaky breath. "I love you. No matter what you've done in the past. Sure, it was a devastating thing to do but you had your reasons. I can't hate you because of something in the past, when you were ten; that's not right. So please, for the sake of me as well as yourself, keep this secret. Don't tell anyone."

"But your dad knows..."

"And he also knows me well enough to protect what I love. Trust him, he won't bring it up."

"Are you sure about this?" Calum knew this was a lot to ask. It would mean lying in court, but if it meant he got to stay with Luke, then he'd do anything.

"Yes. No one needs to know about this."

Calum leaned in and kissed the pale lips of the blonde, thanking him a hundred times and also apologising. Now all they could do was wait for the outcome – then hopefully, everything would be okay. Then, maybe they could be together in peace.


Thanks for reading everyone :))

So Calum kinda did kill his parents... ouch...

The next chapter might take a while till it's up, because I haven't written it yet! I'll be a lot more free this weekend though so bear with me :)

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Kimmy xx

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