Chapter 10

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Today is a peaceful day. No arguing, no nightmares, everybody's happy, with birds chirping outside.
The clatter of dishes in the kitchen, the tv on some news program and hushed flirting conversation between Dylan, Jorel and Danny, were the only things to disrupt the quiet of the early afternoon in the house.
Oh, and did I forget to tell you? Dylan actually talked to Jorel and Danny about his complicated feelings. Obviously it went well. They've been clinging to each other for quite a bit now, which makes me a now proud younger brother/sister for Dylan. Ugh, you would not want to go to sleep without earplugs at night. Seriously, it's that bad....
I wish I could say the same about whatever was going on between Matthew, George, Jordan and I. I honestly don't know what's going on, or what we're labeled as. Some days it seems that the guys take turns with me, or others, all of them could be clingy at once, then nothing at all. Like, last week we were hanging out on the couch, all having fun and cracking jokes, then Jordan said he was going to the bar. Then three hours later, came home with a stripper.
It really shouldn't matter since we aren't 'technically' in a relationship, but it hurt.
I looked over to where Matt and George sat outside on the deck and shared a cigarette, then to Jordan, whom was washing dishes in a really stormy mood.
He really hated the fact that he lost the coin toss for the dishes.
I got up out of the bar stool I was sitting on and slinked around the island towards Jordan. I rapped my arms around his waist from behind when I reached him.
I felt his body tense in surprise and relax as he heard me voice.
"Would you like some help with that?" I whispered in his ear and lent my head on his shoulder.
He shivered, then turned his head and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Nah, I'm almost done. But you could help me with something else." He lowered his voice at the last part, and wiggled his eyebrows while giving me a seductive look.
I jumped back in surprise, looked back at his seductive face, then looked back down at the ground as I felt my face heat up. I started rubbing my wrist.
"Or not." He said while putting the last dish in the cupboard. "We could just resort to other things or whatever you want."
I looked up at him in shock. Actually more like his back since he's turned away.
Hmmm... Two can play this game~ I smirked as I walked up behind him again. And started tracing patterns on his shoulder while I purred into his ear, "I have an idea you'll be sure to love..babe."
Yet another shiver escaped him as he turned towards me and put his hands on my hips to pull me closer. We are now only inches apart.
"And that would be?"
"This..." I whispered as I pushed all of my body against him and kept pushing him back until his back was pressed up against the counter. I looked into his surprised arctic blue eyes with my e/c amused eyes.
Not giving him a chance to say anything, I pushed my lips against his and started roughly kissing him. He soon followed suit. I grinned and lightly bit his lip and slightly pulled, causing him to open his mouth with I gasp. I quickly slid my tongue in his mouth and fought for dominance, and soon won.
I pulled away and gave him a cocky smirk as I turned around and headed towards the backdoor where Matthew and George were. Leaving a shocked and breathless Jordan high and dry behind.
"That was heavy." I heard Dylan gasp right when I opened the door.
I giggled and exited out the door.

"Is this completely necessary?" I looked at Jordan as he walked around behind me to tie his bandana over my eyes.
"Completely." Matts voice tickled my ear, sending shivers down my back.
"Is he/she ready yet?" Georges voice came from the foot of the bed.
"Yep." Jordan replied.
The brush of his fingers down my arm to the back of my hand, raised goosebumps. He took my hand in his and helped the blind me to my feet.
"You're gonna enjoy this, I promise." Jordan breathed in my ear, sending yet another waterfall of shivers down my back.
I squealed in surprise as someone whisked me off my feet and into their arms.
"It's alright cutie, it's just me." Matt chuckled. "George, open the door."
I heard a sigh. The bed squeaked as a weight got removed from it, then a click of a door handle opening.
"Now don't fall down the stairs and drop him/her." Jordan teased.
"Don't say that!" I yelled and cling onto Matt with my arms and my face pressed in the crook of his neck. I felt a low chuckle rumble through his neck.
A couple of terrifying moments later, we made it safely to the bottom of the stairs and went through another door, to what I assume is outside. Giving the cold air that nipped at any showing skin, and the warm spring rays that battled against the cold, plus that the chirping of birds got drastically louder.
The sound of a car door opening hit my ears. I felt my self being lowered into the soft leather seats of the vehicle, and myself being pushed over. Matt closed his door after he followed in beside me, since I'm now sitting upright... I think...
The door to my right opened and someone else sat down beside me.
"That took long enough." A deep voice came from practically right behind me and made me jump in surprise.
"Soo... Um what are we doing in a car?" I nervously asked.
"What else would we be doing?" Jordan's voice came from the right of me.
My cheeks started to burn and I slumped me shoulders. I'd rather them not know what I thought we would be doing.
"You didn't really think we were gonna do THAT did you?" Jordan's voice was thick with amusement.
I FELT my face burning bright red. "N-no o-o-of course not.."
Disembodied laughter from all around me erupted.
"Who's all in here..?" I asked, now slightly more embarrassed.
"Everyone!" The deep voice came from behind me again, which caused me to flinch, once again. "You sure are jumpy, aren't ya?"
"Only cause I can't see..." I whispered. "How long am I stuck in here for and where are we going?"
"That's for us to know, and you to find out." Georges voice stated from somewhere in front of me.

*one stressful car ride later*
"Ow! That was my head!" I loudly complained after the back of my head connected with a thud to the car.
"Shit sorry." Jordan mumbled as he placed me on my feet outside the car and kissed the part off my head that hurt. "All better?"
I nodded my head.
He slung his arm around my waist, helped me towards a door and guided me up a few flights of stairs.
Without warning, we came to an abrupt stop, which ended with me stumbling into a solid person in front of me.
"God, you are one horrible guide." I mumbled.
"Don't use my name in vain! He is not God!" The sarcastic voice came from the person I ran into.
"Sorry George! I promise it'll never happen again!" I replied, equally sarcastic. "So. Are we here yet? And can I get this damn thing off my eyes?"
"Um sure."
One of the guys walked up and untied the bandana from my eyes.
As the bandana slid slowly off my eyes, I had time to register where exactly 'here' was.
Once I did, I gasp in surprise. "You guys brought me to your recording studio?"
"Yeah." Jordan smiled proudly at me.
"We decided that you could be a big help with writing lyrics." Danny reported.
"And if we can make it work, have you sing and or play an instrument." Jorel added.
"Are you guys serious?" I breathed out in disbelief and search all their eyes for any signs of a trick.
"Deadly." Matts raspy voice murmured in my ear. Sending chills around me body.
"Cool, that'd be awesome." I smirked at all of them.
"Sweet!" George smiled.
He walked over to the door leading into the studio room.
"What would you like to learn to play?" He asked while we filed one by one into the room.

After hours of Jorel teaching me how to play the electric bass guitar, my finger tips started to ache and throb, causing me to take longer intervals between each strum and slow down all together.
Jorel noticed this and looked down at my fingers.
He looked up at me in shock as he realized that my fingertips have gone pink and shaky. "Why didn't you tell me that your fingers are raw and have had enough?"
"I didn't want to disappoint you for not being able to play as long as you." I bowed my head down in shame and he let out a gasp.
Before he could say anything, I finished with, "plus I was really enjoying myself, having fun, and wanted to spend time with you for once."
I smiled down at the ground and knew that he wouldn't be able to see it, so I looked up at him. He smiled back at me.
"Well, for one, you won't be able to play for as long as me for a while, but with a bit of practice, you can. You're fingers are still knew to this and are not used to this kind of abuse. Mine are. And two, as soon as your fingers get tired, take a break and let them rest. You won't get better if your figures are shaking as you're strumming."
"Okay, and just sayin', you're an amazing teacher."
He let out a short chuckle and patted my shoulder then gave a slight squeeze. "You're not too bad kid."
He stood up from his seat, put his bass guitar in its stand and put his hand out and motioned for mine. I carefully handed it to him with only slight hesitation. I wanted to take it home with me.
After he grabbed it, he put it in the same stand as his.
"Come on, let's go grab the guys from the main studio and go for a bite."
"Great! I'm starved." I smiled as I jumped off my chair and hoped over to the door with him and left to find the boys.

"So y/n, we've got a surprise for you at home." Dylan announced as we all dug into our food.
"What is it?! Can we go home now so that I can see it!?!" My sudden excitement cause me to spray a bit of my mouth full of food that I was recently peacefully enjoying.
Earning few curious glances from people around us.
"Calm down you damn child! Keep your food in your mouth, and don't talk when it's full!" Georges stern glare made me slump back onto my set in shame.
Damn childish side. Why you gotta be so cruel?!
"Sorry.." I mumbled in embarrassment.
"It's alright y/n, if everyone's done, then we can go and see what your surprise is." George continued to talk to me as if I were a child, knowing damn well that it was embarrassing me.
"We've all been done for a bit now." Everyone announced.
"I call shot gun!" Dylan yelled as he ran out the doors and to the car, earning disapproving glares from all the mothers.
The other guys followed close behind. But  just before Jordan could, I put my hand on his shoulder and slightly pulled.
"Hey! What the fu-" He cut himself short as he realized it was only me. "Y/n... I thought you had left already."
"Do you have some seeing problems I should be aware of? Cause clearly, five people left, not six." I laughed as I made fun of him. "Anyways, could you be so kind as to give me a piggyback to the car?"
I gave him the best pleading face I could muster as he looked at me deep in thought.
"Only if I get something out of this." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Ugh. Fine. Sure whatever you want."
He looked taken aback. "No arguing? No sarcastic comebacks? No glares? Are you feeling alright?" Now he looked concerned.
"Haha yeah of course I am. Now turn around!"
He laughed while turning around for me and once I jumped on, headed to the car with both of us laughing at his plane 'imitations'.

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