Chapter 5

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I shot right off the floor as soon as the raspy voice hit my ears.
God! Can this day get anymore embarrassing! I looked towards the source of the voice.
Matthew. Of course. Obviously, I mean, this is his room, so who else would it be?
"I wasn't trying... I suck at singing.. It was horrible...." I mumbled. Seemingly finding something interesting on the floor.
He placed his fingers under my chin, and tilted my head so that I was forced to look into his stern eyes. "Don't you dare say that. Your voice is god damn amazing."
"No it's not..." I sighed.
His eyes searched deep into mine. Suddenly, the roughness in them softened. "You have to stop putting yourself down like that."
I just stood there, speechless. I mean how do you reply to that? Can you even? I can't just STOP putting myself down.. It's utterly useless to try.
"I can't stop.. It's the only way I won't let myself down." I paused with a sigh. "I'm not explaining this right... It's the only way I won't get hurt when I get my hopes up or something. Then if I do manage to do something right...."
I looked back at him, aware that my eyes trailed to the wall behind him. My face twisted in sorrow. I won't be able to stop. Realization flooded into his eyes. He knew. He knew exactly what I was thinking. He knew because he's been in the same spot himself. That's the only way he would have known..
I sighed and let my eyes close. I didn't want him to see all the emotions that played around my eyes.
Suddenly, I felt a warm pair of lips press against mine. Did he just... Is he...? Oh... Wha..?
My eyes flared open. But as soon as they did, he pulled away.
His mouth opened to say something, but snapped it shut as the door gave a squeak in complaint as it was opened.
"Did I interrupt something?"
Matt jerked his hand away from my chin and rubbed the back of his neck. I looked at the doorway to see a grinning Jordan. His next words made my face heat up in embarrassment.
"I think I interrupted something. I might as well let you guys get back at it. Don't be too loud.~" He winked then snickered.
"We weren't d-" I was cut off by another voice whom decided they should be nosy and join in.
"Who get back at what, and why would they be too loud?" 'Twas Danny, off fucking course.
"These two," Jordan pointed at us, "get back to funky business."
"Oooh." Danny chuckled.
I swear there was a hint of jealousy that flashed quickly through his eyes.
"What's going on?"
Yet another voice. I inwardly groaned.
"Yeah, what the hells going on?! We can't see or hear shit back here!"
The two burst out laughing. I glanced at Matt, who looked just as embarrassed and confused as I probably did, then back at the two that are now holding their sides from laughing so hard.
"PUTA. News update. NOW!"
Great. Just great. Now everybody's here.
Danny and Jordan moved out of the doorway so that the rest of the guys could get a good view.
Jordan finally collected himself enough to try and put a sentence together. "These two-" Jordan pointed at us again and burst out in yet, another fit of laughter, not able to complete his sentence.
But he didn't need to, the guys put the pieces together, and also burst out laughing.
God, what the fuck? They're so confusing. What's so fucking funny?
I turned to Matt an whispered, "why are they laughing?"
He shrugged. Walking off towards the door, he turned back before taking the final step out. "I'll tell you tonight.~"
This encouraged the boys into another hoot of laughter.
He turned away and left out the door, but not before giving a wink.
A wink that would probably leave most people melting. One that just left me in utter shock and embarrassment.

A few hours have passed since that incident, I mean those incidents, and we were now all taking turns playing GTA V on the Xbox. Actually more like Xbox's, since George dragged another T.V. to the game room and set it up beside the first one, so two of us could play at once. Thus, everybody gets a turn quicker. Furthermore, we could either kill each other or whatever the fuck we want to do together. Thereby, added amusement for us all!
Right at this moment, we are watching Dylan and Jordan, drunk in the game, no surprise really, trying to both get in and drive the car at the same time. Leading to Jordan accidentally running people over including Dylan.
"Puta! Watch where you're driving! I was trying to get fucking in!" Dylan shot an angry glare at Jordan.
"Sorry dude, but it's fucking hard. I can barley see shit, plus the controls are all wonky."
I rolled my eyes. This is getting irritating. It was only amusing the first two times they did this. After the three hundredth mark, it gets kind of repetitive, and hella boring.
The five of us not playing, were either starting to fall asleep, or simply browsing the media.
Then a thought occurred to me. An amazing one! Well, at least more amazing then 'drunk, kill, crash, yell, repeat.' Yes, this will be loads better than that.
"Yo, Dylan, pass me your controller." I held my hand out, half expecting him to give it up without a peep.
"No fucking way am I letting you play on my account. Jordan already made me waste half of my hard earned money by killing me a bunch of times! So no! I deem you, not worthy of my account!" He stated like a child.
"Pleeaassee dylaaaan?" I whined, "I'll show you that I'm worthy of your account. Pleeeaasssee?"
He hesitated. "Fine. But only 'cause I'm sick of puta over here."
"YES! Thank you!" I cheered as I grabbed the controller from Dylan and sat in front of the T.V. "Alright Jordan, I need you to drive me somewhere."
"Okey-dokey, after I get drunk again."
I let out an over exaggerated sigh. "Okaay, give Jorel your controller." 
He looked over at me, about to object, but thought twice as I shot him my 'if you even fucking dare, I'll cut you' look. "Okay." He squeaked, handed Jorel the controller, and took over his spot on the couch.
Jorel settled beside me, in front of his T.V. "Okay boss, what are we going?"
I gave a toothy grin, "we are going to the military base to steal some choppers."
"Aye, Aye, captain." He did a mock solute as he returned my toothy grin.
In the background, the guys began to stir, hearing something new that had finally come along. Something that could possibly pull them out of boredom.
We got the choppers in one try, and lost the cops and all else that were after us.
"We make a damn good team." I told Jorel and turned to go the opposite direction of him.
"We sure do." Jorels grin was huge, looking back on it, it was too big of a grin.
"Oh shit.." People from behind whispered, seeing something that I obviously hadn't.
"What?" I asked, looking around for this 'thing' that they were 'oh shitting' about.
Unexpectedly, my helicopter exploded.
After my mini self explosion, I realized that Jorel was laughing really fucking hard, to the point that his eyes were slightly watering. "I... Managed... To... Blow you... Up.. Without you even noticing!" He said between laughter.
Dylan then rips the controller out of my hands, chuckling. "You are not fuckin worthy!"
I just sat there, angrily spewing to myself. Dragging myself up, I spun around on my heel and angrily stomped out to the kitchen. I do realize that I'm being VERY childish at the moment, but I don't care. It was MY helicopter. I worked hard for it. I was having FUN with it. I only had it for a few seconds! I will pout if I want!
I walked over to the fridge, grabbed a beer, and took a big long gulp from it, leaving less than half a beer left. Satisfied, I put the beer gently on the table and sat down. My earlier overdramatic, childish anger, forgotten.
"Hey, are you alright?" A soft voice came from behind me. Obviously concerned about my resent 'outburst.'
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good." I chuckled.
Danny came around to my front and gave me a tight hug. "Okay, the guys and I were just worried that we pushed it too far, actually more like I was was worried they did."
"Really Danny, it's fine, I just got too into it is all. I tend to do that someti- a lot of the time." I reassure him.
His long embrace was causing my skin to crawl. I'm still not used to long, normal hugs. Scratch that, I'm still not used to hugs period. It's starting to make me uncomfortable.
He sighed. "As long as that's it." He looked at me, not even releasing me in the slightest bit. And purred; "You know doll, you're a fine piece of ass.~"
I blushed.
Before I even had a chance to say anything, he was leaning in to kiss me. Once our lips locked, he worked his way between my legs. Unfortunately, we had to stop for this unnecessary pain, often referred to as oxygen.
"Another one? Dayum gurl/man, you're on a roll today.~" He teased with a wink.
I let out a loud groan. Not fucking Jordan again. Why the fuck- is he spying on me and waiting for the most inopportune moment to embarrass me?
"Ugh! Jordan can't you see you see that we're in the middle of something?" Danny's tone slightly annoyed.
"No shit. Sorry to be a party pooper, but we need to do rehearsals for our up coming tour."
Danny shot me an apologetic look and patted my head. "Looks like we'll be finishing this up later. This is an important tour."
"Rehearsals? A tour?" I was so fucking confused.
"We need to make sure we will remember our songs and such, so that we don't look completely ridiculous up on stage." The familiar raspy voice pitched in.
"Songs?... On stage..." Now I'm sounding like a broken record.
Put yourself together Y/N! "So you guys are all in a band together....?"
Now everybody filed into the kitchen.
"Noooo! We're flying turtles." Dylan's voice coated with sarcasm, "of course we're in a band! And a quite popular one at that."
"What's the name then." I pushed, not fully believing them.
They all smiled at each other, nodded and simultaneously said Hollywood Undead.
I burst out laughing.
They all threw me confused looks.
"What's so funny doll?"
"The fact that you guys are horrible liars. Do you expect to believe that? I mean, really? I'm gullible, but not that gullible." Now I'm angry. "How'd you guys figure out that they're my favourite band? Have you been stalking me? Figuring out little things about me? Then took me that day in the ally 'cause it would have been your last chance? And somehow figured out that I worship Hollywood Undead, that I'm pretty much, practically in love with them, and figured that since there's six of you, and since you guys look exactly like them.... That........ Wait..."
All six of them had the same amused look plastered on their faces as I put two 'n two together.
Now I'm completely at loss. I have no idea what to say. So many things on my mind, but not one of them would make sense coming out.
"So you're in love with us, hey?" Jordan smirked.
I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a nervous laugh. "Ignore that... That wasn't supposed to slip out."
"At least I know that when you kissed me, it wasn't because I'm famous." Danny said.
I felt my cheeks start heating up.
"He/She kissed you?" Matt sounded hurt.
I looked at him, even from halfway across the room, I saw his heart literally breaking through his eyes.
"Matt I.." Oh god... I'm gonna fucking cry. The hurt in his eyes is fucking breaking me.. It shouldn't be fucking me almost crying! I fucking hurt him! Not the other way around!
We all stood there for countless minutes. Me not knowing what to say. Danny, clearly at war with himself. Matt, quickly breaking and spiralling faster and faster to rock bottom. The others just, well, there. They don't know what to do, and they clearly don't want to get their heads bit off by any of us three.
"Matt.." My voice broke as I tried again.
"Matt, you two weren't technically together, and I had no idea there was a thing going on between you two... It's not his/her fault though. I came on to him/her. Don't hate, or blame him/her. Blame me." Danny almost pleaded.
Matthew sighed. Probably too hurt to do or say anything.
When did he fall for me so hard? ...why the fuck did this happen..?
"....Go.." His whisper was barely audible.
"What?" I hesitantly asked. I knew what he said, but I couldn't believe it.
"You heard me.. Leave me.. Both of you go.." He sighed.
Danny shot him a grateful look and sprinted to the stairs and with one last look, bounded up them to his room.
I stood there. Too shocked to move. So many emotions coursed through my veins. I don't want to leave him, especially not like this. I wanted, I needed to make him better... I can't go...
The sudden volume making me jump in fear. Tears finally started pricking at my eyes.
I let out a small whimper.
Reluctantly, I slowly backed away towards the stairs, not wanting to leave him like this, but not wanting to anger him more.
He lifted his head up and slowly trailed his eyes to mine.
If looks could kill, I wouldn't even be a speck of dust. I will never be able to erase this image of him. His face is twisted in so much pain, it broke my heart further.
But that wasn't the worst, the betrayal, the anger, it was too much....
I kept backing up until my heel hit the wall next to the stairs. I turned, ready to make a dash for a room, any room. Just not Danny's or Matt's.
"No, you're leaving the house." His voice made the hairs on my back stand up stand up on end. It's so cold and smooth and unnerving. "Now, while you still have a choice."
I let a sob out. I couldn't hold it in anymore ...
The tears began pouring out as I ran to the front door.
"Y/N!" One of the other guys called out.
"Way to go you fucking dumbass." Someone said to Matt.
"I don't car-"
I slammed the door shut behind me. Cutting off whatever hurtful words that tried to follow.
Stumbling blindly down the stairs to the end off the sidewalk, with a tear stained face, I looked up at the house one final time.
A light on the second floor, pretty much directly across from me, lit up a room.
A figure, that my mind slowly put together was Danny, looking down at me with a pity written face. Anger flared in me.
It's his fucking fault. If he hadn't kissed me..
I shook my head as another wave of fresh tears cascaded down my face.
I can't blame him...
I turned around and followed the road, leading to god knows where.

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