Chapter 11

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The guys surrounding me chuckled at my reaction.
"You like?" Dylan asked as I carefully pulled the rest of the rapping paper off.
"Like? I love it. This is so amazing.." I breathed. "Thank you guys."
I continued to gaze upon this magnificent creation. Caressing every sleek curve, admiring the well done finish. Black bordering around the edges of the body, fading to a deep purple three inches toward the centre on both the front and the back of the body. I played with the volume/tune control turning it higher and lower. My fingers lightly stroking the strings as my hand runs down the black painted neck.
"We'll leave you with you're new lover." Jordan's tease took a few moments longer than usual to register in my head.
"No!" I blushed at my loudness then finished shyly. "I mean, I can pay attention to more than one thing at once..."
Jorel came over from where he was standing and sat on the bed beside me. "Now you can practice as much as you like, wherever you want." He smiled down at me.
"Haha yeah." I quickly smiled at him and went back to admiring my new toy.

"Are you gonna carry that guitar everywhere you go?" Danny asked astonished.
"III-maaaybe-weeell not EVERYWHERE....." I mumbled. "I just want it with me in the living room....."
I trudged over to my spot at the far end of the couch, flopped down, and started admiring my prized possession once again.
I felt the couch dip beside me as someone sat down and put their arm around my shoulders and squeezed, as if trying to get my attention in which, I didn't even acknowledged.
"So I forgot to ask, but why did you guys get me this?" I finally pried my eyes from my guitar.
I admit... I'm paying waaaay to much attention to this inanimate object.... I guess I'm just slightly obsessive... Only slightly.
"You were kinda obsessed with Jorels bass guitar, so we thought we might as well get you your own. I feel like imma start regretting that decision soon if you keep paying more attention to it than to me." Jordan pouted at the last part.
I grew amused at him seemingly feeling inferior to an object that doesn't have human emotions or a way to fulfill human needs or pleasures.... That I know of... And would frankly like to keep it that way and never think of that again....
I shook my head in hopes to remove those.. Odd.. Thoughts, and turned my attention back to Jordan.
"Awe is poor wittle Jordan feeling left out?"
He gave a quick nod, one that would barely be seen if one was not paying close attention.
I started to feel a tad bit bad. "Come 'er."
I placed my guitar carefully on the floor beside me as Jordan got up.
I turned and leaned my back against the armrest so that my legs were sprawled across the sofa then pulled my legs apart and patted the spot between them, indicating for him to sit. He looked at me puzzled with an raised eyebrow rapidly looked from me to the guys.
I groaned and rolled my eyes at him. "Seriously? You'd really think I'd do that here?! Jeez..."
"Oh.. Umm.. Well." He spluttered and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I thought no one could make you uncomfortable!" I laughed. "All you have ta do is sit down, between my legs, with your back against my stomach."
He did just as I said with out any sexual remark or anything, which surprised the living hell outa me.
After Jordan was comfortable, I leaned him back onto me, and rapped my arms and legs around him like a koala.
"Is this better?"
"Much." Jordan mumbled.
He leaned his head back and started to kiss my jaw line and slowly made his way down to my neck. I tried to pull away by moving my head to the opposite side... That wasn't a smart move.. I should have moved the other way... Now he has full access to my neck and I can't move my head to block him, nor would my body listen to my every screaming instruction to push him away and now, neither were my eyelids.
He continued to place soft but forceful kisses around my jaw and neck, trying to find my soft spot. His lips turned up in a smirk against the tender soft skin after a low moan escaped through my lips.
"Looks like I found it." He whispered before he lightly took the skin in his teeth and gave a slight pull.
Which of course, earned another moan from me, that was louder than the last.
Jordan turned his body to the side, so that he could more clearly see my face.
He gently took my face in his hand, looked into my eyes for a split second, enough for me to see the lust misting throughout them, before they fluttered closed along with mine when his face inched towards mine.
Before long, his lips were against mine and pushed both our lips into a deep, passionate, kiss. His free hand wondered down the front of my shirt to the top of my thigh, where it lingered for a moment before running circles on the inside of my hip bone.
"Jor-daan.." I moaned once again. Earning a triumphant smile from him.
"Ahem." One of the guys loudly cleared their throat.
"Yes?" Jordan groaned as he pulled away from me and looked to the guys.
Matthew glared at him. "We'll leave you two alone, so that you can finish whatever you started."
We all sat in an awkward silence.
"So why are you guys still here." Jordan stated rather than asked, and shooed them away with his hand.
They all left but not with out some sort of mumbled complaint from each of them. Jordan turned back to me, "now where were we?"
I bite my lip as my face grew from his intense stare.
"Never mind that." He said dismissively. "As much as I'd love to finish what I started, we have a reservation we have to get to."
I furrowed me eyebrows. "Reservation?"
"Yeah, remember, you owe me."
"Oh. Right." I mumbled in regret.
"It won't be that horrible, I promise. Now go up stairs and get dressed. Don't worry about clothes, there's a suite/dress on Matts bed that I picked out for ya." He smiled them patted my thigh. "Now hurry!"
I chuckled as he shooed me off the couch and smacked my ass as I walked away from him.
Just as Jordan had said, there laying neatly on Matts bed, was a black suite with a red and black striped tie/short, dark purple, pretty much a black, sparkly dress. I walked up to the bed and ran my fingers down the soft material in awe. Never in my life, have I had the privilege to where something as nice and possibly expensive like this. I quickly grabbed the material and slipped it on.
Right on cue, as if Matt knew I would need help, he slipped through his door and briskly shut the door behind him.
"Here left me get that for ya."
I gladly accepted his offer and left him tie the tie/zip me up.
"There you go." He announced once he was finished.
"Thank you." I gratefully smiled at him.
He returned my smile and let his eyes slowly wander my body.
"Like what you see?" I asked while striking am overdramatic pose.
"Very much." His face lit with amusement. "Just too bad it's for Jordan... But yet.. It's a good thing.. This suite/dress would not have left this room."
My jaw dropped at his response.
Matthew then approached me and put his hands on my hips, leaned towards my ear and whispered, "I barely have any self control right now.."
A shiver ran down my spine.
"But..." He kissed the spot behind my jaw. "I'll wait till it's my own tux/dress on you.."
My body soon started tingling.
His lips met mine, and kissed me once.... Twice....thrice... Pulled away and lent his forehead against mine and just stayed there, looking into my eyes, with love and adoration filled in his and maybe a whole lot of lust...
The moment had to come to the end at some point, but for me, right now was too soon.
"I should get down stairs before the guys suspect anything." Regret filled Matts voice. "See ya soon!"
He gave one last quick kiss before turning away.
"See ya.." My small voice followed him out the door.
I gave a partly frustrated sigh. "Why the fuck do the guys have to do this to me! Now my body is gonna take a while to reciprocate from this...."
I turned to the connecting bathroom and walked in to do touch ups.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror in complete awe. I think I just took my own breath away.... Is that so horrible?
The suite/dress fit perfectly. As if it were made for me. It fit snugly to my form/clung to all my curves in all the right ways.
I then proceeded to the next step, my face. Shouldn't take too long. All I need to do is shave/apply foundation, eyeliner, mascara.
"All done! ....with that at least.." I said to my reflection. "Now. Hair."
I looked at it for a few traumatic minutes. "Fuck this shit!" I glared at the mirror and just left my hair the way it was.
I rushed out of the bathroom, not quite sure on the amount of time I had, grabbed the shoes as I sat on the edge of the bed, and slipped them on. They were a simple black dress shoe/six inch heel, with ankle straps lacing up to the bottom of my calf.
Finally satisfied with the end result, I walked out the door and down the stairs.
As I hit the last step, wolf whistles hit my ears. I felt my face burning and tried to hide my face with my hair but fail as someone in front of my swept it all out of my face.
I raised my e/c eyes only to connect to Jordan's blue ones.
"No need to do that, you look very beautiful."
I smiled at him, not trusting my voice, knowing that it might give.
A hand was placed on Jordan's left shoulder. We looked over to see that it belonged to Dylan.
"Now take care of my lil bro/sis, and nothing more than making out!" He tried his best to be stern, key word, TRIED.
"Oh don't worry. You know me." Jordan removed Dylan's hand from his should.
"I do know you.. That's the problem."
At this, Jordan frowned. It didn't last long, as he looked back at my concerned face, a smile replaced it. "I promise, I'll take good care of y/n."
And with that, he put his arm out, I slung mine through his, and we were off.
Waiting for us outside was a fucking limo!
"Jesus fuck Jordan! What are you trying to prove here?"
"That I can be a gentleman, and that I don't need some slut... Only you."
The last part made my heart flutter and my stomach do a million flip flops. I couldn't help the smile that kept continuously growing as the night progressed or that embarrassing blush that dusted my cheeks.
"After you." He opened the door as we got there and followed in after me. "You'll be sure to love tonight."
I laughed at him.
"What.... Do I have something on my face..?" He asked while touching random spots on his face.
I giggled at his reaction and took his frantically searching hands in mine, squeezing reassuringly. "No, believe me, nothing's there. It's just the way you're talking and acting, it's so odd that it's amusing."
Jordan gave me a playful glare then attacked my lips.
"I'll give you something to really find amusing." He seductively growled once he pulled away.
I didn't have a chance to react before his lips were on mine again, and being pushed down onto the seat.
He pulled away once I was completely laying down on the seat, and looked down, taking his time to look over my face and body. I took this time to look over his body, surprised to see that he was wearing a suite with a tie that matched me.
"Did you know... You look really amazing tonight...." Jordan leaned down to my neck and started kissing that.
Suddenly I heard what sounded like a window being rolled down.
"Mr. Terrell, were here."
"Already?" I groaned. "I didn't even know we were moving.."
Now it was Jordan's turn to be amused at me. "We can finish this later, deary~. Sadly though, these people don't like to be kept waiting."
Once inside, I gasped. This place is astonishing! Large windows accompanied with large whitish silver silk curtains. The room was dimly lit with candles placed on every small circular table. The place itself was filled with quiet chatter among couples.
A slight tug of my arm brought me out of my trance to see that we are now being led to our own table.
On our walk there, I started to notice that people were stopping to stare. I grew more and more uncomfortable with every step only to be flooded with relief as I looked over at Jordan and saw that he was wear his signature sunglasses.
That's all it is...
We finally reached our destination. It was like all the others, just by a window instead. Jordan pulled out my chair for me and sat down just in time for the waiter had arrived.
"My name is Cal and I'll be your waiter for tonight. I'll give you a few moments with the menu, what will you guys be drinking?"
"A bottle of your best wine." Jordan responded.
We sat in a moment of silence with me staring all over the place and Jordan staring at me before he spoke. "What do you think of this place?"
"I think it's amazing... I've never been anywhere like this, or wore clothes like these." I choked.
Jordan smiled, reached over the table and placed his hand on mine, rubbing circles relaxing my jittery nerves. We just stayed like that, gazing into each others eyes, getting glimpses of each other's souls.
"Here you are." The waiters voice jolted us out of our trance.
He reached over and poured half a glass of wine into both of our glasses.
"What will you two be having tonight?"
Jordan said his choice as I quickly scanned the menu and spotted something that caught my eye. "I'll have the y/f."
The waiter smiled at me. "Fantastic choice. That's my favourite dish."
My body grew warm as I noticed him looking me over before leaving.
I turned to see Jordan glaring at the waiters back.
"A little jealous?" I giggled as I took a sip of the wine.
He jumped in surprise and looked back at me. "Me? Of course not."
"Oh really now?" My voice laced with amusement.
"Yes really. Cause I'm the one sitting here, and he's just some waiter that'll never see you again." He pointed out.
"Never is such a strong word for such a small world." I murmur while taking another sip.
A silence soon settled over us, and I started to grow bored and hungry. I grabbed my almost empty wine glass and started swirling it.
"This is boring.." I hear Jordan groan.
"Was bout to say the same myself." I took the last swig and placed the glass back on the table.
"I've got an idea, we'll have to finish our food first though.."
"Or ya know, we could just leave and get some fast food." I wiggled my eyebrows.
He chuckled. "I guess you're right. I like this idea."
He then grabbed my hand and started running through the restaurant with me in tow.
We made it safely inside the window with only four people chasing us.
Jordan went close to the front of the limo after we stopped at some fast food joint and showed the driver where to go as he drove.
About five minutes later, we stopped outside a pub.
"Aren't we a bit over dressed for this?" I asked.
"Not really. Come on."
I followed him the the entrance, we got stopped by a bouncer once we got there, but that was easily fix once Jordan told him who he was.
We pushed past all the drunk sweaty dancers to get to the bar, which was a workout itself.
After that... Everything just blurred together. We've each had plenty shots, a lot of dancing on the dance floor, and definitely LOTS of making out, before I blacked out.

I awoke to an awful pounding headache and desert dry mouth. There was a very obnoxious banging sound flooding into my ears and causing my head to pulse in a painful rhythm to the beat. I tried everything I could without opening my eyes, to make the sound go away.
Finally, after trial and error and a bunch of tossing and turning, I'm laying on my back with pillow over my head and both arms on either side of the it, pressing it onto my ears. At this point I'm convinced that the noise is coming from inside my head. Everything I try to block the noise out, it barely even muffles it.
"Where the fuck is that horrid noise coming from?" I rasp in my dry voice.
Suddenly, my safety pillow was yanked from my eyes, and of course I had them open underneath, and to top it off, the sun was really freaking bright. And no, the curtains are not closed.
"My eyes! My HEAD!" I hissed and automatically cover my face with my hands while spinning onto my stomach to quickly replaced my hands wth the cool silk sheets. "Ahh.. Much better..." I let out a satisfied sigh.
I felt something repetitively poking my shoulder. It didn't take long for me to grow annoyed with this and attempt to shoo it away by twitching my shoulder. When that didn't work, I resorted to swatting at it with my hand. Of course my brain hadn't register that it felt fleshy like a persons hand, but had registered that this annoyingness was not going to be stopped by any of these fetal attempts, and had also unleashed my pent up rage.
I spun around and smacked the 'culprit' which I later realized was an arm.
"OW! What the fuck was that for?!"
An unfamiliar voice startled the living day lights out of me, causing me to jump backwards in such a degree that I fell out of the bed with a very and I me very, mostly cause I hit my head and caused an even worse ragging headache, painful thump.
"Are you okay down there?" The voice wasn't unfamiliar anymore, but I still couldn't place it.
I groaned in pain as I sat up. I wasn't exactly paying attention to anything earlier, but since I wasn't covered in blankets, and I wasn't fighting with the loud noise, my eyes widened as I realized two things.
One, it was Jordan that was leaning over the bed looking down at me, meaning, we're in his room. And two I was in only, as my grandmother would say, my undergarments. And Jordan... I couldn't exactly see...
"Holy shit! You guys had some fun last night, eh?"
"Dammit Dylan! Why are here?"
Dylan shrugged as he walked over and helped me up to the bed.
"I live here." His words flat. "Aannd I needed to make sure you guys didn't do anything in your drunken state."
He accusing eyes lingered over the both of us for a few, sizing up the damage.
"Obviously nothing happened last night." I rolled my eyes.
"Don't be so quick to say that." Jordan mused as he slid up behind me and pulled me into an relatively tight embrace.
"We didn't! I've still got some clothes on! We couldn't have! Did we?" My eyes wide with desperation, searching Dylan for an answer I wasn't sure even he knew.
Dylan threw a poisonous glare at Jordan. If looks could kill, that'd be one.
Jordan threw his hands in the air. "Hey! I'm not all too sure what happened last night! But I am sure that y/n is mine. So you can't always be so protective of him/her."
My breath quickened and my body suddenly fluttered with life. All of the sudden, all my nerves were on over drive, every touch felt more intense, more electrifying. The spot his arms embraced, felt all tingly and pleasant. I couldn't stop the goofy grin that plastered itself into my face. All because of that one word.. 'Mine.'
"Ight then.. I guess you're right.." Dylan admitted. "Good luck y/n, and if you need anything, you know where to find me."
I gave him a puzzled look, which he left unanswered and walked out of the room without a second glance.
"Weird..." I mumbled.
"Hey.. Come 'er.."
I felt the familiar overwhelming butterflies spark back to life as he nuzzled my neck, wiping all my prior thoughts away.
He pulled me down onto my back and moved onto his side, so that his one leg was on top my stomach and one under my back, which was oddly comfortable. His arms still embraced me and kept me close as physically possible to him. Jordan place his head in the crook of my neck and soon showered that spot with soft kisses.
Each kiss getting softer, lighter and lasting slightly longer, until they stopped moving all together, still pressed up against my skin with his warm breath slowing as he fell asleep.
I was about to follow him into a slumber, but he started frantically searching the bed with his hand, jolting me from my half dazed state. It didn't make any sense and I soon grew annoyed, but managed to solve it by quickly captured his hand with mine.
It elated me when I felt his fingers lace through mine. I turned my head and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.
Im not exactly sure if I startled him or what, but he suddenly curled into me more, pulled me into a tighter embrace and placed his head beneath my chin.
When I was sure I would lose a limb, or few, from the lack of blood circulation throughout my body, a relieved sigh slipped my lips after his grip loosened back into a comfortable grasp.
For some time, I listened, memorized to his soft, quiet breathing, and the feeling of the slight rise and fall of his chest against my side. My eyelids grew heavy over time, as much as I wanted to stay like this, I couldn't fight to keep them open another second, so I finally gave in and let them slide shut. A soft smile found its way to my lips as I fell asleep.

Slowly Dying Inside (Hollywood  Undead X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now