Chapter 1

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"(Y/n), why you leavin'?"
"You know damn well why I'm leaving!"
Oh, just 'cause I accidentally kissed another girl! I was drunk!"
"'Accidentally?' More like slobbering all over each others faces! And drunk my ass! You had one beer. One. I know you can hold your liquor. So nice try there bud."
"But (y/n)! You can't blame this on me! You're the one whose temperamental!"
"Temperamental? Try annoyed. You annoy me from time to time, so I just snap. It's in my nature. I'm done. Buh-bye. I don't want to see your cheating face anywhere near me!"
I whipped around and stormed down towards a dark ally.
"Where you gonna go? Huh? You can't live with me since you're leavin'. You can't go to your parents either. They'll beat you the first step you take into the house! You have no options other than to make it up to me, so you can have a place to be!"
I slipped into a dead holt and flinched as if he just physically slapped me.
"I'll find somewhere.." I whispered quietly enough that I doubt he heard, before  I returned to storming off.

The alley ended up leading to a dead end. Hmm.. I might as well stay here tonight.
I looked around sizing up my surroundings and noticed an abandoned little silver car, in almost perfect condition. Strange..
"It must be nice not to be alive. Not to be able to feel pain, or any emotion for that matter. To not be a disappointment to people, because you're stubborn, and get annoyed with people easily. Oh now I'm just crazy! I'm talking to a fucking vehicle!"
I went towards a big wooden fence that cornered off the ally. A tear landed on my hand, I hadn't even noticed I was crying till now.
"Stupid, stupid me."
I started punching the fence, not even caring about the splinters I would get, or the pain. Punch after punch flew, causing more and more tears to flood my eyes, which caused momentarily blindness. So I resorted to collapsing on the cold ground.
What the fucks the point of my life?
I wondered, while pulling out my handy pocket knife.
"Just one cut... Just one.. One and everything will be all dandy..." I chocked out while drawing the blade across my wrist.
But it wasn't just one. It ended up as a dozen on one arm, each one getting deeper and deeper. "Always cross the road... Never follow it..." But that didn't stop me last time. No, last time I followed it. It didn't work, of course it didn't. My boy- sorry, ex boyfriend, found me just in time. Now I'm left with a long, deep scar.
When my body was finally satisfied, I stopped. After carefully pulling my sleeves down, I put my earbuds in and blasted Black Dahlia by Hollywood Undead, and relaxed as much a my brain would let me.

Halfway through the song, I heard a voice, or thought I did anyway.
I turned my music down and partially pulled out an earbud, so that I could hear properly, but look like I couldn't hear shit.
"Shh! Look!" A voice whispered.
Shit! I knew I heard something! Fuck my life! I pretty much screwed myself in this alley!
"Maybe if you played dead?"
"What the fuck!? That a stupid idea! (Y/n) stand up and FIGHT!"
"Both of you, shut the fuck up!" I whisper-yelled while grasping my head. It fucking hurts when they yell.
"Yo! It's just a boy/girl. Why in the hell is he/she by himself/herself?" Questioned a second person, which was obvious because of the deeper voice.
"I don't know. Maybe she's hurt?" Said a third.
"Or maybe the dude/chick's lost!" The second person laughed.
"Then we should help him/her." The first one pointed out.
One of them just grunted while the other muttered a 'fine'.
Three figures slowly formed out of the shadows as they got closer. Two of them were slightly shorter, and one drastically taller than the others.
"Yo, novia, we ain't here to hurt you.. Don't freak."
"This is how shit ends up on the news."
I let out a shaky breath, still fearing the worst to come.
Then, out of no where, strong arms rapped around me, causing me to jump out of fear, but yet, feel safe in the warmth.
"Shh... It's okay, you look like you were crying, so I just thought..." His voice trialled off. It was the person whom I had first heard. His voice is soft, so soft. In fact, soft to the point that I just wanted to sit here and listen to him talk.. and let the world melt away.. I quickly shake the thoughts away. That can't happen.
Not trusting my voice, I nod in acknowledgement.
"My names Danny, and my friends and I are gonna take you to a place where you can sleep tonight."
"We are?" The shorter one asked.
"Yes." Danny glared at the shorter guy, then looked back over to me, "are you okay with that?"
"Yes." I managed to croak out. I'm starting to feel sleepier by the minute, and these guys seem pretty chill, so what could possibly go wrong?
"Okay, let's go." Danny said while picking me up. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)..." Was the last thing I managed to say before a big wave of exhaustion, causing me to pass out.

Slowly Dying Inside (Hollywood  Undead X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now