3- Under My Control

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I never expected that I wouldn't somehow get out of this situation. Almost half of me thought I was about to wake up soon, that everything was just one terrible nightmare. The other dominating part thought that the soldiers would let me go, let us all go. They'd realise they'd made some mistake or the master would come home and make them release us. Most of the part of me that remained thought a masked superhero would come crashing through the garden wall and beat up all the bad guys. Then there was that tiny section left over, that knew this was reality and that knew nothing would ever be the same again- the section that was right.

The two officers drag dad out of the house, tying his hands behind his back and ignoring his cries of pain as they pull on his broken arm. The Sargent doesn't bind my hands, he just holds my wrists in one hand, as if showing everyone how strong and powerful he is. The mistress and Kip are kneeling on the drive in front of a row of four or five soldiers, their hands tied. Kip looks up at me as dad is thrown down next to him. His lip is split. The Sargent sees this aswell,

"Who hit the boy?" He demands, his grip tightening painfully around my hands. "Who was it?!" He hits his stick on the ground, threatening everyone who knows its power.

A soldier steps forward, "The boy was becoming violent so I thought I'd give him a warning, sir."

"Well. You thought wrong."

"I apologise, sir."

The Sargent nods and turns towards the family. The mistress is crying, staring at the gravel drive beneath her. It's then that I realise the little ones aren't there. I look around but I can't see them.

"Now then, what was I going to say?" I can't believe this man, he's taken a whole family hostage and has barely stopped smiling once. "Ah, yes, the Lancaster heir." Kip stares at the Sargent defiantly.

"What do you want with me?"

"What do I want with you? I want you under my control. I want you- the head of the Lancaster family to listen explicitly to my every word."

"I'm not the head."

"Yes. Well. That was true up until 30 seconds ago when your father was somehow involved in a traffic accident. Dead on arrival."

I can't really believe what he's saying, the masters dead. But how could he know all of this? Kip justs blinks, staring up at the sargent. Suddenly, he pulls himself to his feet,

"Why are you here! What have you done? This is illegal, just let us all go- none of us have ever done anything to you!"

But then, just as I thought nothing could get any worse, the Sargent presses a gun into my hands, forces my finger around the trigger and squeezes.

"Stop! NO!" And just like that, I'm a murderer.

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