9- The Lancaster Secret

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It's beginning... Everything...

Sarge hands me something, some kind of pill.

"What is this?" I look at him, shocked.

"It's called Fraynol. Take it." He thrusts a glass of water into my hand.

"But.. what does it do?" He taps his cane on the ground, threatening me. I swallow the pill. Nothing happens. I mean, I wasn't expecting to drop down dead but.. okay, maybe I was.

"Let's see if this works... Sit." I sit. What the hell? I didn't even hesitate, it was like my body just did exactly as he said.

"Stand." I do as he says.

I gasp, "What is this?"

"One day you won't need this but for now... Well, it's an important day." That can never be a good thing.

When Sarge had said 'important day' I honestly didn't see what happened coming. First Sarge leads me to this giant hall. The pill's still in effect and its hold over me scares me more than the posibilities of what is about to happen.
The hall is impressive, a high ceiling and long stain glass windows that scatter coloured diamonds throughout the room in the light of the setting sun. Just in front of the windows is a foot high platfrom that sends shivers down my spine. I look up at Sarge but he just continues to walk through the centre of the room, heading for the platform. As he steps up onto it I grimace, the floor he is walking on is made from bones. They look just as if they'd been piled there, like some macabre stage- there are even a few scattered around, lying on the dark slate floor.

"kneel." he says, pointing to the right of a throne which sits in the middle of the platform.

I follow his command, it's not like I have a choice.

He stands between me and the throne, slightly behind it in the same way that I kneel behind him.

"Put your hands behind your back. As if they're tied."

He glances back to check that I've done as he said. As if he needs to. He looks almost as imposing as the room does- dressed in the same obsidion uniform he'd been wearing that day... the one that feels a lifetime away now.

He'd given me clothes as well, ones that I'd have refused to wear if I'd have been told to wear them before taking the Fraynol.*

"You will call me Master. You will only speak when spoken to. The person that will sit in that seat..." He nods to the throne, "You will listen to whatever they say. Even if it goes against anything I have said previously, do you understand?"

"Yes Master." I feel sick, the way the words just slip out of my mouth without me having any control over it.

He turns away from me. I wish he'd ordered me not to be scared.

Sarge turns back to say something else but a door is opened just behind and to the right of the stage. A woman wearing an army uniform walks through the door- her face sullen and stern but undeniably beautiful, like a cat. A girl follows her, her hair falling down her back, a waterfall of dark red. Her clothes are like mine and there's a collar round her neck. She stares at the ground as she passes us, following the army woman.

The woman stops in front of Sarge and points to a place on the bone platform, the same place as me, just on the opposite side of the throne. "Kneel down over there." I look at the girl, turning my head towards her as descretly as I can and for a second I catch her pitch black eyes before she blushes and looks down.

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