10- the owner

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What? You cant just say something like that! I want to shout at them, demand that they tell me what's going on- tell me what they're talking about but Sarge just walks away from her, back towards me. He strokes his hand through my hair, petting me like a dog.

Gatto starts to say something else but stops as soon as the double doors in the wall at the opposite end of the hall swing open, and rushes to stand on the other side of the throne.

I hear the woman before I see her, high heeled boots tapping against the floor and echoing off the walls. My head feels like its spinning- not just because of that drug. There's no way for me to shout out or force someone to tell me what's happening.
I look up at her. She's beautiful. Not like anything I've ever seen before, black hair pulled into a high tight pony tail and a short leather dress, not slutty looking... Just dangerous...

She suddenly breaks out into a smile and pulls Sarge into a tight hug.

She pulls away. "How do I look?" she does a slow turn and Sarge looks her up and down,


She laughs, and so does Sarge. She greets Gatto aswell and turns her attention to the girl with red hair, kneeling in front of her.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Sweetheart... She says it like a mother...

"Asya..." She says, head bowed.

"Nice to meet you child born in a time of grief.." The girl snaps her head up to look at the smiling woman in front of her. "Everyone's name means something. Wanna know mine?" Asya nods uncertainly.

"My name's Mara. D'you know what it means?" Asya shakes her head. "It comes from ancient folklore, old world folklore... Mara-"

Sarge cuts her off, "was a wraith. She causes nightmares. Rather fitting don't you think?"

Asya looks back to the floor and so do I. She scares me more than Sarge does, because I can't stop seeing her as a mother.

She walks in front of me. I feel her fingers slide through my hair then tighten into a fist, making me gasp a little as she pulls my head sharply back.


I bite my lip, trying to distract myself from the pain she's causing.

"What's your name?"


She giggles, "I already knew that." she lets go of my hair but holds the back of my neck, bending over to whisper in my ear, "you are very special to me. I won't let you go easily." she withdraws and smiles as I stare up at her, a little stunned by her words.

Mara claps her hands excitedly "I think we should begin." She settles into the throne, drawing out a whip from behind the chair. "Heads straight forward, children. Address me as owner and the soldiers as Sir. Look ahead and make no eye contact. We, on this stage of death are above those on the floor." Soldiers? what the hell is happening?

Because of the pill I do as she says. But in my stomach I'm petrified and in my head I'm screaming at myself to run, to get away from this place.

"Enter!" she shouts. The door giant doors swing open and something that only this woman- only a creator of nightmares- could have caused happens.

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