6- Nightmare

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I blink slowly. A hot summer sun beats down on my face. I'm in a wood, I think. The trees are rustling and moving but I can't feel any wind. Someone calls my name and I turn around. Kip's behind me, smiling, but his blonde hair is matted with blood and his eye sockets are empty.
KIP, KIP! WHAT HAPPENED? he says nothing in reply and walks towards me, still grinning. Suddenly, bullets begin to pierce his body, from every angle, but he still doesn't react.. Doesn't he feel the bullets splinter his bones? I stare in horror as he gets shot, unable to move. But then I realise that I can see the person shooting him. Through the holes in his body, I see a boy. A boy with brown hair, blue eyes cruel and empty. I see me.

I wake in a cold sweat. My body feels dead, paralysed, like my mind is awake but my body is still dead asleep. Everything aches. Initially I think I really am dead, in a pitch black room, unable to move. But the bedding I'm lying on is too soft to be a bed in hell and the pain in my body is too strong for this to heaven. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I start to see the outline of things. It's a bedroom, I can tell that much. The once dark purple smudges are apparently a dresser, and a wardrobe. This can't be me and my dad's cottage... Everything looks big, like the furniture in the masters house. Oh that's right, that's where I must be. In the master's house. But why would I be there? The soldiers had come, one of them- Sargent Major Jones- the tall blond man, he had had a magic stick- yes! That's right, the soldiers had come and we'd ran away but.. But dad told me to dress like Kip.. So they would take me instead of him... But we'd all been taken. And the mistress... No... I killed the mistress. Wait, the Sargent killed the mistress and then-
My heart plummets so fast I think I'm going to throw up. And then...? And then that man had raped me. And now...?

Now I'm here, sharing a bed with that sadistic bastard. I can hear his movement, feel his hot, heavy breath on my head. I am in hell, I have to be. Because I'm sleeping next to the devil.

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