Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

I could see the door handle move before the door flung open to reveal a miserable boy. I wasted no time in sitting up and shuffling into the corner before he stepped in, holding a large bag. "Hi, I'm Phil you must be Dan." The kid looked at me almost angrily. His confidence scared me and he already knew my name.
"Y-yeah I-I'm Dan. H-hi." Was all I could come out with. Why was he staring at me? Had I done something wrong? I noticed his bright blue eyes shine and his raven hair siting neatly in a similar fashion to mine. He was scaring me, as seconds passed and his gaze was still fixed on me. "Are you going to u-unpack or a-are w-we just going to s-stare at each o-other?" I questioned him and he finally broke his trance. "Oh, umm, yeah." I could see Phil's pail cheeks blush when he spoke so I wasn't surprised when he turned to unpack.
It had been around 5 minuets when I saw a tall, slim figure approaching the room. It was Jane with her curled blond hair over her shoulders where a stupid pink jumper also lay. I didn't want to talk to her. I had already spoken to Phil and couldn't help but stutter. I swiftly climbed off my bed, ran past Phil and left for the dinning hall.

I had been sat alone carefully placing my pees onto my mashed potato in an attempt to make an alien face. The chicken nuggets where spaceships you see, they where firing green missiles at the alien. The space war was drawn to an end when I heard a soft thud opposite me. I looked up to see Phil there, scaring me yet again.  "Dan," Jane addressed me with a fake smile, as she was clearly going to be angry with me if I didn't agree with what was coming, "could you make sure Phil eats his dinner?" Jane had asked me before the boy was here, to keep on eye on him. It was almost as if she didn't trust Phil, but she wouldn't tell me why he was here. I decided just to grunt at her because I was scared of Phil I knew I would stutter uncontrollably. Jane soon left me and Phil and an awkward silence began between us. I looked over at Phil's plate. It hadn't been touched. I was the one to brake the silence (a rare occasion for me). I wasn't quite sure how Phil would react to me asking him but I decided to ask anyway.  "I-I-I t-that w-w-why your h-here? B-because you d-don't eat?"

Phil's POV

"I guess." Was all I could tell Dan when he asked me. I wasn't too sure of things myself. I decided to take this opportunity to question him. "Why are you in here?" I thought that was a good place to start. I didn't want to offend him or something so I said it as calmly and meaningfully as I could. Dan stared at me for a moment, then lowered his eyes to his almost empty plate. Oops. I tried to start a conversation with him for the rest of dinner but he wouldn't reply. For some reason I felt the urge to get to know him, become his friend, something I had never thought about in a long time. I decided it was because of the antidepressants they were giving me.

"Free time for an hour before bed guys, off you go!" A gentle voice echoed through the room. With this being my first night I wasn't really sure what to do so I decided to go back to room 27 and finish unpacking. I had been there for a little while, when Dan walked in and froze when he caught a glimpse of me. I just wanted to be alone and was considering leaving. But there was something wrong with Dan, he was breathing quickly and looked to be crying. He turned and ran down the corridor. There was a sign at outside my door telling people that there where toilets and what room numbers where down there. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on.

"Time for bed Phillip. No one is allowed to be out of there room after lights out and there will be nurses in the corridors to make sure. I will come and get you and Dan in the morning for breakfast. You must sleep, people will check all rooms to make sure. Do you have any questions?" Jane fired at me. I hadn't heard her come in over the sound of my thoughts that where revolved around Dan.

'You're pathetic'

'Dan is terrified of you, you fat prick, why would he want to be friends with you?'

'You're the reason Dan was upset'

'No one wants you, why are you still alive?'

"Where's Dan?" Is what I replied with. In the 2 hours that I had known him, he had already taken over my thoughts.
"Oh. When did you last see him?" Jane seemed surprised and scared which couldn't be good.
"He came in crying, saw me and ran off down the hall." I tried to be useful but was sure it was all my fault. I didn't know what but I was sure I had done something to upset him.
"Not to worry sweetie, I'll go and find him. You get changed, it's lights out in 5 minutes." With that she disappeared in the same direction as Dan, but she still had a wide smile plastered on her face.

I got changed into some plain, dark blue pyjamas before laying my head down onto the uncomfortable pillow. The bedroom light had been switched off for about 50 minuets but I was still laying awake, listening to owls hooting and trees rustling. Jane had brought Dan in a while ago, so I had to pretend to be asleep, I could hear Dan crying quietly when he first came in, but now Dan was sleeping peacefully as far as I could tell.

Dan's POV

I could here someone the other side of the door fumbling with the handle. "Morning boys! Breakfast than there's group therapy at 9am." Jane was way too enthusiastic for 7am but before I could tell her this, I rolled over away from the wall to see Phil sat on the other bed. How could I have forgotten he had came yesterday evening. I shot up and stared at him.
'Phil doesn't look like as morning person either' I though as I followed him to the dining hall at 7:49. I had been told to stay with him, something I was not looking forward to. Me and Phil sat down at the table, hidden from the rest, to eat our toast and jam. But of cause Phil didn't eat it, he just stared at me confusingly.
"It's time for that group therapy thing Dan, we're going to be late." Phil reminded me. I decided to ignore him so he simply put his toast in the bin and dragged me to my feet. "G-get o-off of me!" I shouted at him. Why the hell was he touching me, I didn't like it one bit.
"Sorry." He mumbled and headed toward the room in which group therapy was. What the hell is wrong with him. He seems so depressed now, only last night was he asking me questions and smiling. He is seriously mad.
I made it the therapy room and stood outside the door. Inside I could here shouting and laughing so I presumed there wasn't any therapists in there yet.
I could tell that today wasn't going to work out ok.

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