Chapter 7

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Dan's POV

"Dan? Dan can you hear me?" A soft voice. One I instantly recognised. I begrudgingly opened my eyes to be met with a bright white light.
"Dan!" I didn't even have to look at Jane to know she was smiling at me. She was my only friend and the only person I needed in my life.
"Where the fuck am I?" My heart was racing and my mind was spinning. I was used to the plain cream walls of my room but the walls around me were a fresh glistening white. The floor was grey, but still seemed to glimmer under the bright light. The bright light. It was burning my eyes, my skin. It could see right through me and I knew it. Was I dead? No, Jane would have to be dead too. Was Jane dead? No because I'm not dead. But what if I am dead? Fuck. That could be a problem. I had always wondered what was after death though.
"Dan? Dan can you hear me?" Was it an angel? No, it was Jane, that was the only thing I was actually certain off. Oh yeah, the question. Shit I forgot to answer her question.
"I-I, w-what?" Great, I even screw up talking to Jane now as well. How much worse can this get.
"Dan please look at me." I did. I couldn't just ignore her.
"Dan sweetie, do you know what happened?"
"W-what h-h-happened?"
"Dan. Do you remember when you first came here, and you used to get scared a lot?" Where's she going with this? This can't be good. Nothing good can come from that question. What did happen? Why did I get scared a lot? Then I remembered. I could see the room. The face. The colour. The pain. I remembered why I got scared a lot. I remembered why I didn't need friends. I remembered what happened. I remembered the pain. I could feel the pain. The same pain was there now. The hands. I wasn't sure if it was just me, but the voices around me where slurred and sharp.
"Oh god no Dan. Don't do this to yourself again just focus on me." I hadn't realised I was shaking until she spoke. I hadn't realised I was crying until she spoke. The mindless actions scared me themselves. I was crying and shaking but not doing something important. Breathing.

"Not again Dan. Dan? Dan!"

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