Chapter 11

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......タイムスキップ.......Phil's POV.......タイムスキップ......

"Come on boys it's time to get up!" I don't move. It wasn't like I wanted to mope around all day. Well, maybe just a bit. I hadn't been eating but I didn't see that as a problem anymore. Dan was talking to me, I was happier, everything had changed in a matter of day and I couldn't take it.
"There's therapy today sweetie and we're running late." Even Jane's sweet voice couldn't get me up. I had no energy and even less motivation plus the thought of therapy made me feel sick.
"Ha. We're r-running l-late? I think i-it's m-more you are r-running late b-but you d-don't want to admit it fully. And they s-say I c-can't look a-after m-myself?" I heard Dan stutter under his breath.
"Shut it and get changed mr. Come on Phil, you need to go have breakfast before therapy." That put me off getting up even more, even Dan commented on it.
"Yeah g-great j-job. Tell the a-anorexic k-kid if he g-gets up he c-can have f-food."
"Dan please just get dressed. I'm pleased you're talking but I had a long night, please work with me here?" Now Jane was getting agitated. I decided I should probably get up even if I didn't eat.
"Thank you Phil. I'll leave you guys to change but I expect to see you having breakfast within 10 minutes." I nodded as I pulled off my long sleeved top. My arms were a sea of scars, none of which were fresh. I was probably supposed to be happy about that but instead I was disappointed in my self. I longed to see the crimson red on my still pail flesh. 
"H-hurry u-up." I followed the unmistakable voice to see Dan had already changed. He was broken but adorable. His skin was perfectly tanned, his eyes were a cute shade of chocolate and even his messy hair sat perfectly on his head. He was broken but he was getting better, right?
"S-stop st-staring a-at me."
"Huh? Oh right, sorry." I quickly averted my eyes and got up to leave. I couldn't eat, I just wouldn't be able to do it, so I started walking towards the bathroom in a t-shirt and joggers.
"W-where the h-hell are y-you g-going?" I didn't answer him because I still didn't have energy. For some reason I kept walking, and Dan kept followings, and no one stopped us, and Dan's eyes were still the most beautiful thing in the world. I pushed through the door before falling to the floor almost sending Dan flying.
"W-watch where y-you're b-breaking k-kid." The humour was hidden in between the stuttering and Dan's straight face.
"Dan, what's the point in doing anything?"
"Ugh. B-because if you d-don't do anything y-you d-die."
"And what's so scary about death?"
"I d-don't f-fucking know Phil!" I didn't take much to anger Dan, but sadly, he still stayed standing over me. I had the idea that if I annoyed Dan enough, he would leave me alone and go have breakfast. He didn't.
"Why d-do I h-have t-to t-talk to p-people?"
"You don't. Listen Dan, I don't want to be alive." It wasn't fully true but I was hoping it would scare him off.
"So d-does 80% of the o-other p-people in this b-b-building."
"Who is the other 20%?"
"Staff. N-now stop a-asking me questions a-and t-t-tell me why you c-came i-in here." Dan's facts where probably true but I didn't really give a damn.
"I came here because I could."
"You're d-driving me mental Phil. J-just shut u-up!" Now it was Dan's turn to fall to the floor, only his was more graceful. He sat in front of me as I began to cry and took my hands in his.
"I just want to go home!" I cried between sobbing and sniffling.
"That's ok-kay, you're a-allowed t-to b-be u-upset."
"B-but..." I was a wreck when Dan stared at me before wrapping his arms around my body.
"P-please t-try and g-get better Phil."
"I will."

"There you boys are. Now I hope you had breakfast because you have therapy now. Nice to see you getting along!"

"I promise."

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