Chapter 15

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"How's my narcissistic fag doing? Scratch that, I don't really care."
"I didn't mean to hurt her. I promise."
"And what will that promise provide me with. Fuck all. You did it deliberately and we all know it. Lucky for me though, because if you hadn't of been born, I would have killed that bitch. She just never appreciated my style of love."
"Why the hell would you kill her? That's horrible."
"You tell me Dan. You're the one who did it."
"But I didn't mean too. Mum said the people would help me. She never mentioned killing my best friend in the process."
"You didn't need help Dan. You deserve nothing but misery. You and your 'problems' drove your parents apart. Your dad was right to hurt you, you deserved more though. I would of personally strangled you."
"Why do you have to be so horrible, I never wanted to hurt anyone."
"That may be true Dan but it doesn't change the fact that you did hurt people. Your health made your mum leave you and your dad. Your mum leaving made your dad rightfully angry at you. And Lucy. Well, you let the doctors give you the pills. You let your mum give you two each morning with a glass of orange juice. You let them kill Lucy. It's your fault Dan. I'm only here to voice the truth that your stupid head can't understand. You don't deserve to live Dan. You killed Lucy, and now you're forgetting about her. You're moving on."
"I'm not forgetting her."
"Fucking hell Dan. You have a boyfriend now. You haven't thought about her since the day your mum escaped you. You are a pathetic murderer Daniel. You deserve to die."
"But I don't want to die Lewis. I want you to die."
"Like I said, murderer."
"I'm not a fucking murderer!"

Phil's POV

I held Dan's shoulders and cried as he sat shouting at himself. Dan's therapist, Louise, Pj and two overqualified doctors were all stood behind us. Dan's eyes suddenly shot up to meet mine. Heavy breathing and uncontrollable shaking soon followed suit when he noticed the others around us.


"I'm fine Phil."
"You weren't fine two hours ago Dan. Dan?"
"Do you know?"
"Know what?"
"That this Lewis isn't real. He can't hurt you and if he could, I'd protect you."
Then Dan cried. He cried because he was emotionally exhausted. He cried because he was practically told he was crazy in more polite words. He cried because Phil loved him. Phil cried because Dan loved him.

It was then that they both realised it. It didn't matter that they met at a mental hospital. It didn't matter that they were ill. It didn't matter what others thought of them. It didn't matter because they had each other and no matter what happened after that, they still had each other.

Dan loved Phil.
Phil loved Dan.
And that,
Could never change
Or could it?

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