Chapter 2

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We got home and Sam goes inside, while I go to the garage to get a bucket and sponge. I fill the bucket up with soapy water and walk over to my car. I hose him off and start washing him. "Hey, can you talk?" "Yes, but not with my own voice."
"Oh. So do you have a name?" I asked kinda awkwardly.. I'm talking to a car. He shook slightly and I looked up, attention turning to the bumblebee air freshener and disco ball. "Bumblebee.?" He then made a noise affirming my question. Like a whir.
"Cool. I'm Jessica...or.. Jess." I shrug. The higher life form can call me whatever he wants.

We talked a long while, he was telling me about his team and Cybertron but for any question actual words weren't necessary, he just used sounds. I thought the noises he made were kinda cute. [Simple affirmative whirs represented by:  **  . Words 'said' by whirring noises:  *example*  .]

"I will be notifying the others tonight. If that's alright." "Can I come with you?"  **

I was finishing washing off my new car when Sam came out. "Hey Jess are you going to the lake party tonight?" Sam asked.

"If you plan on taking our car I will."

"And we're going to pick Miles up on the way." He muttered with a cough.

"Ohhh no no no no! We are not taking the perverted little twit." I said disgusted. He tried asking me out three times in middle school alone. It only got worse in high school and I don't know why Sam insists on hanging out with him.

"He's my wing-man. I need him." I made vomit faces at him and Sammy went back inside. I leaned in Bee's window. "I'm gonna change. I'll be right back." I tapped the door twice as he made a simple whirring noise sounding like *okay*.

I went up to my room and changed into a tank top and shorts with yellow and black shoes to accent.

I headed downstairs and outside to see mom and dad working on the yard. I walked on the path to get to Bee, but Sam, like an idiot, decides to walk on the grass even though it pisses dad off.

"Oh Sam, I do not like footprints on my grass-" dad starts. "What foot- there's no footprints!" Sam retaliated. "That's why I built my path. So why don't you go from my grass, to my path like Star." "It's family grass dad!" Sam says. "Well when you own your own grass you'll understand." I laugh a little leaning on the passenger door.

Then Sam walks over to mom to talk about Mojo. I've never liked that thing. I prefer large dogs that actually instill fear. Not little mutts that yap when you look at them. "I want you home at 11:00! And please drive safely!" Mom yells to us.

Just as Sam walks over to the driver's side I hold the door shut.
"Nuh Uh. I drive." I said with a stern face and he just sighs and walks to the passenger side. He doesn't bother trying to cross me over the little things anymore. He knows I fight hard. How I turned out this way and he didn't, I have no idea. Our quietness is seemingly our only common factor.

We got to the lake and Sam and Miles get out. "Thanks Bee."  ** I got out and walked over to Mikaela as Trent was talking to Sam.

I've known Mikaela for a really long time, and we've been close friends since the beginning. She's actually the one that got me a job at her dad's car shop. I've always had a love of cars but he taught me everything I know about them. "Hi Mikey."

"Hey Star! What're you doing here? You usually hate coming to parties." She says. "Well I wasn't going to let Sam have the first night with our new car." I say turning towards it. "Chevy Camaro. $4 grand." She looks as shocked as I was to see it in the junk pile.

Then we see Trent ready to give Sam a beating so we step in and get them to separate. "Stop" she tells Trent and leads him off. "Hey guys I know of a party. Let's go, let's head." Trent says to his jock friends.

We start heading back to our car but when we turn around Mikaela is starting to walk down the road, Sam's looking off to her, and Bee changed the radio to 'Who's gonna drive you home'.

"Hey man, what's wrong with your radio?" Miles asks with his feet hanging out the window.

"Nothing. It's a perfect car." I say already irritated with Miles. Stupid.

"I'm driving her home tonight." Sam says kinda dazed out, watching her walk away.

"What? She's an evil jock concubine, man. Let her hitchhike." Miles suggests.

"Would you shut up?" I give him a dark glare.

"She lives 10 miles from here." Sam speaks up coming out of his trance and getting into the car.

"Alright, we'll put her in the back, I'll be quiet." Miles says.

"Yeah that's not happening. You.Out.Now." I say sternly and he gets out.

Sam looks to me. "Yeah, don't even think about it. It's my car too." I said getting into the backseat. He got in the driver's seat and started going after Mikey. I just decided to lay down kinda tired.

My eyes flashed open to Bee sputtering and stopping and sat up to see Sam kicking Bee in the radio. "Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" Sam says. "Hey!" I yelled at him. "You kick him again I shoot you. Got it?"
"Yeah yeah." He says and gets out, used to my casual but very literal threats. And I fall asleep again leaving the mechanic work to my very capable friend. I'm off the clock. As I sink into sleep the seats seem to conform to me promising a nice nap.

By the time I wake up again we were at Mikaela's house. "I had fun. So, you know, thanks for listening... Do you think I'm shallow?" She asks.

"Do I think you're sha- no no no. I think that there's more than meets the eye, with, you." He replies. "Okay, so I'll see you at school." She says with a smile, and walks up to her house. Waving goodbye when she gets to her door.

"That was stupid, it was a stupid line, stupid." He says to himself. He sees Mikaela wave as she steps into her house. "Haha. I love my car."

"Our car." I correct him with my eyes closed still lying down, and Sam drives us home.

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