Chapter 5

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As Bee and the Deception start fighting, an evil-looking mini Decepticon is ejected from Barricade's chest and heads straight for the three of us and attacks Sam. While Sam's trying to keep the con off of him Mikaela and I run over to a bunch of nearby racks and shelves holding tools searching for something to kill the thing with.
Mikaela finds a small power saw and runs back to Sam hacking at the decepticon till his whole body is nothing but little pieces and the only living part is the head, which tries hopping away until Sam kicks it and sends it flying.

When Bumblebee defeats Barricade he comes into view, stopping on the top of the sand hill in front of us with servos on his hips like some hero.
"What is it?" Mikey asks Sam.
"It's a robot. But like a super advanced robot... It's probably Japanese. Yeah, it's definitely Japanese." Sam answers bewildered, staring at his thought-to-be car.
I turn from Sam to look up at my metallic hero with a smirk and walk right up to him.
"Jess! Get back here!" Sam whisper yells. I ignore him and keep walking towards Bee while Mikey and Sam talk back and forth.
When I get to Bee he kneels down just like the other day. The first time I ever really saw him.
When I looked into his bright blue optics, and he just looked right back into mine.

"I don't think he wants to hurt us he would've done that already. Speaking of which, Jess, What're you doing?" Sam raises his voice a bit now talking to me.
"He's not going to hurt us, Sam." I say still facing Bee as he stands.
"Can you talk?!" Sam ask/yells at Bee.
"XM Satellite Radio—digital cable brings you—Columbia Broadcasting System—." Bee says switching stations.
"So you-you talk through the radio?" Sam pieces together.
"Thank you you're beautiful, you're wonderful, you're wonderful." Bee says as he claps and points to Sam.
"So what was that last night?! What was that?" Sam asks the next question like this is some 20 questions gameshow.
"Message from star fleet captain—through the unanimous vastness of space—rained down like visitors from heaven hallelujah!"
"Visitors from heaven? What're you like an alien or something?!" Mikey chimes in.

Bee just points to her and transforms. Halfway through, he pulls me in and lands me softly in the driver's seat and opens the passenger door for them.
"Anymore questions you wanna ask?" The radio speaks. I smile and look out at them expectantly.
Sam says something to Mikaela and then she leads them up the hill and get in, Mikey being in back and Sam on the passenger side.

~Fast Forward to Driving Down a Tunnel~

Mikaela interjects after a peaceful silence: "You know what I don't understand? Why if this car is a super advanced robot, does he turn back into this piece of crap Camaro?"
And as soon as she does, Bumblebee skids to a stop, and right in the middle of the road opens the passenger door, making them get out, but locks it, so it's just he and I as we U-turn and go back the way we came. Then as we pass a 2013 Camaro he scans it with a blue light and I take a small jerk forward and when my eyes open, the entire interior has been transformed. Now it was new, different, better. We turn around again and slow to a stop by Sam and Mikaela while they stand there looking dumbfounded a minute or two, before they actually get in. Sam getting in the back and Mikey in passenger. And we keep going.

Bee leads us into a long, wide alleyway away from people where we see several other vehicles coming towards us. A Peterbuilt semi, Pontiac Soltice, GMC Topkick, and an ambulance Hummer.
We step out of Bee's alt form as the semi stops mere inches from us and the other vehicles flank him.
When the starts transforming, so do all the others—including Bumblebee—but he took the longest to finish and stood the tallest. He must be Optimus Prime. He lowered his large metallic head down to our level.

"Are you Samuel James and Jessica Star Witwicky descendants of Archibald Witwicky?" Optimus asked.
"-Yes." We answered at the same time.
"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." He said looking between the two of us.
"But you can call us Autobots for short." The yellow-green Hummer ambulance chimed in, and Sam repeated it to himself.
"What's crackin' lil glitches?" The silver Pontiac Solstice spoke.
"My first lieutenant, designation: Jazz."
"This looks like a cool place to kick it." He said landing on an old, beaten down car and crossing his servos. I like him!
"What is that? How'd you learn to talk like that?" Sam asks. Optimus replies:
"We've learned earth's languages through the World Wide Web. Our weapons specialist, Ironhide." Holding his servo out to the black GMC pickup. He spun his cannons around and pointed them towards us.
"You feeling lucky, punks?" He asked dangerously sounding. Inside I'm a freaking fangirl. All of this is so amazing!
"Easy Ironhide."
"Just kidding. I just wanted to show 'em my cannons." He said sounding more normal.
"You have to show those to me sometime." I said unable to contain all the excitement. It is true I loved weapons. Ironhide chuckled.
"I like that femme." He said pointing towards me.
"Our medical officer, Ratchet." Optimus moves on. Ratchet sniffs the air.
"Hmm. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with that female." He says pointing to Mikey. I do a small laugh and they both do something awkward to hide the embarrassment.
"You've already met your guardian, Bumblebee."
"Check on the rep, yep, second to none." The radio sang as Bee threw punches to the air.
"Bumblebee? You're my guardian?"
As Sam said that, Bee grabbed me to his hand as I intentionally cleared my throat loudly.
"Sorry. Our guardian." Sam corrected. Bee then nodded.
"Lil' lady needs a guard of her own I can take her." Jazz offers, but Ironhide counters:
"I already have dibs. She's a truck kinda gal anyways." I smiled at the bickering 'bots as I'm grabbed by a metallic servo from behind and Bumblebee sits me on his shoulder plates glaring at the others. I just keep smiling.

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