Chapter 7

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When the humans had all left I walked over to a small container I saw Jess drop.
I carefully opened it and inside I found the glasses with the Cube's coordinates on them. She's stubborn, but not stupid. I give the remaining Autobots the command to roll out, and we start on our way to gather our thoughts, come up with a plan, and read the coordinates. I will never get used to the weight of hard decisions as a leader, but that's what makes a leader. I mustn't falter in my choice.

Let's hope Jess stays one step ahead...wherever they are.


After about 10 minutes of crying and several 'Shut up!'s, I finally calmed down and stopped.
We've been driving a few hours now, and you can see the sun rising.

Then the drivers come to a stop at a helicopter pad where we get out and load into one with a  blonde Australian girl and a bigger black man.
"What'd they get you for?" Aussie asks.
"Uh, we bought a car, it turned out to be an alien robot." Sam said as the black man mouths 'wow'.


We decided to stop for a while to check the coordinates when we came to a large white building.
"Please, let this work." I say shining my scanning laser from my optics, they project a 3D image of a globe.
"The coordinates on these glasses suggest that the AllSpark is 230 miles from here." I turn off the laser when Jazz' voice catches my attention.
"What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die, and become some human experiment! He's got Jess now too. You saw how she broke down at the bridge, and the pendant she now wears." Oh, Jazz. This is harder for me than you can know. I continue the mission.
"He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission! Bumblebee is a brave soldier, this is what he would want." I assure Jazz as Prime, but inside, I want to save Bee too. He has come to be like a son to me, I don't wish him to die. And I already know what Jess is to him. The only reason I can not be there for him now is because I know she is. I know she'd stop at nothing for him.


When we land, our final destination is Hoover Dam. Once out, we're led to Simmons. He's the reason Bee was taken. I won't forgive him. I glare at him.
"Hey kid, I think we got off to a bad start-" Simmons starts when I quickly punch him twice in the gut.
He goes to punch me in the face when I dodged and socked him square in the nose. I smirked. I feel slightly better now.
"Bad start? Where is he?!" I yell at him as he clutches his face as he is kneeling on the pavement.
"So, dating huh?" He says while not letting go of his nose. I'm pretty sure it's broken.
"Shut up! You want something else broken?!" I yell again not caring about consequences. After a couple seconds i notice two soldiers—decorated—that looked higher in command than the others lined against the wall laughing quietly as they watched this whole endeavor.
A suited man comes from behind Simmons introducing himself as Tom Banacheck to Sam and Mikaela while a man helps walk Simmons away.
While they did that, the two army men came over to me. One white and the other black.
"I'm Lieutenant William Lennox." The white man spoke as he held out his hand for me to shake. I gladly took it. I've honestly always admired our military. The black man spoke next:
"Sergeant Robert Epps. Nice to meet you."
"You too, sir. I'm Jessica Witwicky" I said shaking his hand as well, though I'm not sure exactly why i am.
"You laid a few good punches on him." Lennox spoke.
"Thank you, although I feel everyone is taking it quite well." I say warily.
"Well, in the short while we've known him here, everyone seems to think he's kind of a prick." Lennox answered.
"Had you ever considered going into the army?" Epps asked.
"Um, yeah, actually I have." I said feeling like I'm in an interview all of a sudden.
"Well, think about it. If it's where you want to be, I'll take care of it from there, no excuses." Lennox says.
"Wow, thank you!" Once in a lifetime offer.
"Good." Epps says. "And by the way, what was he talking about dating?" Banacheck starts ushering is inside.
"Uh, I guess you'll see." I answered.
'I swear Bee, I will save you.'


Banacheck had been giving us a tour and giving us our history lesson for the day with the Secretary of Defense, then he brought us to Megatron's chambers. There he is in full glory only held back by a layer of ice. They refer to him as NBE-1. Sam just went on about their 'NBE-1' as being Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, bla bla bla. After that we were led into a room with glass windows looking towards the Cube. And it is absolutely beyond anything I thought. It's magnificent, and massive.

The Australian blonde--whose name was actually Maggie--spoke up and asked what kind of power the Cube actually uses. Banacheck and Broken-Nose-Simmons then brought us into a small square room with a small glass box with wires attached to it and we were locked in. We were told they could funnel the All-Spark's radiation into that glass box, but first, Simmons put the black guy—Glen's phone in. He shut the box's opening and flipped a switch. It made noise and the Nokia in the box got zapped, started shaking, and all of a sudden transformed. Into a little evil mini con. It started shooting at the glass, trying to brake it in various ways. Simmons had had enough so he pushed a button and the con was struck dead.

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