Chapter 8

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After Simmons pushes the button and the con is dead, we hear a loud noise and the lights flicker. Lennox asked if there was an arms room here, and Banacheck lead us to it. Everyone who knows how to use them, starts grabbing knives and rifles and start loading ammo. I grab two Ka-Bars and an M16A4 automatic rifle. We hear another pounding noise and the lights flicker again causing everyone to pause. Once it stopped Sam and I make our way to Simmons.
"You've got to take us to our car!" Sam said.
"He'll know what to do with the Cube!" I added.
"We do not know what'll happen if we let it go near that thing! I have people's lives at stake here!" Simmons answered kinda spastically, but then Lennox butted in.
"Take them to their car!" He said grabbing Simmons and pointing a pistol at his chest. At his actions all his soldiers started pointing their guns at the S-7 guys and they did the same.
One S-7 man pointed a rifle at Will's head so I held my rifle to his, one-handing it like a boss.
Simmons spoke again:
"Drop your weapon soldier. I'm ordering you under S-7 jurisdiction." He said feigning calmness.
"S-7 don't exist." Epps spoke.
"Right, we don't take orders from people who don't exist." Will finished. Oof well played.
"I'm going to count to 5." Simmons weakens.
"Well I'm gonna count to 3." Lennox presses the gun into his chest harder. Then another voice was heard—the Secretary of Defense:
"Yes sir?" He replies.
"I'd do what he says. Losing isn't really an option for these guys." Sec. Def. finishes, and Simmons finally caves.
"Fine, you want to lay the fate of the world in the girl's boyfriend? That's cool." I grit my teeth and growl a bit, but they do finally take us to Bee.

Walking down the halls quickly and I was by Lennox and Epps. Epps mentions again:
"He brought up the thing again."
"Yeah. I know. And you'll see why he makes such a big deal out of it in a minute."
We got to the next giant room and I heard a whirr from Bee, so I started to run. I pushed past Lennox and Epps. All I could think of was making sure Bee wasn't harmed.
My heart jumped when I saw Bee and heard his whirs of pain and I started yelling at the workers to stop their process of freezing him.
It wasn't until Banacheck told them to stop that they stopped but I just ran up to him. He almost immediately grabbed me and held me to his chest protectively as he slammed his face mask down, and holds a cannon out at the others. While Sam was telling the others to keep still and calm them, I couldn't help myself, I just hugged Bee as well as I could.
"You're okay." I sigh in relief. "Bee, the cube it here and the Decepticons are coming."
He started getting up but cautiously, and with his cannon still out. Sam persuaded the soldiers to put their guns away and Bee put his cannon away too. Bumblebee set me down and transformed into his Camaro form and started driving along as we walked to the AllSpark's room.

I was jogging down the hall next to Lennox and Epps.
"I got it now." Said a baffled Will.
"I'm still not sure I got it." Says Epps clearly confused. I laughed lightly. I don't think Bee liked that though because as soon as I laughed a new figure appeared between Lennox and I. And it was a person I sure had missed. Bee's holoform appeared in between Will and I and he grabbed my hand. I smile.

When we got to the AllSpark's chamber Bee's holoform disappears and he transforms back into his normal, mech self and walks towards the Cube. As he stands under it everyone is watching intensely. He raises his servos and as he touches the Cube it starts collapsing into itself until it's a small enough version for us to hold.
"Let's get to it." Bee's radio speaks.
"He's right! We stay here any longer with Megaton in the other hangar we're screwed. We need to get that thing to the city." Will said motioning to the Cube now in my hands. "But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force." SecDef suggests something to get in touch with the Air Force and Simmons takes SecDef, Glen, and Maggie into a separate room while the rest of us start loading up.

Sam, Mikaela and I get into Bee with the Cube and we head out.
I obviously got to ride in the driver's seat.
We aren't driving for two minutes and on the other side of the road coming towards us was all the Autobots.
"So what's that necklace. You haven't told me yet." Sam asks after a minute of silence.
"Bee gave it to me, before you knew about the Autobots." I replied looking at it. Sam and Mikaela 'ooh'ed. When we made it to the city,
the Autobots transformed and the soldiers started setting up.

Let's do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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