Chapter 6

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~leaving the alley~

Sam was so insistent about riding with Mikaela alone so I figured I'd catch a ride with someone else. I walk over to Ironhide.
"Hey Hide? Could I catch a ride with you?"
"Course." He says simply and opens the passenger door.
Ironhide and I talked the whole way, and he's a really cool mech. We're gonna get along just fine.

We made it home safely at 10:57 p.m. and Hide parked safely out of sight of my parents. I walk up to the back door where dad is,
"Thanks for staying on the path and being home on time." Dad says. "Where is Sam?"
"He probably got lost."
"Yeah, well he didn't finish his chores, I'll need to do that." Dad says trying to open the door to get out. I hold the door closed.
"No, nope dad. I'll do it. Just go back inside, I'll take care of it."
"You're sure? Okay." He said walking towards the living room.

I hear the other Autobots arriving and Sam is officially late. Sam runs up to me.
"Jess! Jess! I need you to go over there and watch them with Mikaela and make sure they stay hidden!"
He says pointing towards some trees right outside our fence.
"Fine." I sigh and jog over to where I left Hide, but by the time I make it over to the Autobots, Prime starts transforming.
"Optimus!!" I say in a whisper-yell. "You can't just transform here!! You can't be seen!"
"Jess, we must have those glasses!" He insists.
"I know, he's getting them."
I try to persuade him but he just huffs and steps past the trees and into my backyard.
"NO NO NO PRIME!!!" I yell the loudest I can without drawing unwanted attention and I huff also. He doesn't listen. When Bee said Prime could be stubborn I didn't expect this.

When Sam had finished talking to dad he was just trying to get Optimus to not demolish the backyard with his large peds.
"NO NO NO NO!!!" Sam yells just as Prime sets his ped down on the fountain- crushing it.
"Oops. Sorry my bad." Prime says.
"I told you to wait for five--you couldn't wait for five minutes?! I told you to stay, just stay!! Primus."
Sam yells out his frustration on Prime--which he well deserved. Sam runs to Mikaela for an explanation as to why the Autobots are out and about. Meanwhile, Mojo made it outside and he walks towards Hide's still ped. Knowing the puny dog's intentions I run towards it pick him up and run him to the house.
'Sam went inside by order of Optimus to start searching for the glasses, and I SWEAR Sam wasn't in there a minute before Prime lifts Mikey up to Sam's window.

While Sam and Mikey are riffling through his bedroom something clicks. Sam took the glasses to school so they're in his backpack! He always leaves his backpack on the island counter in the kitchen!
"Prime! I know where the glasses are! Give me two seconds!"
"Please hurry!" He replies as I run inside.

Come to think of it, it's amazing my parents haven't noticed them in our backyard yet.
I run into our kitchen and sure enough, exactly where I thought, his backpack laid. I grab the glasses and bolt up to Sam's room.
"Sam!" I yell knocking on the door. "I've got them!"
Right as I say that our doorbell goes off like mad and Sam opens his door for us to go downstairs.

As we step into the kitchen we see loads of guys in black suits in and all around our house. I put the glasses residing in their case safely inside my jacket pocket, and a creepy guy who's giving orders speaks up.
"How you doing kids? Is your name Sam?" He says looking to Sam.
"Yeah." Sam says.
"Well I need you to come with us."
"Over my dead body!" I spit and dad steps in and tries to get the man to stop.

After a bit of bickering one of the men behind the guy in charge whispers something to him. I could make out the words "I think direct contact." I have a hunch as to what he means, but I'm doubtful. There's no way anyone else on Earth knows about the Cybertronians. Guy-in-charge takes a machine from the whisperer and holds a reader up to Sam.
"Fourteen rads." He says and then turns to me. "How 'bout little miss Loudmouth over here?" His eyes widen exponentially, "Off the charts. Bingo! Take 'em and bag 'em." He says quickly and all of us are seized and taken out towards black SUV's. I am carrying right now, but there are too many men. Sam, Mikaela, and I are put in one car with Guy-in-charge in the passenger seat, and he starts the questions.


We got to a bridge and we crashed to a stop. Next thing I see is digits through the window grasping the top of the car, and we start getting lifted into the air. After we were high enough the roof just detaches from the rest of the car and we crash on the ground and a bright light shines on us, when it turns off I can see it was Optimus.
"Taking the children, was a bad move. Autobots, relieve them of their weapons!" At Prime's command the bots use a magnetic pull to take all of the weapons from the guys in suits. When we're all out of the car, Sam and Mikaela start ordering the guys around and finish handcuffing them:
"Hey Jessy, what's that?" Sam asks pointing to the Autobot insignia charm on my necklace. I look down and quickly stuff it back in my shirt.
"Nothing. It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Now is probably not the time. I walk over to Bee and he kneels down to speak quietly to me:
"You okay, Sweetspark?" I nod.
"I'm fine, Bee." I smile and halfheartedly laugh. I still don't know what could have happened. I don't know who these guys are.
Guy-in-charge—Simmons—takes notice of Bee and my conversation.
"What's that her boyfriend?!" He questions loudly enough for me to hear. Bumblebee stands and looks down at puny Simmons threateningly. That's my Bee.

After some questioning of Simmons, we heard the sound of helicopters.
Optimus took Mikey and Sam while Bee kept me. He started driving off while everyone was searching for Optimus, but Mikaela starts to fall. Of course Bee's first instinct is to go save her. He speeds off, transforms, me falling into his servo and Mikey and Sam landing in the other.
As he was skidding on the concrete he lets go of us, and we land safely on the ground, but all of the men and reinforcements started pining Bee to the ground and throwing nets on him while blasting him with some freezing agent. I know it was hurting him because I could hear his whirs of pain. It made me raging angry.

The men start to grab us to force us into different cars, but I was overflowing with emotions and just wanted to help Bee. I bashed my elbow violently into the man holding onto me, and he let go at the sudden pain. I took that opportunity to bolt as fast as I could towards Bee. I didn't make it close enough to touch him, but I was close.
"Bumblebee!!" I started crying and tried to reach out for him, and he weakly for me but it didn't last long until even more men started grabbing me, pulling me back. In this I tried reaching for my gun but too many arms were grabbing my hands away. I only wriggled out enough movement to made sure that the glasses in the case made it out of my pocket and far enough away that no one noticed. I just hope that Optimus saw it.

They finally forced us into the cars, but now I was balling.
'Bee...Why did this have to happen?' I thought holding the Insignia charm.

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