Chapter 3

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We got home and Sam goes right up to his bedroom. I stayed with Bee a little longer.
"I'll let you know when I'm about to leave." "Sounds good." I got out and walked upstairs, letting my excitement show now that I was out of sight.

Later on I see a flash of a light outside. I look out my window to see it was Bee's headlights so I put a sweatshirt over my t-shirt with my jeans and quietly run outside. I hop into the passenger seat and he turns over the engine. That sound  must've woken Sam up because as we start rolling I see Sam running through the house.
"Oh crap!"
"Get in the driver's seat he'll think nothing of it. Quick."
"Are you crazy? He'd freak and tell mom and dad!" As we pull out of the driveway Sam starts chasing us on his bike and I duck down so he can't see me.
He follows Bee and I to some junkyard but Bee darts in front of a coming train leaving Sam behind.

Bee comes to a stop on the top of a hill and opens the door for me. I get out and take a few steps away, but I turn back to face him when I hear the whirs and clanks of his metal transforming.

In my awe, confusion, and slight intimidation, I slowly scan from where only a classic Camaro stood up to the face of a 18 foot tall robot—his face. He stands servos on hip plates in all his glory—a powerful machine but looking at me somehow.. lovingly. Almost admiration as though I were the higher being. He swiftly but slowly lowers down to his knee making slight, involuntary whirring noises as he does to look me in the eye.

In this moment I'm almost.. afraid, but not. His helm is only 1-2 feet away from mine as I study the features of his faceplate, stopping when I meet his optics. Vibrant blue optics that just stare back into mine. I feel a pull, like a pull to this mech specifically. I want to love him. I want him to love me. This has never happened to me before, and I've never loved anyone. Is this what falling in love feels like or a Cybertronian bonding? All I know is I trust him and I never want to be without him again.

He blinks a couple times and backs away slowly without saying a word. I wonder if he felt anything like I did. He stands to his peds and lowers a servo, for me to get on. I step onto his servo and he lifts me carefully to his shoulder. Neither of us say anything. I don't want to ruin the moment had.

As I sit on his shoulder plates a light emits from his chest and points toward the sky, shining the autobot insignia on the clouds of the night sky above. When he's done he brings his servo back up to me and I sit to be lowered to the ground. Once I'm safely standing he starts transforming back into a Camaro and a part of me.. all of me is saddened. I don't want the night to end.

When Bee has finished and is in alt mode, the driver's door opens, but someone actually steps out, and he's.. hot. Maybe 23 blonde hair, and vibrant blue eyes. Those piercing blue eyes. He closes the door and slowly walks over to me studying the ground.

When he stops in front of me he meets my eyes and smiles with perfect white teeth then studies every inch of my face until his eyes return to mine, and my heart skips a beat.
"Hi Sweetspark." I want to melt.
"Bee." It's not a question. I know it's him. But for some reason I just want to say his name. I need to say his name—the only thought my brain can form.

He laughs. Oh my Primus his laugh. It's like the sweet smooth of honey but the rough edge of metal. I know I'm blushing because I can feel the warmth in my cheeks. He lifts his hand to touch my face, so gently. Almost as if he were afraid to break me. His eyes follow his hand tracing my jaw as though admiring a work by his favorite artist with eyes focused.

When his hand falls back down he takes my hand in his slowly while looking into my eyes as if telling me I could pull away if I wished, but I want this. I let him take my hand and he places it on his cheek. Warmth. I don't understand how any of this is possible but I don't care. I know that he's here, and that's enough for now. I have this moment with him.

He brings my hand back down and holds it there.
"Are you ready to go home?"
His lips curl into a smirk when he looks at me and it forces a smile out of me in return. The answer I want to give is no, but I can't stay here forever.
"I guess we should."

He steps over to his alt mode still holding my hand, and the door opens. Bee lets my hand go to get in and as soon as the door shuts the body which was so real to me disappears in an instant. Reappearing in the driver's seat, Bee turns over the engine and holds out his hand in a loving, offering way to me. I take it and smile, coaxing one out of him as well, and he puts his other hand on the wheel to drive.

We drove down the hill and we hear dogs barking.
"Sam." Bee makes a mischievous kind of whir and I can almost hear his thoughts.
"Let's do it." I smile at his human form as it disappears and I duck down as we enter a silo-like building with Sam yelling.
"Aah! Here! Take the keys, I don't want them, car's yours!" Sam yells throwing the keys to the car as we circle him. We hear police sirens and decide it's time to go, so Bee starts driving me back home, leaving Sam to deal with the police by himself. Bee didn't bring out his human form again but we had a good laugh at Sam's expense regardless.

When we arrived back home Bee's human form appeared in the driver's seat again. He whirs quietly and smiles showing me a necklace with an Autobot insignia pendant.
"Woah. Where did you get that?" I said especially admiring the blue gems in the optics.
"I made it. Turn around."
I faced my back to him and he brings the necklace around my neck and clasps it. I turned back around to face him and looked down to the beautiful robot-made pendant then back to Bee. We just sat there for a while overwhelmed with joy, and slip my hand back into his.

"Thank you so much Bee." He whirred a 'you're welcome' and brought the back of my hand to his lips, pressing it against them with closed eyes and then let me go.

"I'll see you later, Bee."

"** Sweetspark"

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