Chapter 4

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-Next Morning-
I hear my alarm clock going off and remember I have to go to work this morning. I get my lazy butt outa bed and get changed, tucking my autobot necklace into my shirt with a small smile. I go downstairs to see a note on the counter:

Hey Star,
Sam called from the police department and apparently we have to go and bail him out because he got arrested last night.
I'm sure you can deal with work and breakfast on your own.
Love, Dad.

I ate my breakfast and as I walked by the window overlooking the lawn I noticed there was no Bumblebee. I assume he just took the liberty to make himself scarce as he should be gone for now.

I walk out the front door and walk to Mikaela's Dad's shop. When I arrive the first person I see is Mikaela.
"Morning Mikey!"
"Hey Jess! So the girls and I are going to go out for lunch and hang out tomorrow. You gonna come?" She asks after she gives me a hug. I usually would say no, but Bee's away and I've got nothing better to do at home.
"Mmmm, I guess I'm not busy."
"Really?!" She says with an astonished face.
"Oh, sorry. Were you counting on the fact that I would say 'no'?" I laugh. She fake punches me.
"You know that's not what I meant!"

We walk into the shop and I set my bag down in it's spot in the back. I walk up to the car I was working on a few days ago and continue where I left off.

It's now 1:00 pm and we've finished for the day I put all my tools away, say goodbye to Mikaela. She comes back at me with, "Don't forget about lunch tomorrow!" I smile and throw up a little 'I love you' sign and grab my bag and start my walk home.

It's 1:30 as I'm arriving home and I make myself lunch. 'I guess mom and dad aren't back with Sam yet.' I make my food and take it up to my room to watch a movie.

I hear the door shut downstairs and head down.
"Hey Jessy." Sam says with little to no enthusiasm. He heads to his room and I follow.
"So, why were you in jail?" I ask laughing quietly. He plops on his bed and throws a stuffed basketball at me.
"Stop laughing!"
"Okay I'm sorry. What is your story?" I ask still grinning as I sit in a chair across the messy room.
"You're never gonna believe it! I heard our car start in the middle of the night so I got up and looked out the window at the end of the hall, and someone starts driving off in it, so I started chasing after it. At first I thought it was you but it didn't make any sense the only thing you'd leave in the middle of the night for is food." True, true.
"But then i followed him to a junkyard and when I thought I lost him, a giant, freaking robot stands up..!" He stops there and waits for my reaction. With all that he saw I'm glad he didn't see me there.
"Wait, so what does this have to do with you getting arrested?" I ask playing innocent, laughing internally remembering the perfect prank.
"Oh! Okay, so after I start running away from that I noticed a 'Beware of Dogs' sign and I kind of looked to see if there were dogs there, and they started chasing me! These big, scary black dogs! I ran into a silo-looking thing and stood on some crates and barrels to get away from them, but they ran when the car came in and started circling me."
"I'm sure the end of your story is near?" I ask almost bored of his storytelling. It's much more exciting in my head.
"Yeah, yeah, the Camaro drives away when I hear sirens coming in response to my call and arrest me!" He says emphatically.
"You're crazy." I say feigning disinterest.
"Am not."

-Next Morning-
I woke up at 9:00 and got changed, smiling to see my necklace and know that it wasn't all just a dream. I recount the happenings of that night with a smile. I'm in love, with an alien.
I open my door to see Sam heading downstairs too. Instead of eating breakfast I decided to go out back to do chores first, because someone always forgets.

Once I've finished my chores I head inside for my bag and start walking to Burger King to meet with the others. Mikey would kill me if I missed this because she made them agree to Burger King for me. She's so sweet.

"Hey, Blondie did come!" I hug Adrianna as she sarcasms me to death.
"I said I would so I did." I smile hugging the others around the table "I just usually don't say I'll would."
"Well you made it." Mikey says as I sit by her.

We'd probably been at BK for 45 minutes by the time Sam comes barreling down the sidewalk and does a small flip as he hits an uneven spot of cement he landed flat on his back in front of Mikaela and I.
As she talks to him I instinctively look around for Bee and I see him continuing to drive off so as not to look suspicious.
"...I'm getting chased by my car right now I gotta go." Sam says kinda rushed and gets back on the bike to keep going.

Mikey announces that she's gonna go, and I leave with her. Once on her moped we begin to follow Sam, but a police car cuts us off and continues on. She just called him an A-hole, but I noticed that A) that's not our city's typical cruiser and 2) I'm pretty sure the words on the side of all of them are to read, 'To serve and protect', but this one said, 'To punish and enslave.' I think Sam's about to be in trouble.

By the time Mikaela and I get to the old parking garage Sam biked into, he's running full speed at us and hits us off the bike and onto the cement.
"What is your problem, Sam?!" Mikaela and I are kind of angry and in pain.
"Look, there's a monster right there he just attacked me!" He points in the direction of a Deception barreling towards us. "Here he comes!" But just before he crushes us, Bee drifts in and knocks him away, opening the driver's door.
"Get in!" I yell at Mikey and Sam.
She starts asking Sam questions. I've never seen her scared, but she jumps in the back, then Sam over the center console and I get into the driver's seat as Bee slams the door and drives off. The Deception transforms and chases us.

After a while of intense driving, and me telling the others to shut up, we come to a slow with Barricade ahead of us blocking the way. Bee locks the doors.
"We're locked in." Sam says. I wait, watching the Deception for any opportunity. Suddenly Bee accelerates and the Deception moves out of the way to avoid being hit, but then follows after us again.

Deception never far from our tail, Bumblebee races into the junkyard from the other night and when he gains enough gap between us and the enemy he opens the doors to get us out, and transforms. Sam and Mikaela run but I lag behind.

"Crush him." I said only loud enough for him to hear.
"**" He nods and faces his opponent with a fighting stance as I run to get away from the fight and join the others.

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