Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Louis Pov

Harry stayed with me for a while before finally leaving to let me sleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking about that kiss. It was weird. I've never kissed a guy before but it felt right. What was wrong about it though was the fact that the guy was my best mate.

I feel so stupid for liking that kiss. It was easily one of the best kisses I've ever had, and I didn't even kiss back. The worse part about that kiss was the fact that I wanted more. I've never wanted anything more in my life. I want Harry's lips on mine. I want Harry.


It had been several hours. I was still in bed 'sleeping' and my whole body was aching from being sick and from lying down for so long. You know that feeling you get when you've stayed in bed or like slept in too long. The feeling like your head is going to implode, yeah it feels like that times a thousand.

I need to get out of this bed but I know all to well that if I do Liam will send me back to bed. I rolled over for the billionth time. Still uncomfortable.

"Knock, knock." I heard Liam's voice from outside my room. Its as if he could hear my thoughts. He peeked his head through the door. "What?" I asked covering my eyes as he turned on the lights. It was day time but I had the drapes closed so very little light made it through. "Oh, sorry." He flipped off the light. "I- We are going to walk around and see what's around here." See what's around here? Were in the middle of nowhere, the only thing he's going to find are trees.

"We?" I asked. "We as in Zayn, Niall and I, Harry will still be here." I felt my stomach turn. "H- harry?" I asked my eyes wide. Liam looked at me, puzzled. "Yes..." He said slowly watching my expression.

Damn it. Not Harry. The last thing I want is to be stuck alone with him. It was fine earlier because I knew the boys were downstairs. Well I guess I couldn't say fine. I couldn't stop myself from flirting with him earlier, and when he got on top of me. I can't even describe the feeling.

"Are you even listening to me?" I must have zoned out. "Uh, Yeah." I said but it came out as a question. He gave me a 'I know your lying' look and rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever, just take your medicine. Bye." He shut the door behind him.

I went downstairs and sat on the love seat in the living room looking around. I saw a piano sitting in the corner of the room. Wow, we have a piano? What doesn't this place have? Actually there's a lot of things this place doesn't have. How did I not notice this? I guess I haven't really been in here yet. That piano was beautiful though.

"BOO!" Harry jumped out from behind the love seat. I jumped and screamed a little. Harry shoved something in my mouth. The taste was all too familiar. I scrunched up my face. Harry quickly covered my mouth and nose forcing me to swallow the foul medicine. It burned my throat going down. I licked Harry's hand and he yanked it away from my mouth wiping it on his pants.

"Eww! What was that for." Is he being serious? "That's for giving me that nasty medicine! You're so fucking crafty!" I shouted at him, pouting. I crossed my arms. "I hate you." He jumped on top of me. "You love me." Oh god. Harry, please, no. I tried to stay calm. How does he have this effect on me?

"You still have one more spoon full left." He smirked. I shook my head rapidly and shut my mouth tight. He inched closer to me grinding slightly on my lap. No, no, no, Harry please. Liam, Zayn, Niall, come back.

How does he have this effect on me. I'm straight. I like girls, not guys. I can't be gay. He bit his lip and got close to me. He's so hot- No. Louis stop now. I have to stop him.

Why is he so close to me? Is it possible he has feelings for me? He did kiss me. He can't though. If he were gay he would tell me, right? He probably had a reason for kissing me, maybe he just felt bad I was sick? That's not normal, but Harry's not normal.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Louis..." His lips brushed against my ear, lingering for what felt like forever. His words came out deep and smooth. His hot breath sent shivers through my whole body. "One more spoon full, you can do it." I can't do it though. I can't even move he had me frozen. I felt weak under him.

He grabbed hands and placed them on his lower back. What is he doing? I tried my best not to tremble. His lips grazed my ear again before he pulled back. I think this was worse though. Now he was looking into my eyes. I felt like he could read every thought and emotion I had. The way he looked at me made my stomach flip.

His eyes were dark and filled with emotion something that looked like- lust?

 Harry's Pov

I needed him to take that medicine. I jumped on top of him. "You love me." Why did I jump on him. Why did I put myself in this position when I knew I wasn't in control of my emotions. Say something, Harry. You had a reason to jump on top of him in the first place, what was that? Oh yeah. "You still have one more spoon full left." Good job, Harry. He shook his head rapidly. He's so cute. I want this boy so much.

Seeing him like this, being on top of him, so close to him, it was too much. I lost all control at that point I knew what was going on and my mind was screaming at me but my body wouldn't listen. This is exactly what I was afraid of.

I slid my body against him, getting closer. I leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Louis..." Did he just shiver? No he probably is creped out or something. My lips brushed against his ear. He shivered again, I'm sure of it that time. He's not moving. What am I doing?

I inhaled his scent. He's sick and hasn't showered but wow, this boy smells amazing. Okay Harry, stop breathing on him. Your being a creep. Say something, say something. The only thing that came to my mind was 'you smell amazing' fuck, fuck, fuck. Don't say that Harry. Please don't say that.

"One more spoon full, you can do it." I mentally exhaled. I pulled back this time I looked deep into his eyes. Why am I doing this, it's much worse. Now I can see him. He looks so scared and vulnerable.

Without thinking I grabbed his hands and placed them on my back. I felt him tremble under me. His hands shook but he didn't move them, probably out of fear.

I leaned in slowly. Harry stop! What are you doing! You are not about to kiss your best friend! No! No! Stop! My face was a centimeter away from his. "H- Har- " I pressed my finger to his lips gently. "Shhh." I hushed him. I pressed my lips up to the back of my finger, that was now the only thing standing between our lips.

 Back up, Harry. Stop yourself. Do not move your finger. Just back away, leave. Don't do anything stupid. I felt myself slowly backing up. Good. I was still extremely close to him but at least not as close.

"Please, for me?" I said but my voice was low and full of lust. I really hope he didn't notice. If he did it probably didn't matter after what I just did.

I studied his face. his eyes held an unreadable emotion, and he was- blushing? Why is he blushing? Did I do that? There has to be a reason. Louis is straight he doesn't have feelings for me.

He slowly nodded. Why is he nodding? Oh wait I asked him a question. Get the medicine, Harry.  I inched back off his lap. I grabbed the medicine and spoon off the table. Now what? Give him the medicine. Don't be weird. Don't get too close. Don't be creepy. Just give him the medicine.

"Here!" I shouted at him, I threw the spoon and bottle on his lap and turned around quickly running out of the room. Oh my god! Why did I do that. I smacked my self in the head. I'm so stupid. Ahhhh! Why, now he defiantly thinks I'm a freak.

 Did you think they were going to kiss?! Becauseeeeee, If you did then I was successful. I really hope you appreciate this chapter because, once again, my computer crashed and I had to re write it so sorry if it sucks. I know, I fail in life *Cries pitifully* I will upload tomorrow. Love you guys! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, comment, vote, talk to me, I honestly do care 100%!

Courtney xx

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