Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Zayn's Pov

The car ride home was silent. None of us wanted to leave Harry but we knew that if anyone should stay behind, Louis should.

I stood in the kitchen looking out the window. Outside was still and quiet. It was nearly one in the morning. Liam had gone off to bed already.

I inhaled deeply fighting the tears pricking at my eyes. I needed to stay strong the lads need me. Liam keeps everyone in check usually but right now he was taking the situation pretty hard. He hadn't stopped crying since the incident.

I picked up my mug and took a drink. The hot tea soothed me as it slipped past my lips and spread warmth through out my body.

I walked down the hall and frowned as I heard the muffled sobs coming from Liam and I's room. Yes, we share a room. I moved into Liam's. I still have my flat but I stay here. Liam and I are together now. We haven't said anything to the lads but I think they know.

I knocked on the door before pushing it open. Liam was sitting in the middle of the bed, hugging his knees to his chest. It made my chest ache seeing him like this.

I crawled onto the bed and wrapped my arms around him. He instantly grip tightly to me, crying into my neck.

"Z-zayn, I-I'm so scared." he choked. "I know, love, me too." I hushed him. "It will be okay though. Harry will make it through this. He's strong."

I lied him down and pulled the blankets over us. Liam held on to me tightly. His sniffles began to soften and his breathing went back to normal. "I love you." He whispered.

I kissed his temple. "I love you too."

Louis' Pov

I didn't sleep all. Every time I closed my eyes all I saw was Harry's limp body, back arching against the paddles and that horrible beeping sound.

It was 6 o'clock now. Visiting hours should be starting back up. Not a minute later I heard the click of the door knob turning and Zayn peeked his head in. He walked in frowning at me and holding out a Mc Donald's bag. Liam and Niall followed in after him.

Zayn held the bag out to me. "Got you breakfast." I looked back down to Harry and shook my head. "I'm not hungry."

Zayn sighed and took a seat next to me. "He's going to be okay, Lou."

I just ignored him. Liam and Niall sat across from us on the opposite side of Harry's bed. They both gave me the same sad look Zayn did.

This just made me angrier. I don't want their pity I wish they would leave me alone. I wish Harry would just wake up.


The next few hours went by quietly. I think everyone picked up on the fact that I didn't want to deal with their shit today.

They left about an hour ago to go to lunch. They asked if I wanted to go but I think the look I gave them probably answered their question.

I let out a long breath and closed my eyes for a second and tried to force away the images of Harry.

I heard the slight vibration of a phone. I quickly patted my pockets to find my phone. I pulled it out but the ringing wasn't coming from my phone. I scrunched up my face and looked around. I followed the sound to a pile of Harry's things.

I dug through his things and found his phone frowning at the unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" I asked.

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