Turning heads (18)

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Kassandra's P.O.V

                                    The next morning I woke up extremely excited. I was curious to what people would think of my new look. I wasn't too extreme with my hair. I just teased it a little and put a headband with a bow on. I put on a pair of ripped blue skinnies and a Hollister hoodie. I slipped on a pair of blue converse and layered up on bracelets. I put on a thick coat of eyeliner and dark blue eye shadow. I was then ready to go. My parents were already at work so I wouldn't have to explain anything to them. Yet. I got my backpack and ran out the door. I got into my car and headed for school. I have to admit, this look suited me well. I looked really pretty. I soon reached the school and got out of the car. I slowly walked to the front door. As I was walking people stared at me. I just ignored them and finally got inside the school. As I entered people also stared at me. God. Why can't people just mind their business. I spotted Annabelle and Danielle so I walked over to them. When they saw me, their eyes widened. I walked over and said "Hey" really perky. They were stuttering with words to say. I stopped them and said "I know". They kept eyeing me but soon the school bell rang and we went separate ways. My first class had Marie in it. I groaned cause I just hated her so much. I don't know why she is still trying to get Andrew back cause It's not gonna happen. I walked into class and all eyes watched me as I went to my seat. Bitches. Hmm. I used to love English class until Marie started dating Andrew. She sits right in front of me. I just want to take a pair of scissors and chop all her hair off. Slut. The lesson went by pretty fast. The next class I had was math. With Andrew. I had a big smirk on my face as I walked to math. His opinion was the one that mattered the most. As I walked in everyone of course stared at me except him. He didn't seem to recognize me. I giggled a little under my breath. I took my seat next to him. He looked at me. "Umm this seat is already taken". I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He looked at me serious. "No seriously. It's already taken". "Yep..by me" I said and kissed him on the cheek. "Woah" he said and backed away. "I already have a girlfriend". I laughed and ignored him. He kept looking at the door for the whole lesson. I can't wait til lunch when I sit with Danielle and Annabelle and he will be like what the hell. I just realized Trina wasn't here today. Hmmm. She is really weird. There is something wrong with her. I know I sound superstitious but its the truth.

                                            The other class before lunch went by fast and I walked to the lunch room with a smile. I went in the lunch line and got my food. I then sat with Danielle and Annabelle. They seemed to just ignore my new look now. Good. I'm getting kinda tired of all this attention. But that is what I kinda want. Attention. I have no idea why. Andrew looked at me and finally said "How the hell are you". I looked at him and smiled big "I'm Kassandra, nice to meet you" He looked at me wide eyed and spit out his drink. I started cracking up along with Danielle. "Kassandra!?!" he said shocked. "Mhm" I said, still smiling. He was such a dork. The rest of the day went by fast and soon I was in my comfy bed waiting to fall asleep. It had been a pretty good day. I snuggled up to my blanket and thought about how my life would be forever changing cause I was pregnant. I only had a few months to be a teenager. After I give birth to this baby nothing will be the same. I soon fell asleep and dreamed about what it would be like to be a teen mother.


Chapter 18!! Woop! 2 more chapter. Sorry I haven't uploaded in the past days. Just been really "caught up" You could say. Anyhow I hope you enjoyed and please vote+comment. I appreciate all the fans and votes for "The stalker". I will be starting the stalker very soon. I wanna make it really good so the chapters will be longer and I won't upload as often cause I'm starting school next Tuesday. There is literaly a hurricane right over me right now but I'm fine. haha. It's not that bad. Thank you for reading :) <3

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