The Perfect Ending (20)

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Kassandra's P.O.V

                                        When I woke up the next day, Danielle and Annabelle were still sleeping. I looked over at the clock. 12:47 PM. Wow. We really did stay up late. I layed down for about 10 more minutes because I was just too lazy to get up. Right when I got up Annabelle woke up. She looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and told her she could come upstairs when she wanted to get ready. She nodded and I went into the kitchen. I scanned the cabinets until I found fruity pebbles. I grabbed a bowl and poured them in the bowl. I then went to the fridge, got the milk, and poured that in also. Finally I got a spoon and went back into the living room. I told Annabelle she could help herself to whatever she wanted. She went out to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of coco pebbles. She sat next to me and I turned on the TV. She said she wanted it on Top Twenty Count down. I put it on VH1 and soon Dani woke up. I told her the same thing I told Annabelle. She went to the kitchen and made herself 2 toaster strudels. She sat back down on the floor and when we were done eating we danced around the room, singing along. I felt like everything in life was perfect. I really wish I hadn't gotten pregnant. Everything could always be like this but once I have this baby things will change. I'll have to get up in the middle of the night,lost out on time with friends, and I won't be able to go to school for a while. It was the middle of October. I thought about this for a while.I would have this baby in the summer. That means I would still be able to go back to school but my whole summer would be ruined. I curled up on the couch and grabbed my phone. I decided to text Andrew for a little bit.

Kassandra: Hey..Whatcha up to?

Andrew: Nothing much..You?

Kassandra: Im Jst acting like a fool with Dani and Anna

Andrew: Haha. What r u doin

Kassandra: Listening to music and watchin vids

Andrew: Nice

Kassandra: So we really need to make some plans for the baby and stuff

Andrew: I no..What r your thoughts so far

Kassandra: Well first we need to make a list of all the things we need for the baby

Andrew: Yep

Kassandra: So..I know your parents and my parents could put some money but we are still gonna need to get jobs

Andrew: Uhh

Kassandra: Your fault for not wearing protection

Andrew: Your fault for fertilizing

Kassandra: What...nvm... Umm..well If we both are gonna raise a baby then we will both have to be living in the same house..

Andrew: Are you asking me to move in with you in like..our own house

Kassandra: Well..I'm not sure how our parents would feel about that.

Andrew: My parents wouldn't mind

Kassandra: We'll uh have to talk to my parents about this

Andrew: But I would love to move in with you

Kassandra: Me too

Andrew: Sooo we need to meet up sometime to talk about all of this.

Kassandra: Yeah..when?

Andrew: I'm free tomorrow

Kassandra: Tomorrow it is...Bye :)

Andrew: Bye :)

I put my phone down and turned to Danielle.

"What happened to my parents" I asked her

"Umm I think they left" She replied

"Oh" I said "How about we go get ready and make some you tube videos" I asked them

"Yesss" They said back and we all scurried up stairs. It took about 1 hour for all of us to get ready. We made a youtube account and I got out my Sony video recorder. I put it on a stand facing towards the couch. I pressed record in 5 second and hurried up and sat down. We decided we would make little vlogs and comedy videos every week. That's what we told the camera. We could be like the next Shane Dawson but that would be alot of work. Annabelle's dad was a video editor so maybe he could help us. We just explained everything we would do in the video. We finished it in three minutes and watched the video. We were cracking up watching it. I went upstairs to the computer and spent a half hour uploading the video to the account. We would edit the account and stuff later on. Soon we were all laying down in random places talking and watching TV. I Finally felt like a normal 17 year old. It felt like the perfect ending.


The end!!! Well not really... The next book won't be up for a while...sorry..I'm gonna start "The stalker" Thursday. I would do it tomorrow but I really need a break from writing. I will, however, right the prologue for The sequel in a few weeks or more like a week. Thanks for everyone who read the story and voted/commented. I appreciate it all. :) Umm that's pretty much it.. Thanks again for reading ad please vote/comment :) It would be greatly appreciated <333

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