Chapter 16

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    For some reason, Jordan didn't come back at lunch. When class started again, he didn't look at me or talk to me... I ignored it because I didn't want to make a fuss again. After school, Jordan and I walked to our lockers. Saying nothing. We were supposed to walk home, but his dad came to fetch him. Which I actually thought was ironic, because his dad even suggested that we walk together. Luckily, Caleb was there to pick me up.

I gave him a big hug and asked what he was doing here, and he replied, "My Erica sensors were tingle-ling," and he winked. We got in his truck and drove off the school grounds. After a while he said, "Actually, I wanted to take you and Jordan for a milkshake, but he ditched us. So I guess it's just you and me?"

I shrugged, rolled my eyes and stared out the window. It's ridiculous, really. That I thought that we could be more than just friends. Pathetic. Caleb looked at me and back on the road. Then he asked, "Was it something I said?" I just kept on staring out the window.

"I am so emotional these days, and I don't know how to control myself. When Jordan finally tells me what happened, he ditches me again. And I can't stop thinking about Erik. I miss Goggles. I so desperately want to ride my bike again. I am furious with Jay. Sam and Penny haven't really been there for me. I haven't seen you since the hospital, and I've missed you too. My dreams won't stop and they keep changing. And I just-"

"-It's okay. You've said enough," he interrupted me. He gave me a smile when I made eye contact. I was close to crying but contained myself. I'm so glad Caleb picked me up.

We drove in silence and stopped at the diner. He walked around the car and opened my door. Before I could walk to the dinner, he grabbed me into a hug. And I hugged him back. The smell of his cologne was strong, but I liked the scent. He released me and kissed me on my forehead. That's all it took for me to feel better, and he knew it.

We entered the dinner and went to sit on our regular spot. We didn't even need to order, since they knew it already. We sat in silence for a while until our milkshakes came.

Then Caleb said, "Wanna tell me about the dreams?"

I sighed and answered, "I have been having these night mares. They all take place at his funeral. I would run away. And every time I would fall into a big black hole. And never stop falling. But these days, it is different."

He nodded and took a sip of his chocolate milkshake. Then I continued, "And well, Sam and Penny aren't really there for me right now. And I feel so alone. And just as I think Jordan and I are going to be friends, he ignores me."

"Have you tried asking him why he does that?"

"I want to, but he doesn't give me an opportunity..."

"Hmm..." Was al Caleb could say. "Maybe I should- "

"No, please don't..." I pleaded.

"Okay... I won't." We finished our milkshakes and headed for the car. It felt good to talk about it. Let it out.

He dropped me off my house. He gave me a last big hug and drove off. I didn't feel like doing anything, so I just went to lie on my bed and fall asleep.

It was finally Saturday and I decided to stay in bed all day. My mom brought me some coffee and breakfast. I opened my laptop and watched 'Spirit: The Leader of the Cimarron Heard'. It was about lunch time, when there was a knock on the front door. My mother hurried up to my room and told me to get dressed. So I decided on board shorts and an oversized T-shirt. I brushed my hair and tied it in a rough bun. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I slowly made my way down the stairs.

I came around the corner of the living room and saw Caleb sitting there. I smiled and he stood up and gave me a hug.

"Good morning." He said and handed me a box with a bow on it. I was about to shake it, when he objected, "I wouldn't do that!"

I looked concerned and opened the box. Inside it, was the most beautiful little kitten I have ever seen. She was black with white paws. I gently took her out and Caleb took the box.

"I'll pay for cat food, if she can stay here." I looked up and grabbed him in a hug. Suddenly a tear escaped my eye. "What do you wanna call her?"

"Socks. Because she has little white paws." And there and then, Socks became ours. And I would take extra care of her. 

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