Chapter 17

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It was amazing to wake up with a kitten lying next to me. It was Monday morning and I was actually in the mood for going to school. I got out of bed and went to wash my face. Instead of washing away tears, I was washing away the pain. I looked up and smiled at myself in the mirror.

I got dressed in a skinny jean, green T-shirt and denim sneakers. I brushed my hair and tied it up in a ponytail. I put on my white pearl earrings and added a little bit of mascara to my eyelashes. I looked into the mirror one last time and headed down for breakfast.

My mother had set out a variety of cereals to eat this morning and had made me some coffee. I kissed Alex on his head and gave my mother a hug. My dad was probably late this morning.

I poured myself some chocolate Rice Krispies with cold milk. I sat down next to Alex and enjoyed my breakfast. After I was finished with my cereal, I brushed my teeth and we were in the car on our way to school.

I said goodbye and kissed Alex on the cheek. Then I made my way through the school doors. I was smiling gracefully as I made my way to my locker. Sam was hanging around her locker with a few friends until she saw me. She greeted them and stormed to where I was standing.

"Why didn't you answer your phone this weekend?" She exclaimed. I just continued putting my books away and pretended like she isn't standing there. She rolled her eyes and asked, "Are you really going to do this?"

"I'm sorry," I said in a sarcastic way and swung my bag around my shoulder, "If I remember correctly, you didn't even want to talk to me before this weekend. But when you need help with your schoolwork, suddenly we're friends..."

"Erica, really? The past is the past..." Sam said and leaned against the locker.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She's the one acting like nothing's happened! Who are you and what have you done with Sam?

I was so mad right now, I just stormed away. Before I could control it, tears started to escape my eyes. I fiercely wiped them away. I hurried to the bathroom, and on my way there, I saw Jordan. He was walking with a couple of friends and was smiling and laughing with them. Why smile around them but ignore me? Why doesn't anyone like me anymore? The tears just started spilling. I was looking down and took a sharp turn around his group. The turn was too sharp and I ended up bumping into him.

He noticed my tears and grabbed my arm when I walked away. He pulled me so that our faces were close to each other. I sniffed and kept looking down. He suddenly wiped away the tears on my cheeks. I flinched when his warm hand touched me. He looked shocked. Like really dude? One of the reasons I'm crying is because of you...

"Hey," he said and grabbed me into a hug. His cologne smelled amazing against his jacket. I couldn't help it. There in the middle of the school, I was crying in Jordan's arms. But it didn't feel right, so I pushed him away and ran into the bathroom.

When I was out of sight, I cried. I couldn't stop. What was wrong with me? I'm stronger than this.

I started to wash my face and dry it off, when a toilet flushed. Out of the stall came Penny. Great. This day keeps getting better!

Penny gave me a concerned look and asked sympathetically, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing, just leave me alone. Because that's what you're good at!" I yelled. I took some tissues out of my bag and wiped my mascara off. I dried my face and although my eyes looked red, it looked better. I pulled my shoulders back and strolled out of the bathroom with some confidence. Penny stood there shocked. She really was pathetic. I thought they were my friends... But apparently not...

The school bell rang and the hall filled with students. I hurried to my locker, got my books and got out of there. Jordan, Sam and Penny would probably be looking for me.

When I got out, my mother was waiting in the parking lot. I took a deep breath in and got in the car. She handed Alex his toy and looked at me. "Hi, sweetheart."

I didn't answer.

"Okay, so how was your day?" She asked cheerfully.

Again I didn't answer.

"Everything okay?" She asked after leaving the school grounds.

"Everything's fine," I mumbled.

"Erica, acting like everything is okay while it actually isn't, is not a good thing. Talk to me."

"Mom, everything is fine!" I yelled.

"Is it?" She asked. After a moment of silence, she said, "Sweetheart, what happened today? Because when you left the house, you were smiling for the first time in days. And now when I take the day off of work to surprize you with lunch, you are yelling at me. I'm not mad at you. I just want to know what's going on."

I sighed. I should probably tell her over lunch. We went to eat at Love the Chicken. While we were eating, I explained that everyone was acting weird. The one moment they would be around me, the other, they would ignore me. At lunch, the boys didn't even call me to their table. And well, Sam was there.

She gave me a big hug which always seemed to add that mother's touch.

I got home and did my homework. When I was done, I lay on my bed and cried. Just simply cried it out.

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