Chapter 14

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    "Erica, will you come down for a minute?" My mom called from the kitchen. I hurried down the stairs and entered the kitchen. It was Saturday afternoon and the weather was nice and sunny. My mom seemed occupied. She was preparing a huge meal for some reason...

    "Yeah mom?" I went to sit on the counter, and grabbed a carrot stick. She turned around and shook her head.

    "Can you please set the table for me? The guests will be here in an hour and I don't have time to do that too." She stirred some sauce on the stove and continued cutting up a fruit salad.

    I jumped off and couldn't help but ask, "Whose coming?"

    "I thought your father told you. Jordan's family is coming over. I thought that maybe after all the drama with Jordan, they might like a little company. A nice dinner." When I didn't move nor answer she said, "Sweetheart, I understand that you and Jordan haven't been speaking lately, and that you've been ignoring him and all, but-"

    I interrupted, "Me ignoring him? Mom, it's the exact opposite! He ignores me like a child ignoring his report card. He doesn't talk to me. Runs away when I even dare to walk past him. He doesn't reply my texts, and to top it all, he choose Amy Hudson instead of me to help him with his school work." A tear escaped my eye. "I just don't understand why he would do this to me. I just want to help him. But he just keeps on ignoring me and acts like a jerk... Mom," I take a deep breath in and finally say, "I'll try and be nice. But only for the sake of his parents. I'll be back in a minute." And with that I stormed up the stairs and into the bathroom. I washed my face, and tried focussing on something else. I took a deep breath in, walked slowly down the stairs and got the table ready. My mom didn't ask any questions. She knew it would make it worse. So until they came, I remained quiet.

    At 6 p.m., there was a knock on the door. I yelled, "I'll get it." I went up to the door, undid the lock and opened it. I greeted his parents, and when Jordan came in, I said dryly, "Hello Jordan." I closed the door and showed them to the living room where my mom was waiting with Alex on her hip. She greeted everyone and offered them a drink. Jordan kept staring at me for some reason. I didn't do as much as ignore him.

    After dinner, I helped my mom with the dishes while my dad carried on talking to the lovely married couple in our living room. Jordan kept Alex busy. Alex really seemed to like Jordan, but I dismissed that thought immediately. I was still washing a plate when my mom put down the cup she was drying and looked at me. I knew exactly what was going to happen next.

    "Why don't you take Jordan out to the park nearby? Have a little privacy and talk a little." I was going to open my mouth to object, but my mom raised her hand, indicating that I didn't have much of a chose. I continued washing and when I was done, I took a pair of keys and called Jordan over. He looked confused at first but I just kept on walking, not saying anything.

   After a while, he asked, "So...are you going to tell me where we're going?" I didn't answer, and I didn't look back. I just walked on. I wanted him to know how I felt. When he realized I wasn't going to answer, he asked, "Okay, so you're a serial killer, and you are planning on murdering me in a park? Nice. Real nice Erica Matthews. I never thought you had it in you. But now I know. You act all nice, and when your victim doesn't tell you, you kill him." He sounded very playful. As in, he was making a joke. But to be honest, I would really like to kill him.

   We entered the park gates and I went to sit on the swing. He just stood there like only an idiot can. I looked up to the shiny stars, and suddenly it was our third date again.


    Erik leaned against the pole of the swings while I sat on one. He looked into my eyes, and I fell in love all over again. He smiled and said, "The stars cannot compare to your beauty."

   I laughed, and asked, "Out of which magazine did you get that?"

    He pulled his head back, put his hand in front of his mouth and stared at me in disbelief. "Erica, with a C," He said in a matter-of-fact way, "I did indeed not get those beautiful words out of a magazine but in fact out of my brother." He said this in a weird French accent. I couldn't stop laughing, and neither did he. He came over and started tickling me. Then, he gave me an unexpected kiss on the lips. A nice, warm, tender-loving kiss.


    But the flashback ended and I came back to reality at the sound of Jordan's voice. He kept saying my name, and then I finally asked, "What?"

    "What were you thinking about?" He came and sat on the swing next to me.

    "What do you mean?"

    "You were lost in thought and mumbled something about the stars, and how they compare to my beauty? Don't get me wrong," he lifted his hands in a surrendering position, "I know I'm handsome and all, but that's a bit deep for someone who's mad at me." He looked straight in front of him with a big grin on his face.

When I didn't say anything he turned his head to look at me, and then his smile dropped. I gave him look that said 'It isn't funny.'

    He took a deep breath in, let out a sigh and said, "I don't think you know how much I want to tell you. You won't understand if I explain. And don't even try asking me why I chose Amy, but know that it has nothing to do with you."

   I didn't say anything for a while. I didn't care about anything he just said. I was going to find out tonight. Even if I have to kill him. "Jordan, what is so complicated about a bet?"

    He sat up straight, and looked at me as if I had just spoken Chinese. "What bet?"

    "The one you and C.J had about me."

    "Who told you that?"

    I started getting worried. "Jay told me. Why couldn't you just tell me?" I started yelling now.

    He shook his head. He looked disappointed. And I didn't expect what was about to happen. "That Jerk!" He stood up and walked up and down. "He wins, and he can't even tell you the truth!" He started kicking the grass in all directions. Then he stood still, looked down, and said, "I broke my ribs for a lying jerk." He finally stopped yelling and came and sat on the swing again. I had a sad and confused look on my face. I didn't quite understand what was going on here.

    After a long time of silence, he said, "Erica, on the last day of school, when you weren't there, Jay decided to have a talk. Well, so I thought. He wanted to fight."

    "For what?" I was in shock. Jay beat him up? But for what?

    "For you." He was quiet and my mouth dropped. Why didn't I know about this? He looked at me with anger in his dark eyes. Then he said softly, "He challenged me to fight him, and whoever won, got you. And whoever lost..." He turned his head away.

    "So that's why you've been ignoring me? Why you chose Amy? And why you haven't been answering me? Why didn't you just tell me?"

    "I wanted to, so desperately, but had to keep my end of the deal." Stood up and walked around. He came to stand near me. He did look handsome standing under the moonlight and the stars.

    "I have to admit, you do look great compared to the stars." And I gave him a small wink and we laughed. Except for Marty, Jordan must be the funniest guy on Earth. He can make me laugh no matter what.

    Jordan walked closer, and before I knew it, we were kissing. It was amazing! I was freaking out inside. This was much better than Jay's kiss. Way better. He put his hands on my cheeks and I put my hands on his shoulders. This was the best night ever.


    It was finally Monday, and I couldn't wait to walk into school with Jordan. Everyone would be surprized but let them be. I don't care at all.

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