Is This All Real?!?

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Simon's P.O.V.

What did I just do? Why did I say all those things that I truly didn't mean? I should've never done that.

What am I saying right now? My mom would still be alive. Why am I thinking like that? I should live in the present time, not the past. But who even knows what would happen if I were to stay with Josh? What would our life even be like? I'm doing it again I am thinking to far into it. I just, I don't know. I want to be with him, but I don't know. I feel like I shouldn't be with him. What if the reason why all these bad things happen is because we are together? I should just move on, find someone new to call my one and only. Exactly, that is what I have to do. It's for the better of the two of us.

                          -=a year later=-

It's been a year since my mom's death. It has been a year without Josh. He has forgotten about me, he must have.

It doesn't matter it is time to go to the cemetery to visit my mom.

"Hey Simon you ready? Do not tell me you are wearing that." My girlfriend, Sarah, said.

She came over to me in a beautiful dress. Her hair up with a little flower in them. Tulips, my moms and Josh's favorite. What am I saying? Josh doesn't matter anymore.

"What so bad about this?" I said to her shocked.

I was wearing my favorite outfit. It was a plaid, that Josh gave me. He used to wear it all the time. He had also gave me a cut little dog tag that said Josh and Simon forever. I've never stopped wearing it.

"Why are you wearing that weird gold chain? Why won't you let me see what it is anyway?" She asked as she tried to grab the chain.

I'll tell you the truth, I am not happy. What So ever. But I feel like Josh is and that is all that truly matters. I know this may sound bad, but I hope that he is there. I hope I can see him again. I hope that he isn't happy and that we can be together. Who am I kidding he probably is happy. Happy without the trouble of dragging me along.

"Look, can you stop? I don't get why you have to know every single thing about me. Is it so much to ask for some type of privacy?" Now she is upset and mad with me.

This always happens, it is like there is not middle ground. It is either her way or no way. I am done with that. I am tired with her ways. It is like I am her puppy who has to follow her around.

"What are you trying to say? The only way a relationship can work is if you tell me the complete and honest truth." She said to me as I then let her grab the chain.

Revealing the truth.

"Who is this? Who is Josh?" She ask ripping it off of my neck.

"Hey! Give that back! That is special to me. You can't just take it." I yelled as she held it away from me.

I grabbed her hand and took it from her.

"Simon, that necklace should say Sarah, not Josh. Simon you have to tell me the complete and honest truth. Do you want to be with me or him?" She said as she walked over to me.

I looked at her and then looked at the dog tag. I looked at what was printed onto it. I remembered all the feelings of being with Josh. I remember holding him close and how i always felt safe in his arms. I love him. I am not cable of loving anyone else but him.

"I'm sorry, but I love Josh. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that but he is the only person I want to be with.

I ran outside and ran as fast as I could. If I am right, Josh will be at the cemetery at his moms grave. I can't let him go, I won't let him go. We've been through so much and I can't believe I was so stupid about it all.

I then finally got there, to see Josh with someone else. It was Vik.

I walked over and looked to see what they were looking at.

                           Here lies a son,
                       a soulmate, a friend
                            Simon Minter
                          Was hit by a car

My world collapsed before me. How did this happen, when did this happen, this can't be true. It just can't be. There is no way. I never got to tell Josh the truth, we couldn't have left off on a fight, we just couldn't have.

A/N: yeah, so I'm sorry about that. Just so you know this isn't just the end. Don't worry. But yeah, that just happened. Don't kill me, it will all be okay. I promise, or do I 😏

Also sorry that this was kind of short.  But yeah, that is it. Bye.

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