Part 3: 6 Months Later

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"It is July 16, 2021 and it has officially been 6 months since I woke up to this place. Somehow it still feels like yesterday," Lilith spoke into the camera making a video log "Everyday I just hoped this place would not fall. I'm honestly scared to go back out there, and when I do everyone is going to die again," she sighed and looked away from the camera "I'm afraid of death; I'll admit it," she looked back directly in the lens and continued to say "Nothing really important happened except the death of two people I could care less about. One of them tried to punch me and the other guy tried to do..other things. Tiffany saved me both times and I don't know how I could repay her; still trying to figure that out. We have stayed pretty stable at some points I had to help reinforce and protect the walls, but it was no big deal. My main job here is to keep order of the food, it has its perks like at the end of the day we get an extra can and we get a gun to protect the food with so I guess it isn't so bad," at this point Damien walked in and said "Jorge needs to see you," then immediately closed the door.

"I guess this log has came to an end. Lily out." She turned off the camera and put it in her bag with the rest of her stuff. Then she grabbed the bag and put it behind her bed where no can find it without searching for it. Lilith then grabbed her pistol and walked outside.

As she was walking down the hallway of buildings people she passed periodically said "Morning Lily." and "Hello Lily." She nicely waved back at them as she passed. Arriving at the main building she stopped and looked around comparing both sides of the wall. "This place is so much cleaner than the outside," she stated then turned around to walk inside. The first person she saw was John which said "Ah Lily Jorge is expecting you down the hall in his room."

"Alright thanks would you like to come?"

"Jorge said he wants to talk privately."

She didn't looked concerned at all and proceeded down the hall. She reached his room and knocked on the already open door. Jorge could be seen organizing a small bookshelf. He heard the knocks and didn't turn around but said "Come in Lily and close the door behind you please."

"What's this about?"

Jorge turned around and walked to a chair behind a large desk which looked completely worn out.

"Please sit," Jorge said point the smaller chair on the other side of the desk. Lilith walked forward and sat down.

"What I would like to discuss is the schematics for the cure Tiffany showed you."

"Well what about it?"

"I still have my doubts about it. I don't really like to trust what people claim to have without actual hard proof."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"This place is going to fall soon and I know it."

" do you know?"

"Everything has to come to an end and honestly I'm surprised we even got this far. However when it comes time and those walls come down I have a secret exit that only me, John, Tiffany, and Damien know about and now you too," Jorge got up and turned over the rug next to his desk with his foot. It exposed a hatch looking door. He reached down and opened it to show a ladder with lights showing all the way down to a wider area below.

"I discovered it when I was organizing my office. When nigh came I went down to explore and it has a spare cache of weapons and ammo with many other supplies. It leads to a sewer out of this place; which I thought to be a good back up route in case anything happened to this place."

"Why couldn't you tell us all together?"

"4 people not on duty at the same time would have been to obvious. You tell nobody about this do you understand?"

"Of course Jorge," Lilith began to walk out when Jorge flipped the rug back over the hatch and said "Don't say it in your logs either."

She nodded quaintly when all of a sudden she heard an explosion. Jorge perked up and ran past Lilith down the hall, Lilith shortly followed. When they were outside beside John a smoke pillar could be seen from the north part of the wall. Gunshots we heard one after another.

"SHIT!" Jorge yelled "Lilith go find Tiffany and Damien."

"What's going on?!"

"They finally breached us there is no time to explain just go find them. John guard the door until the arrive I'll get things set up."

John nodded and ran back to Jorge's office. Lilith was confused, but didn't question his orders. She ran down to her shack to see if they were there.

"Tiffany!" Lilith screamed then she followed it with "Damien!" she grabbed the bag behind her bed and ran out. With the bag strapped over her shoulder she saw Damien struggling with an infector. She pulled out her gun, steadily aimed down the sights and fired. SPLAT! The infector dropped to the ground beside him.

"Where is Tiffany?!"

"She was on duty at the wall when the explosion happened."

"Get to the hatch I'll find her."

"No I'm helping."

A man dropped down being eaten by an infector with a rifle the fell beside him. Lilith killed it and told Damien "Grab the rifle and stay close to me."

He picked it up and charged towards the chaos with her. Kill infector after infector to find Tiffany. She was on top of a small building trying to kill them one after another.

"Tiffany!" Damien yelled "Let's go!" Tiffany began to run across the connecting rooftops as Lilith and Damien followed on the ground close to her. Running up the stairs to the main building Lilith's leg was grabbed by Justin who was bleeding out from the bites which could be seen all over his body and arms.

"Kill me!" he commanded, and without hesitation she pulled the gun on him and fired. "Asshole," she muttered under her breath. She ran inside with the rest heading to the hatch. John could be seen at the door standing there with his rifle. "Let's go guys," he said when they all passed him guarding their backs. Three infectors could be seen at the door leading to the outside. To protect them as the descended down the ladder he picked them off one at a time. The last one to go down and close the hatch was door was John. The hatch door slammed shut as the gunfire continued outside.    

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