Chapter 13

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Today we were finding out the gender of our baby and I was so excited I can't wait to find out I hope it's a girl but I don't really mind if it's a boy. I just want a healthy baby that's all that matters right now I am in the shower. My stomach is getting pretty big so I have to wear sweatshirts we haven't told my parents yet I'm really nervous about it though.

After my shower I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body I dried off and blow dried my hair I put on my black undergarments and put on a grey knitted sweatshirt over my tank top I slipped on my dark jeans then put my hair up in a ponytail I walked out of the bathroom into mine and Daniel's room.

I went over to Daniel who was fixing his hair I smiled at him and took his hand once he was finished he grinned at me and lead me downstairs we walked outside and got into his car and drove off to the hospital making small talk as we did.

Once we got to the hospital I hurried out and went inside with Daniel hot on my heels I checked in then took a seat I was so excited I was shaking with excitement when the doctor called my name I got up and sped walk over to her with Daniel laughing at me as we did.

The doctor lead us in the same room as last time I laid down on the bed and lifted up my shirt I held Daniel's hand as she rubbed the wand thing on my stomach.

"Well it looks like we have a healthy baby boy!" The doctor gushed

I squealed in excitement and asked the doctor for pictures she nodded and started printing out the pictures I looked over at Daniel who was grinning like the Cheshire cat I giggled and squeezed his hand. He leaned over and kissed me I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back we pulled away and he took his seat.

The doctor gave me a wipe and I cleaned off the gel and thanked her for the pictures me and Daniel walked hand in hand outside the office to the front doors we walked out and went into our car and drove back to the pack house.

"We better tell our parents" I sighed

"Yes we better we should have told them sooner" Daniel gulped

"Yeah.. What are we going to do about school?" I asked

"Well I don't really know" He said

"I could always drop out since it hasn't started yet and you could always finish" I said

"True.. But I couldn't leave you alone with the baby though babe. We both could drop out it's not like were going to have jobs anyway" He shrugged

"Yeah.. I guess we both could" I said

Once we pulled up to the pack house I got out and walked up to the front door I mind linked my parents telling them that we needed to talk already so I just need to have Daniel contact his parents. 

"Hey Daniel" I said

"Hmm?" He said

"Tell your parents we need to talk I already contacted mine it's time we tell them along with the rest of the pack" I said

"Okay babe" He smiled 

I smiled back and then headed into the kitchen for a quick snack after I ate I made my way upstairs I laid down in bed and let sleep take over..

"Libby, Libby baby wake up" Someone shook me slightly

"Ugh five more minutes" I groaned

"Come on babe our parents are here along with the rest of the pack" He chuckled

I groaned but got up anyways I pushed passed Daniel and went into the bathroom to do my business.

After fixing my hair and brushing my teeth I walked downstairs into the meeting room where me and Daniel would be telling everyone our news. I smiled at Daniel and walked over to him he grinned and pecked my lips he put his arm around my waist and cleared his throat just by that little action everyone turned towards us and stopped talking.

"As you may know I ordered a meeting for tonight well it seems as if me and Libby have some important news share with you. It's about your future Alpha" He grinned

"What?" Someone asked in the crowd who I recognised as my dad

"Well.. My mate here is pregnant with our first child who is going to be your next Alpha" He said proudly

The crowd erupted in cheers making my heart swell with pride I grinned at my parents happy tears I giggled softly at my mum when she came over and hugged me tight.

"Mum I have pictures do you want to see?" I asked

"Yes!" She squealed 

~After Meeting~

It felt good to eat and talk with the pack there was alot of congratulations which made me smile I loved it that the pack was happy for us. I can't wait to see what my baby looks like I wonder if he's going to have blond hair like his dad or brown hair like mine? Is he going to have my nose or his dad's? There tons of questions running through my mind I am so happy I just can't wait for the baby to come tomorrow me and Daniel are going to go shopping for the baby and I can't wait to decorate his room. I know exactly what I want I just need to go shopping for it with Daniel I love spending time with him.

I shook out of my thoughts and changed into my pajamas I brushed my teeth then walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom I laid in bed and rubbed my stomach as I stared at the ceiling Daniel is in the shower. I sighed and closed my eyes I just hope nothing goes wrong...There's tons of what if's but I know this will work out just as long as I have Daniel by my side I will be okay.

The bed dipped down beside me making me open my eyes I looked over and saw Daniel smiling at me I smiled back and moved over I leaned my head on his chest and laid my leg on top of his he rubbed my back and we just laid together enjoying each other's company. Until we finally drifted off together like it should be..

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