Chapter 14

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Its been five and a half months since I waste pregnant our parents are more than happy about the baby. My stomach is huge! but we still have half a month since the wolf cubs come in six months instead of eight like humans.

I've had some really weird cravings like yesterday I wanted to eat pickles with mayonnaise ew.

"Babe are you coming?" Daniel asked

"Nooo" I whined

"Babe you have to come it's the pack meeting" Daniel chuckled

"My stomach hurts" I pouted

"Uh huh and I'm pregnant come on baby" He huffed

"Fine" I snapped

Have a mentioned that my emotions are like a roller coaster? Most of the times I'm happy then boom I am biting your head off. I huffed and got up out of bed groaning in pain my back hurts like heck! I stood up and hobbled into the bathroom ignoring Daniel I closed the door behind me and brushed throughout my bed head I brushed my teeth and decided to stay in my yoga pants and janoskians sweatshirt. I threw my hair up in a messy bun then walked out of the bathroom.

"Let's go" I mumbled

Daniel looped our arms and lead me out of our room he helped me downstairs into the meeting room or whatever you want to call it. We walked up to the stage type thing and took our spots pack members were starting to arrive. I sighed and slumped down in my seat I rubbed my stomach as I waited for the meeting to start. Daniel stood up once the pack arrived.

"Thank you all for coming tonight" Daniel smiled

Some of the pack members nodded while others greeted us I waved at the ones who waved at me.

"Now for the main purpose of the meeting tonight is that I have been informed that hunters and rouges have teamed up trying to take down the most powerful packs" He said

The room filled with growls and gasps the mates pulled each other close the pack warriors were growling and shaking.

"So with this being said we need to keep a close eye nobody is allowed out later than 9 o'clock at night without a pack member. Warriors are going to be practicing more and patrols are going to be more often. We can't let them win!" Daniel roared

The crowd erupted with cheers making my heart swell with pride I loved my pack more than anything I would give my life up for anyone of them.

"That is all for tonight's meeting but I am going to need the pack warriors and patrol members to stay later so we can have our own little meeting the rest of you get home as soon as possible and be on high alert don't let your guards down for NO body. Goodnight" Daniel nodded

The non pack warriors and patrol members gathered there things and filed out of the room my mind was swirling what do the hunters and rouges want with us? Why can't they just leave us alone?

"The reason why I kept you later here tonight is that we need more than four people on patrols. We need at least eight men training starts at eight tomorrow morning" Daniel said

"Yes Alpha" They said

The bowed respectfully and said there goodbyes before exiting the room Daniel helped me up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you baby" He murmured

"I love you too" I grinned

He pecked my lips then wrapped his arm around the back of my lower back then lead me to the door we walked to the stairs and he lead my upstairs so we could go to bed...

~Next Morning~

I woke up to a cold bed I groaned and sat up I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine. After finishing up in the bathroom I walked downstairs into the kitchen I greeted the girls and made me a glass of orange juice a sharp pain shot through my stomach making me gasp in pain I sat my orange juice down and put my hand on my stomach.

"Ouch" I whimpered

"Libby are you okay?" Linda (the chef) asked

"No" I sniffled

Tears poured down my face my stomach was hurting like I've never felt before it felt as if I was being stabbed or something.

"Oh my god" Linda mumbled

"Wha-?" I started

"THE BABY'S COMING!" She shouted

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