Chapter 15

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Guys I am sooo sorry!! I have been super busy and have not been able to get on Drama drama ugh.. Where are my beliebers at!? I love you guys<3 Haha but anyway guys lets get back to the story!

Chapter 15

I was being carried somewhere but the pain was to unbearable to look my eyes were squinted shut my stomach felt as if it was getting pulled and pushed. My water already broke I whimpered out in pain. We were in a car now I could feel it moving someone was stroking my hair trying to soothe me my head was pounding and my whole body was aching.

The car stopped and I was now being carried out of it I was placed on a bed I pried open my eyes and looked around I was in a medium sized hospital room with white walls and a monitor on each side of the bed there was four nurses and my doctor in the room with Daniel with me they were all getting there scrubs on.

"Put your feet up on these bar Luna" A nurse said

I nodded and did as told I grunted in pain the nurse took my sweats off and threw the plastic paper like blanket over my legs. I sniffled and leaned back the pain was starting to get lower.

"Okay Luna I am going to have to ask you to push okay?" The doctor asked

I nodded and held tightly onto Daniel's hand squeezing it as I pushed I huffed and puffed as I did so.

"Okay just a few more I see his head!" The doctor said

"Oh God. Daniel I hate you!" I grunted

"Shh come on baby you can do it" Daniel encouraged

I pushed and pushed until I heard crying I sniffled and put my head down I felt my eyes droop I sighed in content and let darkness take over...

**Daniel's P.O.V.**

I smiled at my little boy he had my blonde hair and his moms bright baby blue eyes he had my button nose and cute chubby cheeks. Wow I sound like a girl... He was a chubby guy to but he will grow that out. I was to busy holding my baby that I didn't notice that the nurses and the pack doctor were still over by Libby. I put my boy back down since he was asleep and rushed over to Libby who was asleep or so I hoped she was.

"What's going on!?" I rushed out

"Her body went into shock due to the pain... There were some complications but she will be all right. We need to get you baby into surgery now" The doctor said

"Do whatever you have to do just make sure that neither of them die" I growled

"Alpha rouges!" My beta shouted through mindlink

They nodded stiffly and hurried out of the room I growled and stormed out of the hospital I bolted into the woods and shifted midair trying to contain my wolf.

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