Chapter Fourteen

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In the morning Elena awoke feeling excited to get to work. She had something important and interesting to do, and was ready to take on the challenge. Strangely enough, she thought she might have finally convinced the suspicious Prince she was worthy of his trust.

She splashed a little water on her face and threw on her somewhat wrinkled uniform. It would need laundering soon. On her way out the door she noticed there was no longer a guard posted there. She was greeted instead by two trillas women.

One was the young girl who had assisted her the day before, and the other a new woman, more elderly and with an air of authority. They both curtsied deeply.

"My Lady," began the elder of the two. "The Prince has commanded that you are to be moved to a more suitable room on the upper level. We will take your things there now."" She curtsied again, and the younger woman did as well.

Elena tried hard not to roll her eyes. This was what she hated about the privileges of the nobility — all the formalities. It wasn't the fault of these women, so to be polite; she agreed to let them do their assigned work despite wishing she could simply do it herself.

They led her up a spiral stair of stonework that was built inside of one of the corner towers. It wound up and up five flights to finally end on a bright floor filled with windows. Elena had to look out and see what the view held.

It was wonderful.

The sun was just cresting the horizon, casting pinkish orange hues all over the deep blue sky and the blue-green sea. Even the sand was tinted by the light, as were the light grey rocks of the cliffs.

A balcony lay on one side that looked out over the courtyard below. The other side was lined with a series of doors. It was through the first of these that Elena was led.

The matron smiled seeing Elena's surprise at the suite of rooms that had been assigned to her.

"Is there anything my Lady needs?" she asked.

Elena looked at the armful of clothing the younger woman had carried for her, and then to her uniform.

"I'm afraid I didn't expect to be staying long. Everything I have needs cleaning."

The matron nodded to the girl who left promptly. She returned minutes later with clean clothes folded neatly under her arm.

"These will do until we can wash your other things. Do you want your uniform cleaned as well?" she added.

Elena nodded and took the clean clothes into the next room to change. They were simple garments, the kind most women wore. She was thankful they hadn't brought her some fine lady's gown at least. She decided it looked better to leave her hair unbound.

The two smiled as she returned, handing them her soiled uniform. Gurgling erupted from her stomach. She patted it with her hand.

"You may dine at the end of the hall, my Lady."

Relieved, Elena thanked the servants and allowed them to leave before setting out for the dining room. She looked around her new abode. It was as nice as her quarters in the Citadel in Estallium. Nicer, in a way, since she had a view from several rooms of the seaward side of the fortress. Another balcony ran along this side of the building as well, with openings from each room.

Another loud growl from her stomach reminded her where her priorities lay. She went down the hall, looking out the windows to watch members of the circle doing their daily exercises far below.

The room at the end of the hall had double doors which opened inward on a large table with seating all around. As she entered she crossed paths with Joran, who appeared to be leaving.

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