Chapter Twenty Eight

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What happened after this wasn't entirely clear to Elena. She must have blacked out for a moment, for when she woke she was seated in her chair with her head dropped forward. Her neck ached, but she thought at once of Dahlia, wondering if she was damaged by the intrusion of her mind. She lifted her head and sat up straight, looking about. People were shouting and running all around. Dahlia lay unconscious on the floor, covered in a cloak. Joran knelt beside her, holding her hand and caressing her cheeks. Lines of worry creased his forehead.

Odvar shouted for calm, but no one appeared to notice him. He gave up and knelt beside his daughter as well.
She needed a healer. Elena went over to one of the council members who was standing and looking lost.
"Lady Dahlia needs a Marulan. Is there one in this town?" The man blinked for a moment then seemed to focus. He shook his head in affirmation. He took no further action.
Frustrated, Elena looked around again. "Fetch the Marulan. Bring him, or her to Lord Odvar's house."
A moment later, Dahlia sat up, rubbed her temples and looked about. Joran helped her stand. She leaned heavily against him. Elena thought Dahlia still needed a healer. She turned to Joran.

"We should get her back to her home."

Joran nodded. He surprised Elena by taking Dahlia in his arms and carrying her out the doors into the night. Odvar followed close behind. Elena turned to view the group in the hall. They wandered about like lost children. Clearly they needed directions.
"People, go to your homes. We will send word later when we know more, and call you back if there is more to be discussed. Right now we must attend to the Lady Dahlia."

She waited by the door for a while to see what they would do. Most shrugged, shook their heads and looked baffled for a while, but then they began to turn toward the door. When it appeared that most were following her advice, Elena turned and headed out into the night.
When she returned to Odvar's house, Elena was shown to Dahlia's room where Joran sat beside the young woman, holding her hand, and speaking softly to her. It seemed to help her to stay calm. Lord Odvar paced the room, rambling to himself about threats to his family.

After a while, a servant opened the door and showed a tall man inside. He was clothed from head to toe in a light silver fabric. Even his face was concealed with a silver veil. He bowed to Joran and to Lord Odvar, then he approach Dahlia where she was lying with her eyes closed.

"I have already heard the story."

Lord Odvar halted his pacing and faced the man.

"Rador, please check her out and make sure she hasn't suffered any lasting harm. If you can, figure out exactly what happened to her."
The Marulan bowed his head and approached the bed. He pulled a chair up to the bed on the other side of the bed from Joran, who refused to shift his position. Rador slipped off his silver gloves.

"Lady, do I have your permission?"

Dahlia clung to Joran. Rador kept his hands crossed on his chest.

"You know I will not hurt you nor intrude on your thoughts, my Lady."

Dahlia looked at Joran for help. Joran nodded encouragement. Dahlia reached out and the Marulan took her bare hands in his own. She closed her eyes. Elena wondered how it felt and why she was so reluctant.

Everyone in the room waited silently while the Marulan sat with his hands holding Dahlia's as he bowed his head.
Finally, he breathed deeply and released her. He straightened and rose from his chair to address Lord Odvar. Elena detected a slight wavering as he stood.

"Your daughter has come to no harm, though understandably, the experience has disturbed her."

Odvar released his own breath and sagged a little.

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