Chapter Forty Five

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The following day at noon the forward guard of the Kaldene army was spotted passing the border by the newly established Castellonian patrol. Word was sent to Elena at once. She was pleased that her system was working. Castillon could no longer afford to believe that their closeness with Kalad would protect them.

As the sun tilted steeply toward the end of the afternoon, the lead group was seen on the ridge; pale riders with bright pennants representing the various noble houses of Kalad. Liran and Elena rode out to greet them with several of their newly-appointed officers, everyone in full dress, she with her gold sash and neck guard, and Liran with his silver sash. They watched from the beach the arriving group descended the steep trail toward the fortress. As they reached level ground, one man came forward to meet them. Pale eyed and white haired, he sat on his horse seeming somehow seasoned with time, despite there being no clear evidence of advancing age. He was dressed in full regalia and decorated with many medals.

"Lord Elden Alkema, First Commander of her Majesty's Second Division," he said in crisp Hilliri addressing the Prince with a slight bow, his fist over his heart. Liran looked at Elena and nodded for her to respond.

Elena nudged her black stallion forward until he was almost nose to nose with the Commander's mount. He snorted, tossed his head and dug his hooves into the sandy dirt where he stood. The other horses stepped back a pace in response. She held back her response for a moment, letting the Commander know she was assessing him.

"Elena Valeria, Field Marshall of Castillon. Greetings, First Commander. We are most grateful for Kalad's aid in this matter."

The Commander flustered for a brief moment before he managed to regain his composure.

"You are in command?" It came out rather stiff and surprised. Elena arched an eyebrow.

"That is what the title Field Marshall implies, though it is used in the Empire, where I was born, and not among the Hilliri. Are you not familiar with the Legion's command structures?"

"Yes, of course, but I understood that Castillon's was an army consisting of Hilliri, so I assumed there would be a typical command structure as used in the Three Nations. I just assumed the Prince would command his own troops. It is well known he is an accomplished practitioner of the forms."

Elena steeled her expression to neutral. She must appear to be above his blatant snobbery.

"The people of Castillon are Hilliri and Trillas, First Commander, and so is their army—an army which I personally gathered, trained and chose commanders for. As for My Lord, he is a master of the forms, but he is well aware that it takes a lot more than mastery in the art of self-defence to command an army and has chosen to appoint me to this post."

The Commander gave a false smile. Elena went on.

"The Prince wishes to apply his skills elsewhere, for he is most capable in the healing arts. He has assembled and trained many Marulan to accompany us. You will be grateful for this service once we start to see battle."

"Indeed." The First Commander still looked uncomfortable.

"Your Queen did much the same in her youth, did she not?" Elena offered as a reminder that this wasn't entirely without precedent.

"As I recall, she did." His face changed, then, as if he was just remembering something. "I have a message for the Prince from my Queen, and also one for you, Field Marshall, from Master Benar." He looked puzzled has he handed her the pouch.

"Master Benar was my forms instructor when I served the Queen in Kalad," Elena explained.

"You studied the forms?" Alkema looked more than a little surprised.

Elena nodded acknowledgement.

"I was elevated to Lamen-amir just last week."

Alkema blinked in astonishment. "Forgive me for asking, Field Marshall, but how is it possible for a Trillas to pass to Lamen-amir? It requires use of maru."

"That is a story for when we have more time, First Commander. Right now we must get your people settled. You may camp them up on the ridge, among the trees, but warn them to be very careful with their fires. Pine catches fire easily in this dry season, and the resin will spread the flames at a fast and furious rate. You are dismissed, First Commander."

Elena saluted her new underling with full respect. He returned in routine fashion, and turned to his companions to lead them back up the path. Steering her horse around, she grinned privately as she rode back toward the rest of her officers and to Liran whose expression was full of questioning. He wouldn't have been able to hear all of their conversation from where he waited.

"That went better than I had expected. He's a bit stodgy, but they all are in the Kaldene army."

Elena saw Liran smile his widest smile before they turned and rode back toward the keep.


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