Chapter Twenty Nine

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Later that morning, Lady Dahlia departed, looking pale but determine, along with four companions chosen by Lord Odvar. Elena noted that Joran watched her leave, his shadowed eyes following her path until she disappeared from view. Then he helped her to load up their horses and gather their guards to continue on the road to the next town on their route.

Lord Odvar appeared in time to say good bye.

"My Lord Joran, Commander Valeria, I will do as you ask, and convince my people to send everyone available to you. When do you want them to come?"

Elena finished checking her mount's straps.

"In three weeks time, my Lord. They must plan to stay for a month. We will have them returned in time for the harvest."

Supplies would be needed for a campaign. Odvar looked pleased.

"When you return to Madrezza, you will give my regards to your father?"

Joran nodded in his usual quiet manner. Odvar touched Joran's arm and meet his eyes.

"I believe she will be alright."

Odvar then wrapped his arm around the young prince and patted him on the back. Elena saw him whisper something in Joran's ear before releasing him. It was rare to see Hilliri touch one another, casually or otherwise.

Joran mounted his horse and nodded to Odvar as he flicked his reins and road out to the main road. Elena followed close behind, allowing their guards to take up positions all around them before they reached the edge of the town. She kept her silence as they road, and so did he. There was much to consider.

News of their passage and the troubles at their previous stops seemed to travel ahead of them, though. While it left many questions, it made some things easier. At each subsequent village, Elena needed less effort to convince people to join up.


After two weeks of touring, they were finally heading back to Madrezza. They had ridden a long circuitous route around the country, going far to the east. There was now only one week until the training sessions would begin, and Elena had many things to organize.

By Joran's accounts, there might be as many as five thousand people coming. That was a lot of people to train, and the time to do it in was very short. There was some issue of where to put them, as well as how to manage so many people. Elena wished she had her team back in Estallium to assist her, but she did have her three companions and there were a few others she had met whom she thought she could depend on to assist.

In the long golden light of the late afternoon they rode through the gate into the courtyard of the fortress. Captain Sandro was there supervising a change of shift. He smiled slightly at Elena as he gave orders to his guards. Elena hoped that might mean a visit from him sometime soon, but she was so grimy from travel, her thoughts switched to the idea of having a very long bath as soon as possible. Once the horses were seen to, Elena went directly to her rooms.

Her rooms were clean and in order, with fresh cut flowers on the table. Elena tossed her gear in the front closet and called for food, ordering enough for two. She then turned to bathing. Not long after, Elena sighed fitfully as she towel dried her hair.

The food arrived, followed by another knock at the door. Elena smiled as she opened the door and saw the Captain, wearing a dusty uniform jacket which hung open, azure cloth in hand. Elena grinned wide at the sight of him, all rough and rugged. She was about to invite him in, thinking of a pleasant evening to come, when she noted the bars on his shoulders. Two bars for the rank of Captain. Elena now wore three as Commander, which reminded her of the rule she kept to avoid complications. She never took up with someone of unequal rank.

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