Chapter Thirty Eight

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Elena tried to clean Maranus' face a little more. She looked at his hands, which had once touched her so gently, but was afraid to tend to them. His fingers were broken and his nails ripped from their bases. There were cuts all over his torso that she could see through the rents in his jacket. His breathing was shallow and ragged, his face pale with a greenish hue. He moaned a little during her ministrations, but responded very little otherwise. She feared the worst. She looked around for a healer. When would the Marulan come?

"What is going on here?" Liran's deep voice pierced through the murmurs around them. The guards cleared a space so he could kneel down beside her. Elena looked up at him, hope kindling as she realized he could help.

"You recall my friend; the one that Tarion reported was missing? The guards at the border have found him in his present condition and brought him here." She paused to steady her voice which had begun to waver. "As you can see, he's in very bad shape."

Liran looked over his body. He glanced at her with one arching eyebrow. "He's been tortured." Elena nodded.

"He needs healing very soon. I've send for a Marulan," Elena continued to search for anyone who might come.

Liran removed his gloves. He widened the gap between torn pieces of Maranus' jacket and placed his hands on the man's chest. He closed his eyes in concentration. After a moment, he said: "He doesn't have long. Galira is on duty and she doesn't like to waste maru on situations like this. I will look after him." Elena exhaled a breath of relief as he returned to Maranus and went to work.

Elena watched, wondering what she could do to help. She had maru, but no knowledge of healing, apparently one of the most difficult and technical applications of this power. So far Ergin had taught her how to make a shield, create fire and light, and how to make and throw fireballs. Master Benar, her forms teacher, would be pleased, though he would also be shocked if he ever learned that she was a Guardian. Elena still didn't know what to make of it either.

Right now, though, all that mattered was that Maranus lived, and that was literally in Liran's hands now. She watched him as he knelt beside his patient, the one a man she had loved a long time ago and the one she loved now, but couldn't dare to admit.

After a time, Galira arrived, clothed in her usual gown of silver cloth which the traditional Hilliri Marulan wore. "I was summoned?"

Elena nodded and looked at Liran at work and then again at Galira. "He came while we were waiting for you and began."

The Marulan looked over Maranus' body. Her face its usual mask of serenity. "This one is a foreigner." She observed for a moment. "His life-threads are almost unravelled. It is doubtful he can be saved. I will return to the infirmary." The Marulan turned to leave.

Furious, Elena sprang up and addressed the woman. "He may be near death and a foreigner, but he is a most decent and noble man and a dear friend. At least Prince Liran is willing to help him, for which I am grateful."

"If My Lord wishes to lavish his precious maru on a man in such a condition, it is his choice. In this we differ. I believe there are too many others who are more likely to live." She shook her head.

"If I could, I would help him myself, but I know nothing of healing. If you can aid the Prince, I beg you to assist him. Doesn't he deserve your support?" Elena forced herself to ask rather than demand. Galira was no soldier and could not be given orders.

The serene expression on Galira's face rippled slightly then reset. She sighed, removed her gloves and knelt across from Liran on the other side of Maranus's body.

"It may make a difference to the outcome if I lend my efforts to My Lord's."

Elena could feel her anxiety unwind slightly.

"Thank you."

Galira looked up from her work.

"Before I begin, please ask these men to fetch some food, water, and chairs for when we finish. For My Lord, especially, for he will be weak and need nourishment."

Elena nodded and gave a signal to the two guards who were left gathered around them. They returned promptly with the requested items.

Elena waited as the sun travelled its arc across the sky. It took a long while. Finally, Liran gave a small gasp and lifted his hands to lean back on his heels. He opened his eyes, but began to waver slightly.

"Catch him!" Elena demanded, addressing the guards, since she stood too far away to do it herself. A guard reached out and steadied the Prince, helping him onto the waiting chair. Elena checked with Galira, but the Marulan waved her off.

At last Galira sighed and removed her hands from the body. She looked up at Elena. "If he makes it through the night, he should live. We have done all we can for him, at great cost, particularly to My Lord."

Galira pointed to the waiting guards. "Please take the patient to the infirmary to rest on a proper bed and be cleaned."

Elena raised a hand in objection.

"No, he stays with me. Take him up to my quarters and lay him on a pallet in the main room."

The two men promptly pick Maranus up roughly by the arms and legs. "Gently, please!" Elena added. Galira did not object.


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