Chapter Twenty Five

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Once the tailor had finished her alterations, Elena packed her travel bags and went down to fetch her horse. Joran was in the courtyard waiting, dressed for travel, saddled and ready with Elena's horse standing by, ready as well.

Elena smiled. He was always so well organized. She bowed slightly acknowledging him, and mounted.

"Good morning, Commander." He gave her a warm smile in return.

He was often quite shy, but had developed some level of comfort around Elena. She nodded back.

"Good morning to you as well."

She let out some length in her horse's leathers to accommodate her long legs. Her gaze returned to the younger Prince. He had been observing her.

"Your new uniform looks very smart. I'm sure the Mayor of Perramo will be impressed."

"I hope so. It will be difficult to proceed without his help."

"He is required to assist, Commander, he has orders from my father."

Orders didn't always guarantee full cooperation. There were always ways to look like you were helping while still holding back.

Elena slipped on her riding gloves. In spite of the heat of the day, she would chafe without them.

"After the last attack, I decided to review the charts and try a different route. We'll head north along the river road, picking up the east road that goes through the forest. It's not too close to the border, but we'll have to be careful of course." Elena wasn't taking chances.

"My Lord." Sandro approached on horseback and bowed in the saddle. Two rows of guards followed him, four deep. "I hope the additional watches assigned to survey the roads will helps keep you safe, but I'm also doubling your guard." He gave an acknowledging salute to Elena. He scanned her for a moment, making colour rise in her cheeks, but his eyes lingered on the newly sewn bars on each arm. She realized, somewhat in disappointment, that there could be no further liaisons between them now that their ranks were no longer equal. This was her one rule to keep from complicating relationships with military men.

"As you see fit, Captain." Joran nodded. He turned to Elena. "Shall we be off, then, Commander?"

Elena snapped her reigns, nudging her mount forward. The whole group rode off without further delay. The day was fine and sunny. Summer was in full force and the heat out in the open beat down on them. It would have been better to have left earlier, but the fitting had delayed their departure.

Elena's new jacket kept the sun from scorching her skin, and was, in fact, lightweight enough to be comfortable. Still, they would have to stop when the sun reached its zenith to take shelter for a while or the heat would overcome them. They ought to be able to reach their destination by dinner hour.

It was just high noon as they rode into the hamlet of Fiastra. They might have spent a quiet hour in the shade nearby as they waited for the heat of the day to pass, but when they approached the centre of town, there was a gathering of locals in the main square. People were shouting, pushing and shoving. Elena could feel the tension in the air.

Joran took the lead and rode right up into the crowd. Several of his guards hurried to keep by his side. Elena urged her horse to do the same. His long stride helped him easily keep up.

"Ladies, gentlemen, what seems to be the problem?" Joran surveyed the crowd. The people parted and hushed at his arrival. As always, everyone knew who he was. His distinctive colouring made it clear. Unlike his father, Joran wore his hair shorter and tied tight in back, and there were no ribbons in it, only about his wrists.

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