Chapter Thirty Seven

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Once Liran and Tarion had left, Elena began to think of all the things that would need to be done in the next week and beyond. Most of the weapons were ready, but there were still a number left to be made before their order was complete. She would ask Joran to send them with the last group of soldiers heading out. Another week or so should be enough time.

She went to the library to plan. As she rolled out the map of the eastern provinces of Estallium she had found on a dusty shelf, she tried to recall the lay of the land in the area. At one time she had travelled the length and breadth of the Empire as a soldier in the legion, but it had been a very long time since those days.

It looked as if it might take about ten days to reach Argentia, assuming they had to go that far, if not, they might meet the Empire's Legions at the border of Gildhadest where they were currently camped in eight. The terrain in those parts was slightly hilly, but open ground, with forested patches here and there, but no great expanses of trees to hide in. They would fight on open fields. It would be easy to find places to camp, but they would be exposed and need significant guards. She would organize scouts to locate both the Legion and Argentia's forces so she could fill in her picture of the situation.

As her eye followed the path they would travel, she continued to formulate her plans. It was finally happening; their army was going into battle.

The sound of fast paced foot falls caught her attention. She looked up to see a border guard coming her way.

"Commander Valeria, I come from the border at Gildhadest. We caught a man trying to cross into our territory. We have brought him here for questioning."

"Why did you capture him? Don't we allow the Estallese to cross?"

"Yes Commander, but this man was wearing a Legion officer's uniform." Elena frowned.

"I see, well, bring him here."

The guardsman looked unsure what to say next.

"What is it?"

"He's in rough shaped, Commander, and he's quite dirty. I don't know if he will even make it through another day."

"Very well, then take me to him, and we'll get a Marulan too. He may have something interesting to tell us if he lives." Elena followed the guardsman down the stairs into the courtyard where a group of guards were standing around. They had left the Legionnaire lying on the hard stone ground.

Elena approached and the guards gave way for her. She bent down and examined the man. His shredded uniform was barely recognizable, but the patches on his collar were still intact. A Commander. He was covered in a week's worth of filth and had many scabbed over wounds and large purpling bruises. She could hardly tell what he looked like. This was not how she treated prisoners, and this man was a Legionnaire, as she had once been.

"He's been tortured. Did one of you do this?"

The guardsman who had led her there shook his head vigorously.

"No Commander. We found him like this."

"Quick, then. Find a Marulan. Be clear that this is urgent."

She turned to the other guards who were watching.

"Bring me a bucket of water and a clean cloth."

In moments she had both items and was wiping the caked blood and dirt from the injured man's face. He moaned and for a moment his eyes fluttered open. They were light grey. Elena held her breath as she remembered what Tarion had said about the other messenger.

She recognized him then, the familiar shape of his body, the width of his broad shoulders, dark curly hair, the shape of his nose, his chin. She knew every inch of him better than she knew herself.

It was Maranus, who she had once loved.


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